Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 47 The Last Descendants of Haleiya

During the time Norris arrived at the Pansy farmhouse.

The basement door was opened. Si Wei slowly stroked the wall with his hand, touched the light switch, and turned it on.

The dim light illuminated the narrow and dark basement. Si Wei slowly walked towards the coffin lying quietly on the ground, and then squatted down.

As mentioned before, Si Wei realized that the golden words on the edge of the coffin were ones he had seen before, but there were differences.

The golden symbols on the blood that Si Wei saw could not be understood by him. But he was strangely able to understand every character on the edge of the coffin.

The meaning is: "If it is not the chosen person, only the apostle of the Dominator can open it."

The meaning of this is already obvious. Cthulhu is a member of the Old Ones, and Siwei is the apostle of Cthulhu, so he obviously has the power to open this coffin.

This time, he completely covered the iron locks on the coffin with his hands.

There was no feeling at all, only the coldness that reached the bone marrow and reached Si Wei's brain from the contact point between his skin and the surface of the iron lock. But he did not withdraw his hand, but stubbornly kept it covered.

In less than three seconds, a slight "click" sound reached Si Wei's ears. He retracted his palm, and there was no visible frostbite or trauma. It was as if nothing had happened.

However, the iron lock has been opened.

Si Wei took off the remaining rusty iron lock and closed the gap on the edge of the coffin lid with his fingers.

Then, use force.

In fact, the coffin lid is not heavy, and Si Wei can lift it very easily. The lid lifts away from the coffin, revealing its contents.

Inside the coffin was a skeleton that had been lying dormant for an unknown number of years.

There are subtle differences between this skeleton and normal human bones. Si Wei doesn't understand the technical terms. He can only say that its head is very different from human head bones. The eye sockets are at least twice the size of human structures. .

Its finger joints are very long, and it is not appropriate to describe them as fingers. It should be described as sharp claws.

The frame is relatively broad, and the height should be at least about two meters. It does not look like a human skeleton at all.

Combined with the information Joe gave before, these should be the aborigines of Halea City.

Si Wei's eyes did not stay on the strange skeleton for too long, but instead noticed a black crystal-colored stone protected by the skeleton's hands.

That was definitely not a product of the earth, Si Wei could confirm, because this thing gave him a strong sense of déjà vu. Although Si Wei didn't understand the meaning of déjà vu, he was certain that this thing must be related to the "unknowns"!

Putting the coffin lid aside carefully, Si Wei stretched out his hand to pick up the meteorite fragment.

But at this moment, the skeleton instantly turned into invisible dust and scattered in the air, causing Si Wei to lose his sight within a few seconds!

And the crystal clear and sparkling black crystal meteorite fragment also fell to the bottom of the coffin.

what happened? Could it be that this skeleton cannot come into contact with the air? It doesn’t look like there’s a vacuum inside, does it? I obviously opened the coffin lid so easily...

Before Si Wei could react, a beam of strong light burst out from a section of the meteorite fragments and hit the snow-white ceiling!

Without getting any feedback, the bright light disappeared in a short period of time and returned to deathly silence.

Si Wei was a little sluggish, but he quickly adjusted and picked up the meteorite fragments. Feeling the warm texture on its surface, he felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.

Now, he needed to find a way to explain what was happening here.

Otherwise, Joe and Norris will definitely doubt themselves or something. We have not yet boarded the ship of truth, and unnecessary risks must be avoided.


"Everyone, are you here?" Si Wei looked at Jia, who was the last one to walk into the basement, and said, "You came quite early today."

"Are you being sarcastic? It's already noon now." Norris glanced at his watch, "You said yesterday that you would gather in the morning."

Si Wei shrugged and said, "Anyway, everyone is here now. Let me come to my own conclusion."

As he spoke, he pointed to the coffin and made a silencing gesture, "We can board the ship tonight."

Hearing this, everyone present reacted instantly. Qiao tentatively asked softly: "Have you... grabbed the key to the door of truth?"

Si Wei nodded and took out the meteorite fragment he held in his hand last night from his pocket, "And I also found the 'Gate of Truth' from him."

"Is it such a little thing?" Jia questioned, "You didn't just pick up a stone from the ground to fool us, did you?"

"I will not do such a dishonest thing." Si Wei explained, "This is indeed what is in the coffin. I have confirmed this from the 'key', so you can trust me."

In fact, Si Wei was indeed lying, but he also knew that he was unlikely to have a friendly exchange with this group of people, so he dared to say so.

Besides, Menkey probably has no chance to meet these three people.

"Are the four of us going to try to board the ship?" Joe didn't know about this, so he asked, "The other party hasn't given us a hint to take action yet. Are we going to try to do it privately?"

"No, only the three of you."

Just as Norris was about to say that only three people could board the ship, he looked at Jia with a rather shocked look, and could not think of any reasonable reason for her to say this.

Jia continued: "The instigator behind the scenes has been targeting the three of you from the beginning. My intervention was just an accident, so I personally don't think it's necessary for me to board the ship."

Seeing that Si Wei seemed to want to keep him, after all, Jia was in the position of his assistant. Norris interrupted him quickly, "Professor Si Wei, I think Miss Greenwell is right. There is no need to involve so many people. This matter started with the three of us and ended with the three of us, which is perfect."

Si Wei saw that everyone had no objection, so he stopped insisting and said, "Well, Joe, do you know how to use this door of truth and key?"

"This... I really don't know." Joe did not get the corresponding information. It is better to say that no one can decipher the words on the coffin of Haleiya now, so naturally no one knows how to use these two things.

"I have a question," Norris asked, "What exactly is this 'key'?"

His question was obviously targeted. He had put the key out from under the Pansy's farmhouse, so he must know what it was. But Norris brought it up now, obviously wanting to bring up another topic.

Si Wei replied, "It's a person. I initially suspect that it's Peter Pansy's younger brother, because this guy should have escaped from under the Pansy's farmhouse."

"You mean... the Pansy family imprisoned the key that can open the door of truth? How is this possible? The city of Haleiya existed hundreds of years ago and fell into the deep sea. How could the key become a child of the Pansy family?" Joe's question made sense. There must be some unknown secrets in it!

For example... the Pansy family is the last descendant of the city of Haleiya.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis, and there is no information to prove it.

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