Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 98 Inventor

"By the way, I have something else to do. You guys can chat first." Eugene said abruptly, as if he suddenly remembered something. Then he took a bottle of wine from the wine rack and hurried up the stairs. No one knew what he was going to do.

Siwei and Gallagher looked at each other, and the latter explained: "There is a troublesome guest in Balem Apartment. He needs to be served every day. Don't worry too much."

"Really..." Taking advantage of the time when Eugene was away, Siwei finally had the opportunity to raise his doubts, "By the way, I want to ask some questions. I wonder if it is convenient for you to answer them."

Gallagher was naturally happy to answer Siwei's confusion. After all, his profession was in this area. "You can tell me what you want to ask. If I know, I will definitely not hide anything."

"Why is this apartment called Balem Apartment?"

This question has always troubled Siwei. If this apartment deliberately borrowed the name of Balem Network, the store manager does not look like he opened this apartment for fame and money. Otherwise, how could he set such a strange rule?

When this question was mentioned, Gallagher was also stunned for a moment, and gave an ambiguous answer, "This matter... you can only ask the store manager in person, I am not very clear about these things."

Even the residents who stayed in the house don't know... That's really interesting.

The two chatted for a while, and Si Wei remembered his business, "I'll go back to my own room first. After all, I haven't been back for a while, and I guess I need to tidy it up."

"Don't worry about this. As long as there is a room with residents, even if the residents are not there, Mr. Eugene will clean it diligently every day. Unless it is a place where you are not allowed to enter and exit at will, your room must be clean." Gallagher said, but he also saw that Si Wei didn't want to continue the communication, "If you want me to do divination, or something else, welcome to find me in room 402."

Si Wei nodded slightly, "I understand, thank you for your care."

Say goodbye, Si Wei walked up the stairs with his suitcase, and just passed by Eugene.

Eugene returned to the bar with sweat all over his forehead and looked at Gallagher, "Has Professor Si Wei returned to his room?"

"Yes, he should have some valuables to pack, after all, he is a professor after all."

When it comes to Si Wei's professorship, Gallagher is also a little curious, "Hasn't it been rumored before that Professor Si Wei of Nanyoku University is a weird, arrogant and eccentric person? I met him in person today, and I feel that he is completely different from the rumors!"

Eugene shrugged, "How can I know this? But Professor Si Wei is definitely a distinguished guest here, and I have never regretted letting him stay at Balem Apartments. Now he looks more mature and stable than before, which may be a good thing."

Distinguished guest...

Gallagher looked at the empty stairs, and Si Wei's figure seemed to still remain there.


Balem Apartments, Room 606, belongs to Si Wei.

Every room in Balem Apartments is different. Eugene seems to have studied the preferences of each resident, so the decoration of the room is also carefully selected, which is very in line with the residents' aesthetics.

Fortunately, the original owner's aesthetics did not deviate from Si Wei's three views, and it was a very classical European style. The living room is at the entrance, with a leather sofa that can accommodate three people, and independent single chairs on both sides, surrounding a solid wood coffee table.

Whether it is the ceiling or the floor, the exquisite colors and materials give rise to the restrained elegance.

The washroom and bathroom are together, while the toilet is an independent room. The configuration of a kitchen, bedroom and study, a living room, a bedroom and four rooms is too luxurious for an apartment that does not charge rent.

"This environment is so good... Is there really no rent? Or was the original owner deceived..." Si Wei couldn't believe it. It turned out that there are really people in this world who would make such a crazy move in pursuit of their beliefs.

For this kind of apartment, Si Wei doesn't think it's too much to charge a few thousand lems a month for rent. After all, there are special "cleaners". If you are not rich, you may not choose it easily.

A faint lavender scent wafted through the room. Si Wei sat on the sofa, put his suitcase on the coffee table, took out some clothes and unnecessary things, and left only some necessary items inside.

Although Si Wei didn't think he would live here for too long, since he had found a place to stay, it was still necessary to tidy up his house.

After taking a shower in the bathroom and changing into clean and comfortable clothes, Si Wei had nothing to do, so he carefully wiped the new stains on his leather shoes with a paper towel.

Now Si Wei seemed to only have to wait until the royal celebration a week later. Before that, he had basically nothing to do unless he made trouble for himself.

But before Si Wei went to find trouble himself, trouble found him first.

Knock, knock!

A rapid knock on the door pulled Si Wei out of that moment of peace. With a puzzled look on his face, he walked to the door of the room, turned the doorknob, and opened the door.

Outside the door was a middle-aged man with greasy hair and a slovenly face. His clothes were messy and even the buttons were not buttoned. "Hurry up! Come with me!"

Come? Where to?

Si Wei was stunned for a moment. The man grabbed Si Wei's arm and dragged him out of the entrance in slippers, all the way to room 203.

The door of Room 203 was not closed, probably because the man was in a hurry to find him.

This room was even messier than Si Wei's room, with papers and some miscellaneous parts all over the floor. If you didn't know, you would think it was robbed by a thief.

The man pulled Si Wei across the living room and came to a room inside. This room looked like a reduced shooting range. The space left for Si Wei to stand was relatively narrow. A desk was placed in front of him with a pistol on it.

Opposite the desk was a wall full of bullet holes. Only the target hanging on the wall was intact, but it was covered with some dust. I don't know whose shooting skills were so inaccurate.

"Quick! Try this thing!" The man's tone was full of joy and excitement, urging Si Wei like a child who got a new toy.

Si Wei did not act rashly, but asked first: "Sir... May I ask what is going on?"

"Sir? You called me sir?" The man hesitated for a moment, and looked at Si Wei's face carefully, "I wouldn't make a mistake... Room 606... Is your name Si Wei?"

So it's the original owner's friend...

Si Wei was relieved and explained calmly, "It's like this, didn't I go to other places for inspection in the past few months? I suspect that I was affected somewhere, so my memory is still very confused now, and I may not remember you very well."

This statement is very confusing, but it's hard for people to find fault with it, but it's hard to convince people.

Fortunately, the man was not such a nitpicker. He just showed some regret on his face and introduced himself, "In that case, there is no way. Let's just treat us as friends who just met for the first time. My name is Alexander Waff, an inventor who is passionate about scientific research and inventions!"


Siwei nodded, "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Waff."

"Just call me Alexander!" Waff finished these formal words and continued hurriedly, "Since we know each other now, please help me test the power of the new weapon!"

Siwei shouldn't say whether Waff is familiar or outgoing. He can only walk to the table, pick up the pistol, and look at it carefully.

This is a silver-painted revolver with a slender barrel. It feels cold to the bone.

The grip is more in line with the human body structure than Siwei's pistol, and it is more comfortable to hold.

"Try it! You are the most accurate shooter I can find!"

Really... Who made the bullet hole on the wall, yourself?

Si Wei took a deep breath, held the gun with both hands, and aimed at the target based on the feel and muscle memory of his previous shootings.


The bullet broke away from the muzzle and poured into the target at a considerable speed, leaving a deep mark.

The target was divided into ten rings in total, and Si Wei hit five rings, which was much better than the bullet holes on the wall.

"Well... Even you can only hit five rings? It seems that the accuracy needs to be calibrated..."

No, it's just that I don't have much shooting experience. Si Wei thought to himself, not everyone can hit ten rings every time they shoot a gun for the first time, that's called a monster.

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