Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 38 The Devil’s Former Residence

Si Wei suddenly woke up from his trance. The extremely real scene just now was just an illusory dream.

That palace, those strange creatures wandering around, those plants blooming... everything was so real, even the body of the white monster at the end was so delicate to touch, but it was just an illusion.

Si Wei remembered what the bishop had said to him before, that the power of the missionary would solve the doubts he faced for himself. Perhaps the dreams that just happened were the power of the dream eater that wanted to solve the doubts for himself.

The heavy rain had stopped at some point, and fine raindrops could still be seen sliding down the dark umbrella. There were also water stains on Si Wei's leather shoes, and the air was filled with the fragrance of rain and the blood and stench of the earth.

The sky gradually darkened and dusk approached.

Si Wei stepped on the muddy land and walked into the dilapidated farmhouse. A smell that was hard to describe came from inside, and a large number of mosquitoes and flies hovered in the darkness that was not affected by the rainstorm, making an annoying buzzing sound.

Si Wei frowned. Before he approached the farmhouse, he found two very deep gullies on the side of the farmhouse. It was as if they had been crushed by wheels, which was very eye-catching.

And judging from the depth, the weight of the things carried by the transport truck must be very heavy. What else would be moved out or moved in from this farmhouse?

Half squatting on the ground, Si Wei observed the tire marks for a while and found a not very deep footprint on the side of the tire.

Before Si Wei and Jia arrived in Accra, there was indeed a small rain here. Judging from the relatively fresh footprints, it can be inferred that the other party was transporting the truck to the farmhouse at that time.

For a farmhouse of this dilapidated level, the only goods Si Wei could think of transporting were various types of building materials. But looking around, let alone building materials, Si Wei couldn't even see any tools that could be related to repairing the building.

In other words, this was not a vehicle for transporting building materials, but other items!

But what were the so-called "other items"?

Stepping over the decayed wreckage, Si Wei remembered that the information shared by Anglison and himself was that Pansy's farmhouse was destroyed on a rainy night with thunder and lightning. As for what kind of force destroyed it, no one knew.

This has always been an unsolved mystery in Yorktown. It stands to reason that a natural disaster of this magnitude could destroy Pansy's farmhouse, and the surrounding area could not have been unnoticed, and the surrounding environment was not affected at all. It was simply impossible.

Therefore, there is only one explanation. The one who destroyed Pansy's farmhouse was an "unknown existence".

But why did the "unknown existence" destroy Pansy's farmhouse? This has become a hurdle in the hearts of Yorktown residents. Combined with the curse prophecy made by the old wizard, everyone is even more disgusted and afraid of Pansy.

Knowing that Pansy died strangely today, no one cared about Pansy's recent situation. Even if they saw him on the street, no one was willing to talk to him, and the vendors were unwilling to sell him anything. They let him go and didn't care.

This also caused Si Wei's investigation to fall into a certain deadlock, and he had to come to this place to find the key to open the next door.


Si Wei stopped, and what stood in front of him at this moment was an independent door frame. The surrounding walls had all collapsed, turned into rubble, and scattered on the ground. Only a half of the wooden door was still stubbornly connected to the hinges.

Gently pushing open the half of the wooden door, Si Wei stepped over the mossy threshold, and a strange smell hit his nose.

This smell is very difficult to describe. Ordinary people may feel nauseous and vomit as soon as they enter, and then retreat in a panic.

However, Si Wei's face did not change, and he walked into the farmhouse firmly, breaking into this god-forsaken place full of mosquitoes and flies.

The farmhouse has two floors, one for raising livestock and one for storing various items. Next to the farmhouse is a relatively simple hut. However, the hut has been completely destroyed in the rainstorm, and its previous appearance is completely unseen, so Si Wei temporarily gave up investigating the hut.

In contrast, the farmhouse is "relatively well preserved". At least Si Wei can still see that the farmhouse used to be two-story, and the hut has nothing except the wooden floor.

The second floor cannot be reached because the ladder used for climbing has become soft, and every step on it may cause the ladder to break.

On the first floor, Si Wei could not find anything worth studying. But this does not match the information given to him by Anglison, who clearly told him that he could come to Pansy's farmhouse, so that he would definitely gain something.

As it stands now, except that Pansy had carried heavy objects to the farmhouse, there seems to be no useful information.

Before Si Wei stepped on "that" thing, he thought so.


As Si Wei landed, a creaking sound echoed in his ears.

Si Wei lowered his head and felt something wrong under his feet. The moss replaced the carpet, hiding something on the ground.

Half squatting, Si Wei peeled off the moss on the ground bit by bit with his hands and saw a silver-gray object on the ground.

It was a door, a movable door that could only accommodate one person.

What is this? Si Wei had some doubts in his mind. This trap door can only pass one person, and it doesn't look like a basement for storing large items. And the location of this trap door should be near the kitchen. Could it be that the Pansy family is so rich that even the seasonings have to be stored in the basement?

This is obviously impossible, so Si Wei exerted force on his hands and lifted the long-sealed trap door.


The harsh metal friction sound echoed in this space, and Si Wei frowned, because there was an even more indescribable smell coming from the basement, which can be said to be a collection of various odors. If Si Wei were to rank the odors in his life, this smell would definitely be the first!

Rancid, fishy... Various smells mixed together, it's like the noisy smell in the kitchen of hell. This smell can't exist in the world, at least it shouldn't!

Si Wei took a look at his clothes, took off his coat, folded it and put it aside, grabbed the railing next to the trap door, and turned over to go downstairs.

As for what was waiting for Si Wei downstairs, it might be an indescribable purgatory on earth.

No one wants to stay in hell, except for the devil who has been in hell since birth.

And what Si Wei is going to witness next is the devil's... former residence.

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