Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 87 Suspicion

Bell walked on the cold streets, listening carefully to the movements around him.

Tonight, the city of Manburg belongs to him alone.

An ominous atmosphere spreads in every corner of the city, and there seems to be something unknown hidden in the shadows everywhere.

Those fearful things that are designed to bring death to people are crawling in dark corners, waiting for opportunities.

He was holding his own handbell in his hand, but Bell held the hammer inside to prevent it from making any sound.

Darkness enveloped the city, and even the black smoke rising from the chimneys was eclipsed by the smoke.

The moans and cries that originally lingered in every corner of Manburg City during the day were hidden at night, hiding deep in everyone's heart, fearing that these sounds would bring something unknown to them.

There are eyes, staring at myself.

Every resident of Manburg City has this consciousness.

Buzz buzz...

Those annoying sounds began to fill the air.

Bell walked through the streets of Manburg City with no fear at all and his eyes were calm, as if he was facing a normal thing: just taking a walk.

He is waiting.

Bell was waiting for those sounds to approach. He was waiting for the thing hidden in the dark depths to come out and feed.

No one is stupid enough to wander around Manburg City late at night. Only those guys who have no respect for life and no fear of death will wander around Manburg City in this environment.

In this case, there is no need for Bell to save them, so he might as well let them become his bait.

In the large city of Manburg, there is only a torn and narrow shadow.

Bell stood still on the street. Under the streetlight in front of him, something squatted on the ground, surrounded by a mass of black.

"Did I finally find you?" Through the annoying buzzing sound, Bell said to the guy less than sixty meters away, "Why."

Yes, Bell asked, asking the question he wanted to ask about the monster who had killed countless people.

He was by no means a genius wandering around Manburg City on this day, but why was it only today, under the command of Norris, that he met this guy?

Norris would not be that monster's accomplice. No matter how hostile Bell was to Norris, he still knew this.

But in this case, there is no suitable reason!

The thing wrapped in black and yellow stood up, and a large number of bees came off the ground, revealing the body lying on the ground.

Another person died at the hands of this madman, this month is already the twentieth!

But Bell did not rush forward in a hurry, and kept a safe distance from the opponent, hoping to find the answer he wanted to know.

Then the monster spoke.

"Because he said...it's time, I don't have to hide anymore."

Hearing this, Bell frowned. Who does that "him" refer to? Is it male or female? What does "it's time" mean? Have we killed enough people?

Could it be that this guy is actually under the control of someone else? Or is it an "unknown" will?

Before Bell had time to think, the bees clinging to the monster suddenly peeled off part of it and gathered towards Bell's cage in a network shape!

Bell didn't move, he just shook his handbell slightly.


In an instant! All the bees seemed to have been frozen in time, staying in mid-air, not even flapping their wings!

The monster was not surprised, as if someone had told him the information in advance, so he was not surprised by Bell's suppression of the power of the gift.

In an instant, the monster was out of Bell's sight!

A gust of wind suddenly blew on Bell's face. The latter moved his right leg slightly more than ten centimeters behind him, and then lowered his waist.


The sharp wind of the fist grazed the tip of his nose, and the bee-wrapped arm passed through the air, making a sound of breaking through the air.

"Does my ringing not work on you? Or...your sequence node is too high?" Bell quickly retreated and murmured a question, "I didn't expect that there would be a preacher like you in Manburg City. Scholar...or fallen person."

The monster's movements became very stiff, as if every joint was fixed, and every movement was as uncoordinated as a puppet, and even made crackling sounds.

If Bell doesn't look at the direction of his fingers and toes, it's basically impossible to tell whether he's front or back. Those bees were swarming strangely, so densely packed that it was almost mind-numbing!

Frowning, Bell's right hand moved towards his waist.

At that moment, the monster seemed to have seen the gun on Bell's waist. Needless to say, it must be whale bone bullets specially used to eradicate missionaries, so it exerted force on its feet and pounced on its prey like a cheetah—— That gun.

However, he was wrong.

Because Bell didn't want to draw a gun at all!

The handbell held in his left hand was gently placed on the ground. As Bell fell towards him, his left palm brushed the surface of the handbell and pressed it to the ground. His right hand took out a sharp dagger from his waist and leaned on his waist. While turning around, a knife slashed through the monster's waist!


The crimson blood spurted out, and Bell rolled back to distance himself. After standing still, he glanced at the blood stains on his clothes with disgust.

The bees no longer made annoying flapping sounds, but instead made heart-wrenching chirps! Bell didn't know how they made that sound, but the screams and cries of hundreds of bees were definitely not something that ordinary humans could bear!

The dagger in Bell's hand was naturally not an ordinary dagger. On the sharp blade, those words that did not belong to the human world wandered on it, emitting a faint fluorescence.

Like Bai Fuli's hand axe, Bell's dagger was also made of special materials, which had extraordinary damage to missionaries. This was a great help for the judges who had extraordinary suppression power against the fallen.

In the hands of some missionaries, this type of weapon was better than whalebone bullets, especially for judges and night walkers with extremely high physical strength.

This time, Bell's bell was rarely ineffective. He himself didn't know the specific reason, but at least it showed that the other party was indeed a very tricky guy.

The monster didn't cover his wound, because the dense bees had already wrapped his wound, and not even a drop of blood flowed out.

Bell glanced at the position of his hand bell, then pulled out his gun with his left hand and pointed it at the monster's head.

The moment the gun was pointed at, the monster seemed to have received some kind of warning and disappeared instantly!

The moonlight disappeared.

Bell made a leap forward, dodging the overwhelming attack, and uttered a word.



It seemed that some non-existent sound resounded in every corner of the street, and the monster's body suddenly stopped all movements, and even the bees stopped moving.

"Sure enough..." Bell gritted his teeth, "It's actually a corpse... It's just being controlled by a group of bees..."

In Bell's speculation, this "monster" wrapped by bees was actually a corpse, but was wrapped by those bees and controlled like a puppet to divert attention.

In this case, the real ‘fallen ones’ should be this group of bees!

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