Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 45 Meteorite Fragments


Norris stepped on the muddy land, and in front of him was the farmhouse of Pansy's family.

He arrived here earlier than Siwei, but the latter didn't know about it.

"Is it here?" Norris put his hands in his pockets and kicked the stones on the ground.

His purpose was clearer than Siwei. He walked quickly to the secret door of the basement, grabbed the handle of the secret door with one hand, and lifted it up.

Siwei had opened the moss directly before, so he didn't find that the three sides of the moss were actually broken. This break was caused by Norris's rough way of opening the door.

The stench came from the basement, and low sobs came from below. Norris sighed and jumped in directly without even stepping on the ladder.


Landing smoothly, Norris's eyes were focused on the key in the corner at the first time, and he also saw the bloody cow leg in his hand.

"Heh, have you finished the food reserves? You have a big appetite." Norris glanced at the pile of bones next to him and sneered.

Seeing the strange Norris, the key was obviously very nervous, and shrank towards the corner, hesitatingly asked: "You... who are you?"

"The one who came to save you." Norris briefly introduced his identity and said, "I want to solemnly inform you of one thing now, your brother is dead."

Hearing this, the key was stunned, "My... brother... is dead?"

"Yes, he is dead, so no one will deliver food to you in the future."

The key did not understand the meaning of "death", and from the second half of Norris's words, he mistakenly thought that Pansy had gone to a far place, "Then... what are you... here for?"

Norris pulled out a short sword engraved with spells and symbols from his waist, "I am here to rescue you."

Before the key could react, Norris strode forward, cut the chain that bound the key with two clean and sharp knives, and let him regain his freedom.

At the moment the chain broke, the chain and the iron block that fixed it disappeared completely, leaving only two gloomy holes.

"You can go now," Norris put away his dagger and said to the key who had not yet fully reacted, "Don't continue to increase my workload."

The key didn't understand, he didn't understand what Norris meant, "Where should I go? I can only stay here..."

What a sad word. Norris said to himself in his heart, a monster who imprisoned himself can only stay alone in a small place and cannot enjoy the beauty of this world.

And the previous self... how similar.

"You can get rid of your current fate as long as you go outside." Norris thought for a while and gave his answer, "If you can meet a guy named Siwei, maybe... you can escape the fate of being cursed forever..."


"Xiao Pai."

At night, Joe was lying on the windowsill alone, stretching out his right hand, holding an ordinary little jumping spider in his palm, as if talking to it, "Is the investigation finished?"

Although the little jumping spider did not make any sound, or even use actions to express what he wanted to say, Joe still understood and replied: "Is that so? I understand... Well, very good, you did a good job."

After hearing what Joe said, the little jumping spider jumped on the spot, then jumped off his palm and jumped to another place along the window sill.

"Sure enough, there are spies in the palace..." Joe stroked his chin and said to himself, "It seems that this matter is very serious... It must be handled properly."

The palace has not been very peaceful recently, and anyone who has something to do with internal affairs knows this very well.

As the largest cult in the empire, Pantheism has a large number of members and has infiltrated many organizations, including members of the royal family.

If the ministers or nobles in the palace are really examined one by one, it is estimated that half of them will be implicated, and the order of the empire will not be sustainable at that time.

So for the empire, their current attitude is to turn a blind eye, and they will only sanction those cult members who are too presumptuous.

This also represents a problem, that is, there will be more and more pagans in the palace. If everyone remains silent, then one day, the entire empire will be occupied by pagans.

Here we must explain a problem. Although the empire officially recognizes the existence of "unknowns" and missionaries, it does not mean that the empire has begun to worship "unknowns". Now the believers of Pantheism are still included in the list of pagans by the empire.

In short, it is a formality. Let Professor Curtis Brandt's research results be made public to avoid causing a storm of public opinion, but secretly they are still unwilling to admit that theocracy has dominated human rights.

If theocracy gains absolute control, the empire will lose most of its interests, and the nobles don't want to see this.

For the current empire, the most important thing is to quietly eliminate some pagans in the royal family and prevent them from gradually encroaching.

After pondering for a while, Qiao bit his lips, and finally closed the window and returned to his bed.

Anyway, no matter who is in power, the impact on him is the same. So... why bother so much? The person in power will definitely have a corresponding countermeasure, so I am too lazy to continue thinking.


After the three of them gradually finished their own things, Si Wei also had his own breakthrough.

After placing the key, Si Wei sat on the stone pier of the dock, looking at the sea covered with starry reflections, enjoying the gentle breeze.

The melodious whistle sounded from the other side of the sea. The lighthouse dutifully pointed out the route for all sailing ships, withstanding wind and rain, and standing firm.

Si Wei's eyes were focused on one side of the sea, where there was a hazy fog that could not be seen through, and a chilling breath was faintly emitted.

He raised his right hand flat, holding a glittering meteorite fragment in his palm.

Perhaps someone would like to ask, what is this thing.

But it doesn't matter, because more important things are in front of him.

The meteorite fragment in Si Wei's hand glowed brighter and brighter, and a thin beam of light was emitted from the surface of the meteorite fragment and sank into the depths of the thick fog.

However, there was no response.

"Sure enough... I still need the other half." Si Wei muttered to himself, put the meteorite fragment back into his windbreaker pocket and put it away, "Come back tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow... I should be able to board the ship."

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