Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 84: Each doing his own job

It was dark.

No one knew where this place was, a dark and damp basement? A vast and boundless world of nothingness? Or a simple living room with the lights turned off?

There was no answer, and even the guy here didn't know where he was.

Whenever she woke up, the buzzing sound around her had disappeared. But the blood left at the corner of her mouth was so real that it pulled her back to reality from her dream.

Once again, she killed someone.

She didn't even know who she killed, but she did kill someone. When she was asleep, those guys who were buzzing in her ears dragged her broken body and turned herself into a terrifying monster in the city.

She had tried to escape again and again, but those nightmares were still following her, unwilling to let go of herself who was about to collapse!

Deep in her memory, her perception of everything began to weaken. She turned her hatred for those things into words and confided to the "unknown" in the form of prayer, so... he, who was completely lacking in inspiration, forced himself to face the miracle of the "unknown".

She couldn't describe that miracle, but since then, those things have been entangled with her, using her to kill those innocent people!

She didn't dare to open her mouth. She couldn't control her tentacle-like tongue. Those disgusting things slid in her mouth, like a living octopus, sliding on the cavity wall.

As long as she opened her mouth, those tentacles would stretch out of her mouth and greedily breathe fresh air.

She also tried to bite it off, but those things were like her real tongue, and the pain they brought was so similar... Biting her tongue to commit suicide was impossible, so how could she bite off these disgusting things?

Pain, fear, sadness, loneliness, anger, guilt...

Almost all the negative emotions that could be named gathered on her, which made more and more of those things gather around her.

Where these things came from and why they appeared in this world, no one knew, and she didn't want to figure it out.

Now he just wanted to give himself a break.

"Why... why me?"

She seemed to be talking to herself, and seemed to be talking to someone.

"It could have been someone else... but you chose me... why... why!!"

"I just want to be an ordinary person now, to survive in this world, instead of being turned into a madman who kills people on the street by you!"

"Please... let me go..."

Her voice was filled with tears, he was begging, telling the darkness everything about himself in the most humble manner.

"You can have better tools and containers... I'm just the wrong choice... please... let me go."

"No... don't go! Let me be free first! Let me leave this damn place!!"

Her screams echoed in the dungeon-like darkness, no one paid attention to her, no voice responded to her.

The only thing that existed was the loneliness and fear that came from the depths of her heart.


Arnold licked his lips. By asking his bar patrons, he barely knew where one of the guys in the file had been most frequented for some time.

However, according to those people, this guy called Arm Pattern has never been very sociable. He has basically not communicated with the neighbors around him since he moved to the lower city of Manburg City, and he has been missing for some time.

No one cares where he went. Saving his own life is the most important thing. If you can't even save your own life, what's the point of caring about others?

The houses in the lower city are very simple and crowded. Almost all the floors are squeezed together, which makes people feel suffocated.

The street does not clearly divide the sidewalk from the carriage road. It is just a dirt road. Then the two sides of the street are full of vendors, selling some cheap pure handicrafts. Maybe some small thieves put the things they stole from the upper city here, and then set a price that is not too high or too low to earn some living expenses.

Arnold was not interested in their lives. Most of the people in the downtown area were from a certain gang. They might be seen getting along well during the day, but once it was night or when gangs were fighting, they would show their ugly faces.

Arriving at the address given by the drunkard, Arnold looked up at the four-story shabby apartment. All the clothes were hung outside. There were no guardrails. Any child could climb over the window and fall down easily.

The awnings that protected them from the wind and rain were also made of coarse cloth. The colors were varied and very dirty. It was probably sewn randomly with picked-up cloth. The difference in materials could be clearly seen.

The earth-gray walls were seriously peeling off, and an unpleasant smell came from the back of the building: most of these apartment buildings did not have independent toilets. Some more conscientious landlords would reserve a room as a public toilet. But if the landlords were unconscionable, they would let all the tenants use the public toilets in the downtown area.

This also led to frequent violent cases in the downtown area at night, and the victims were often women.

Arnold also deliberately changed into cheaper clothes today to avoid becoming the target of everyone in the downtown area.

He was not afraid, but just wanted to avoid all the troubles he would encounter as much as possible.

Stepping onto the bumpy stairs, Arnold just walked up to the second floor and heard a loud knock on the door.

"Open the door! Today is the last day to collect debts! If you don't pay the money back, we will blow your door down!"

Two tall and strong men stood behind the dark blue door, dressed in typical thugs, with fierce eyes, the first choice of debt collectors.

Arnold didn't want to pay attention to the personal disputes between the downtown area, so he decisively chose to turn around and leave.

But at this time, a woman's sobbing voice came from behind the door, "Please... My husband has abandoned us. He borrowed the money. Go find him..."

"What does it have to do with us? The address we got is here. Hand over the money! This is the last warning!"

The sound of a little girl crying also came from behind the door. The woman was obviously frightened by the little girl's crying. She could hear her words of comforting her daughter through the door.

Arnold was about ten meters away, with one hand on the wall and his right foot on the steps.

"Ah..." Arnold shook his head, not knowing who he was thinking of. He put his hands in his pockets and walked leisurely to the two debt collectors.

"What are you doing?" Since Arnold did not attack suddenly, the two debt collectors saw him coming up and immediately said in a threatening tone, "Do you want to stand up? Or help pay? Could it be that... the woman inside is your lover?"

"These words are too ungentlemanly," Arnold lit a cigarette for himself and handed the cigarette box to the two people, "Want to smoke one?"



Before one of them could say a dirty word, Arnold punched him in the nose. The sound of bones breaking reached the ears of the other person, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Lady, please be more gentlemanly, thank you." Arnold glanced at the other person, "What about you? What are you going to do?"

As he said this, he slowly lifted the corner of his clothes, revealing the pistol tied to his waist.

The other person was frightened and his face changed drastically. He ran towards the stairs in a panic, and kept muttering "Please don't kill me!" and other words.

Arnold was tired of hearing this sentence.

Countless Pantheists had said this to him, but without exception, they all died in their own hands in the end.

But today, Arnold let this man go.

Perhaps it was really the years that polished his edges.

After knocking on the door, Arnold put some money under the doormat and said across the door: "I have driven the people away, and I left some money under the doormat. If you still want to live, take this money and run away. At least... don't stay in this place, those guys will always find you.

"If there is really no other way, you can go to the Seaton Bar, and the manager there can help you. ”

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