Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 65: The Guardian

My name is Bell Clive, and I am a policeman.

Our police station and guard team are two functional departments, one responsible for daily public security, and the other responsible for criminal tasks at critical moments.

Recently, the area around Beihai is often short of manpower, so the police station is also recruiting personnel from other places, including some former judges who "retired" from the Court of Justice.

But I am different. I was demoted and became a member of the police station.

And the place where I was demoted was not the Court of Justice, but a more mysterious place.

It's just that I am not convenient to reveal this place for the time being.

In short, I was "appointed" to go to Beihai in a sense to carry out a secret mission.

Of course, I didn't expect that my gains in this place... would be so rich.

On October 21, at 9:37:21 pm, I received a report from relevant residents that an unidentified body was abandoned at a garbage dump on Kewei Street in Manburg City.

I was on break at the time, but since I was the first police officer to receive the report, I explained the situation to my colleague and asked him to notify the police station, while I went to the crime scene alone.

The crime scene was not surrounded by many onlookers at the time, so I arrived at the first scene unimpeded.

There was a dead woman. Many parts of her skin had been bitten by some kind of rodent, and it was initially inferred that it was a rat.

But one thing I can confirm is that this is definitely not the first crime scene.

Although I systematically concealed my tracks, I could see that the body had traces of being dragged, and the blood on the body was deliberately pulled and stained with dust.

But when and where was this body dragged from?

I had no way of knowing this, but after carefully observing every scar on the body, I realized one thing.

I gently pinched the body's cheek, moved her face to the side, and found a wrong skin depression.

This kind of depression is like the mark left by squeezing acne, the skin is soft, and there is some sticky colloid.

And I have an impression of this symptom.

About seven years ago, there was a similar case in the Mossenby area, which was not taken seriously by the relevant agencies at that time, and finally caused a tragedy in which more than one-third of the residents of a town died.

All the dead at that time had the same symptoms as this corpse.

There were pustules of varying sizes in different parts of the body, and the inside of the dead's head was completely empty.

Seven years ago, I was not the one sent to investigate, so I am not too familiar with this case. It's just that the case has been taught as a textbook event to a series of agencies such as the Court of Justice that are involved in "unknowns", asking us to learn from it and not let anything be trivial.

However, according to gossip, the investigator who participated in the investigation at that time only said one sentence after returning, and then committed suicide.

That sentence was... a lot of bees.

We can't be sure whether he is talking about bees or other creatures, but combined with the recent sudden increase in the number of giant bees in Manburg City, I am confident to make the following speculation.

The real culprit who caused the tragedy seven years ago has come to Manburg City.

The reason is simple. The other party may have heard or sensed the news that the Lord of the Deep Sea is about to revive, so he came here.

After guessing this, I couldn't help but pinch the necklace on my neck. It was a small silver sculpture, and the object of the sculpture was a man holding a brilliant moon in his hand. He was half-dressed and his limbs were wrapped in thorn chains, but it was impossible to make people feel blasphemous.

Before the invasion of the so-called "unknown" culture, our local belief here has always been the spirit keeper.

The spirit keeper symbolizes the monitor who guards the gate of the Pure Land of Ascension. As long as we do enough good deeds in our daily lives, the spirit keeper will guide us to the Pure Land of Bliss to protect our next life.

The silver sculpture on my chest is the image of the spirit keeper in the eyes of the world.

Even if it is entangled with thorns, it will guide the way forward for those who do good deeds.

I believe in the doctrine of the spirit-keeping, so I naturally hate this kind of foreign religious invasion, not to mention that there are real cases that tell us that these foreign invaders have bad intentions.

These so-called "unknowns" have not brought us happiness, but endless disasters and deaths. You can see those guys who have become degenerates slaughtering innocent people, and you can see those poor people who are chased by the "unknown" in their dreams all day and night committing suicide.

If these outsiders had not invaded us, who would have seen these situations?

A tomb robber once told me that even without the "unknown", the world would still operate in this way.

I don't agree with him because his eyes are very turbid and he can only see those black things, not the colorful beauty. So I want to prove to him that as long as the "unknown" disappears, the world will return to its original appearance.

Thinking of this, I stood up.

My colleagues have already walked into this garbage dump, so my work as a police officer has come to an end.

The next thing is the work to be done as Bell Clive.


Arnold lit a Reindeer cigarette for himself. This brand of cigarettes is not expensive, but it has a smooth taste and a faint forest fragrance, which makes people feel very comfortable.


After the guys who just made trouble cleaned up the bar, a guy pushed open the door and walked in wrapped in a windbreaker.

Arnold raised his head, put out the cigarette butt, tidied his clothes, and put on a business attitude, "Hello, guest, is there anything I need?"

"I'm not here to drink." The visitor slightly raised the brim of his windbreaker and met Arnold's gaze with his clear eyes, "I'm just here to witness."

Seeing his eyes, Arnold suddenly felt a trance, and the endless memories poured into his brain like a tide. Along with the most important file in the empire, it reappeared in front of the world.

"You... are back?"

The visitor took off his hood, and his short golden hair and sea blue eyes were impressive. He responded with a clean smile, and Arnold seemed to have returned to the days before he retired from the Court of Inquisition.

"Well, I'm back."

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