Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 71: Taking Human Life Seriously

Bell lit a cigarette for himself and looked at the police officers who were moving in an orderly manner in the alley without saying a word.

He could guess what the autopsy report would look like this time: the corpse had no brain inside its skull.

Bell was the first to arrive at the crime scene because he was the first to discover the body.

This morning, Bell originally came here to buy a sandwich from a bakery, and then went to the police station to take a look. As a result, when he was walking through this alley, he always felt that something was wrong, and was drawn in by curiosity, and finally discovered this body.

No one has come to claim the body yet. It must be that a gang member died outside... Bell thought so at first, until he found a bitten body next to the neck of the muscular body. Traces of passing.

Bell made a judgment almost immediately: This is what the missionary did. During this period, there were many cases showing that the brain of the deceased was missing, and there would be a mark left on the neck of the deceased. Based on the traces of bites, it was initially determined that they were caused by the bloated bees in Manburg City.

Strangely enough, the police department had originally issued an order to kill these bloated bees. As a result, when people tried to find them, these bees seemed to have become extinct and never appeared again.

Bell rarely saw those bees anymore. He only glanced at them inadvertently. Even if he wanted to catch up, it was too late.

"Officer Clive," the chief of the police department came over. Apparently he still wanted to call him Constable Bell instead of "superior." "As the first discoverer of the scene, we need to get some information from you. News, please cooperate.”

Bell rolled his eyes. Regarding cases involving the "unknown", he had much more experience than these guys. Now he told himself that he wanted to know some information? Even if you know, what will happen?

However, Bell still had to do it for the sake of face and so on. It was not for any other reason than that he felt he should do it.

After a moment of fruitless procedural questioning, Bell walked out of the interrogation room.

The director happened to appear in the corridor at the same time as Bell. The former said hello to Bell, "Constable Clive, are you free now?"

Bell glanced at him and followed him obediently into the director's office.

After closing the door, the director immediately revealed his true side, with a flattering smile on his face, and extended his hand to Bell: "Mr. Clive, please sit down quickly."

You can change your face much faster than turning the pages of a book.

Bell didn't say these words, and just sat silently on the leather sofa.

The director sat opposite Bell and poured him a cup of black tea himself. Looking at the lingering smoke, Bell speculated that he had prepared this pot of afternoon tea long ago and specifically chose the time when he came out of the interrogation room to find him.

In this case, it must not be a simple conversation, but with some purpose.

"Mr. Clive..." Sure enough, as soon as he sat down, he said to Bell in a serious tone, "You suddenly submitted an application for leave. It's very difficult for me to handle... The current police manpower in Manburg City It's not enough in the first place. The shift schedule has been carefully arranged. Suddenly one person has to ask for leave... Not only will there be problems with the time arrangement, but other police officers will hear the gossip... It's not very good either..."

"Really? That's really embarrassing." Bell took a sip of black tea and pretended not to understand his hint.

The director wiped the sweat from his head and continued: "You also know that the situation in Beihai is serious now. Not only are the pirates rampant, but the Pantheon Cult is also instigating gangs in the city to cause chaos. Police Police officers in the department are injured almost every day, and your request for leave... is indeed very sudden."

"My request for leave was originally part of my itinerary. Director, you must not have forgotten, right? I said on the first day I came to report that in the police station, you have to treat me as if I don't exist, otherwise it will easily cause a lot of trouble in the future. . It seems that Director, you did not take my words to heart..."

As soon as he said these words, the Director's face turned ugly. Those just mentioned are just excuses. The key is that he wants to get some benefits from this matter. Being the director of the police station in Manburg City is a very risky thing. If he can not take advantage of the chaos of public security, he If the people make some money, who wants to stay here?

Now another obvious opportunity has arisen, and it would be a shame not to seize it.

"That's not true, Mr. Clive," the director quickly corrected, "it's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Who knew those gangs were causing so much trouble during this period? It was obviously not like this before."


Bell placed the porcelain cup on the tray and looked at the director with cold eyes, "You mean...blame me?"

"Is not likely to……"

"Then why are you complaining to me about these things? The people at the bottom are suffering terribly because of the fighting between Pantheon believers and gangs, but you can't see it; the missionaries are killing innocent people outside, but you can't see it; now I want to ask for leave, so why don't you stop? Did you realize that there are benefits to be gained?" Bell said without leaving any face to the director, "The police department and the guard are two different organizations. One serves the people and the other serves the empire. But the current Manburg City Police. What did the department do?

"You secretly connected with the gangs, raised prices, collected protection fees, and instigated gang fights. Is this what you should do? If there was no police badge at the door of the police station, I would have thought it was a gang impersonating!

"Director, I have been very polite to you. Don't challenge my bottom line again and again. I have my own decisions on gang matters, but if you dare to do what I just said... I will not report to my superiors, I can guarantee this."

Bell took out his bell from his pocket and shook it gently.

The crisp sound echoed in the office, and the director suddenly felt as if his heart was being tightly grasped by someone, beating hard, and even breathing was very difficult!

"I will kill you directly. "

This sentence is serious.

There are few things that can make Bell angry, but taking human life lightly is something that can make him furious in an instant.

The reason why he hates "unknowns" so much is precisely because of their indifference to living beings. They disturb the world in the name of gifts, allowing destruction and death to sweep everywhere.

Therefore, Bell will never easily forgive anyone who does not regard life as life.

The meaning of the judge in his heart has been determined, that is: to judge all the guys in this world who ignore life and death.

Climbing to the top of the Balemu Net, witnessing the "unknown", and killing the "unknown", this is the goal he will strive for in his life.

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