Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 82 Police officers and tomb robbers

"Well, it's great to be another person on vacation. It's really good to enjoy a reasonable paid vacation compared to an unemployed vagrant like me." Norris sat on the other side of the coffee table. He picked up a cookie and put it in his mouth.

Bell looked at Norris with clearly angry eyes, "Don't insult me, I came to Manburg City to perform official duties."

"Official business? What official business? I haven't seen any big changes here since you came to Manburg City."

"Because people like you will never see the advantages, and will only focus on one flaw, and finally become a person who dares to fall!" Bell said righteously, "We will never understand each other."

Norris was not interested in his words at all. The interaction between them was basically talking like a chicken and a duck, and neither one could understand what the other was saying.

Beverly had no idea about the relationship between the two, so she asked, "Do you two know each other?"

"Oh, not only do we know each other, but we are even 'lucky' to be colleagues for a period of time." Norris swallowed the biscuit, leaned back in his chair, and stretched for the afternoon, "The great Bell Clive, originally The most promising person to succeed Arnold Griffin suddenly disappeared from the empire’s list one day and joined the most mysterious organization. I didn’t expect to meet him in Beihai today.”

Listening to the mix of sarcasm and ridicule in his words, Bell's annoyance naturally increased to a higher level, "That street magician a few days ago... was you sent to test me?"

"Are you talking about Gunric Kurt? The black magician? He was not sent by me. He was just someone who wanted to find you, and I provided a channel for him."

"Arnold Griffin was also your accomplice?"

Norris glanced at him. "Don't put a high hat on me. Accomplice? I didn't commit a crime. Why do I use the word accomplice? Did you kill him?"

Being poked in a sore spot, Bell did not become angry, but calmed down and thought about something, "In this case, it's no wonder you have a protection order from the empire..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Arnold has never helped me with this matter. I only got to know him not long after he came to Beihai." Norris corrected the error in Bell's words, "The empire's protection order is I don’t want to throw any dirty water at me if I don’t expect it.”

Bell would not believe Norris's words, "Why is that magician looking for me?"

"How could I know the answer to this kind of question? I just confirmed his purpose of finding you and then helped him achieve his purpose. No matter what he said or did to you, I don't know at all. "

Bell smacked his tongue, "Although I think the things involved are not as simple as you said, it is definitely useless to argue with you about these issues. With your character, even if you know something, you will definitely not tell me. "

Norris showed a relieved expression, "You finally understand."

"But I need to know the purpose of your coming to Beihai. The current situation in Beihai is undercurrent. Do you want to get involved and get some benefits?"

Norris's tone was a little helpless, "I said, why do you always speculate on my behavior with the darkest thoughts? Such a big thing as Beihai has nothing to do with me at all, okay?"

"Then please explain clearly, what is your purpose of coming to Beihai?"

Seeing that he was so persistent in pursuing him, Norris was too lazy to hide anything and confessed it, "I need to go back to the city of Halea."

The city of Halea?

Naturally, Bell, the name of this ancient ruin, had heard of it. It was during the exploration of the city of Halea that Beverly became a missionary. The coffin of Halea was excavated by Norris.

This underwater city still has too many mysteries that puzzle everyone.

"What do you want to do?" Bell always seemed to have endless questions.

Norris was also patient and actually explained something to Bell, "Something happened in Accra, did you know?"

"There is a follower of the Pantheon, right? According to the report of the Inquisition, that person should have been killed by Beverly Shelley. And the coffin of Halea also appeared in that place. It is said that he was killed by someone. Stole it out."

"Yes," Norris let out a long breath, "The matter of the Halea Coffin involves a suspected descendant of the Halea City. I was fortunate to learn about the sinking of the Halea City during the investigation. Some news, in order to verify, I need to go back. "

His words involved some key information: the Last Descendants, and news about the sinking of the city of Halea.

Bell keenly captured these points and said: "Leaving aside what you want to testify about, this case of the missionary in Manburg City really has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Of course not, I can guarantee that." Norris said in a flirtatious tone. Anyway, he also understood that no matter what tone he used to speak, Bell would eventually go and verify it himself.

Bell looked directly into Norris's eyes and did not look away for a long time. But after a moment, he took a breath and put his portfolio on the table.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Norris was confused, and even Beverly looked at Bell with strange eyes.

Judging from Bell's attitude and actions just now, he and Norris should have sworn hatred, but why would Bell take out the file bag now?

"I need your dialectical thinking ability," Bell said straight to the point, without any ambiguity, "I hope this incident can be resolved as soon as possible, rather than me slowly pushing the truth to emerge. I, Miss Shelley and Griffin, we are personally responsible for handling this incident. Only your position has changed. This time I personally ask you for a commission."

Bell has his own values ​​on major issues. Personal hatred is placed after the people. This is also the concept that the state organs have always instilled in them. For all the people in Manburg City, Bell is willing to put aside his pride and dignity and ask for a commission from his enemy.

Norris looked at his eyes and did not make things difficult. He just asked: "Is there a commission?"

"No." Bell answered decisively.

"This is exploitation," Norris sighed, picked up the file, and said in a sighing tone, "But you have finally matured a lot."

Neither Baifuli nor Bell understood what he was saying.

From beginning to end, Norris and Baifuli did not mention Si Wei's existence in their conversations with Bell.

Norris knew that Bell was from an extremely secret agency in the empire. For the time being... he didn't want Siwei to enter the empire's field of vision so quickly, just like he didn't introduce Siwei in detail to Arnold.

He was looking forward to what Siwei could do, and he also wanted to know what Siwei's purpose was.

The guy who gathered the three of them must also be looking forward to it. If Siwei was targeted by the imperial agency, his freedom would be much smaller.

In that case, Norris would not be able to see what he wanted to see.

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