Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 6 The Lucky Few

"What did you see? This is the remnant of the previous blood stains." Jia tilted her head and raised a question.

Since Jia said so, Si Wei can also be sure that the golden lines are invisible to Jia. Is this one of the abilities of the Dream Eater?

But the Dream Eater ability mentioned by the guy who sacrificed has nothing to do with this.

Or...is this the golden finger he received as an apostle of Cthulhu?

There was no way to judge at the moment, so Si Wei could only give up on starting from this aspect, and instead changed the topic, "Let's go see if there are anyone else living here first. Maybe we can get some reliable clues."

Jia straightened up and pointed to the only store across the street that was still open, "Maybe they know something there."

Si Wei also raised his gaze and looked across the street.

It was a bakery, and fresh bread just baked in the morning was placed on the shelves, carefully decorated with edible colorings, making people's appetites whet their appetites and make them salivate.

Si Wei tidied his clothes and went to the bakery with Jia. After confirming that there was a sign with the word "Open" on the door, he opened the door.

Having said that, Si Wei's understanding of the characters and languages ​​of this world seemed to have been modified by someone. He must know nothing about the language system of this world, but every time he looks at those unfamiliar letters, the fonts will distort themselves and transform into words that Si Wei can recognize.

This should be considered a gift from the unknowns, otherwise it would be too difficult for him to learn a completely unknown language from scratch.


The doorbell rang loudly, and the salesperson at the cashier raised his head and smiled, "Hello, welcome to Ponderrie Bakery!"

The salesperson was just a young man of 17 or 18 years old who came out to work and study. He had an ordinary appearance and still had a childlike innocence.

Si Wei also noticed that he glanced in Jia's direction a few more times, and silently sighed, "This is the trouble of adolescence..."

Due to his usually cold appearance, few girls take the initiative to approach him, let alone fall in love. Except for the hands of his own orphanage teacher, Si Wei had never touched another woman.

Yes, Si Wei was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. Perhaps this was one of the causes of his mental disorder.

"Hello," Si Wei pointed to the bread on the shelf, "Are these breads fresh?"

The boy responded: "Of course, sir. The bread in our bakery is baked in the morning, and now it's noon. The stale bread from the previous day will be replaced."

"Then your costs are a bit high, right? You can't guarantee that the bread will be sold out every day."

Jia was a little confused, wondering why Si Wei suddenly started chatting with the young man.

The young man explained to Si Wei considerately: "This is why our bakery has a high reputation throughout the town. We never sell stale bread. I personally throw the remaining bread across the street every day. The garbage collection place!”

"I see..." Si Wei touched his chin, "Did you also throw the stale bread across the street on the night of September 7th?"

The young man was confused by Si Wei's precise question of the day, "Sir...why do you care about that day?"

Si Wei smiled sheepishly, "Because I want to bring a piece of bread to my friend. I heard people in the small town said that the bread here is very good, so I wanted to buy one. But my sister always said September 8th The bread she ate that day gave her a stomachache, so I wanted to come and verify it.”

As he spoke, he pointed to Jia next to him, indicating that this guy was his "sister".

Hearing this, the young man's face straightened and he bowed seriously to Jia, "If it is really our bread that made you sick, then I will apologize to you. But I can guarantee that the bread in our store is absolutely fresh. Yes, I took out the trash that night on September 7th!”

With a poker face, Jia glanced at Si Wei, which meant "you can deal with your own problems."

Si Wei hurriedly said: "It's okay. I told her that she should eat more breakfast in the morning, otherwise stomachaches will be a common occurrence. Please help me pack a donut from your store. I'll listen. Said it was pretty good.”

The young man straightened up, agreed, and walked out of the checkout counter to help him choose good-quality donuts.

"Do you like eating this?" Si Wei asked in a low voice.

Jia glanced at him and said, "Why do you ask me that?"

"Because I don't really like donuts."

"Then why did you buy this?"

Si Wei covered his forehead and let out the most sincere sigh as a time traveler, "In such a big bakery, I only know donuts..."

Jia sighed, "With so much calories, how fat do you want me to be..."

After packing the donuts and paying the price, Si Wei and Jia left the bakery and embarked on their way to another incident location.

She was extremely reluctant, but Jia still took a piece of donut and stuffed it into her mouth in small sips, "What kind of information did you collect from the conversation just now?"

Si Wei took out his notepad and signature pen and began to sort out the information, "The first thing we know is: the victim's body was found at five o'clock in the morning on September 8th, and on the night of September 7th, the young man went to throw it away Stale bread. Combined with the bakery closing time stated on the facade, we can draw a conclusion.

"That is, the time when the body appeared should be between ten o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the morning. Then...if the victim really died in the secret of Osinth Street, the opening time of Osinth Street should also be in this time period. "

Jia nodded while keeping her eyes on Si Wei's writing hand. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you left-handed? When did you get used to writing with your right hand?"

Si Wei was stunned for a moment, completely unaware of this happening.

But he quickly thought of a way to deal with it, which was to look at his right hand in surprise and shout: "Really! When did I write with my right hand?"

As long as you act more shocked than the suspects, you can get rid of your own suspicions. This is a survival skill that Si Wei has learned in life.

As expected, when Jia saw that even Si Wei was so surprised, she relaxed her guard, waved her hand, and explained to herself: "It seems that there are cases like yours where you change your dominant hand after facing the unknown. Maybe you are one of the very few. Bar."

"It's great. Not only can I change my handedness, but I can also become a missionary," Si Wei said with false emotion, "Maybe I'm one of the lucky few."

Jia took a small bite of the donut and ignored Si Wei's words.

Si Wei didn't like donuts very much, but he couldn't give all the things he bought to a woman, so he took the donut bag, endured the disgusting taste, and helped her Share these calories.

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