Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1170: Brush the destiny

"Hey, I seem to have missed something interesting..."

That is the laughter of a girl.

This voice has been heard by Luo Zheng. When he first used the roaring order, the girl had responded to herself and had sang a beautiful song.

Then, the girl seems to have been silent for more than a year.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the voice of the girl resounded again.

"Nothing is just being besieged by a bunch of Tianzun," Luo Zheng responded with a roaring order.

Besieged by a pile of Tianzun...

Luo Zheng was so indifferent, suddenly let the whole universe, a myriad of intelligent creatures aphasia.

As for the Tianzuns who are rushing back to their homes at this moment, they all show an indifferent expression on their faces. They are naturally very angry at the moment, but what about anger? It is impossible to extract Luo Zheng from the space magic, they are still helpless.

This guy not only has an indestructible space magic weapon, but also an infinite number of roaring orders. They have no way to take Luo, and this Luo Zheng can still be in the universe all day long!

Heavenly honors, feel the grievances that have never been seen before!

"Great!" The mysterious girl boasted.

"Generally," Luo Zheng's voice was light, and after he finished, he placed the roaring order in front of him.

If it is not necessary, Luo Zheng will not respond to this mysterious girl, he has nothing to do with the mysterious girl itself, and the two are only through the roaring to exchange each other once.

It’s just that Luo Zheng understands that the roaring command that the girl’s hands control should be the same as her own roaring order, and can be used indefinitely.

Luo Zheng’s roaring order is passed down to Master. This is not the product of this round of heaven. The roar in the hands is the same as that of Xianfu.

Therefore, Luo Zheng guessed that this mysterious girl is not a singer...

She may also be beyond the existence of heaven.

Luo Zheng wants to communicate with her the only purpose, there is only one, that is to pursue the movement of Luo Wei!

"It's just normal. This is a group of heavenly lords. The supreme beings in the universe. I look at it. I have lost those few fate, um... the fate of the shadow, the fate of the darkness, the fate of the power and the fate of the earth. These four...you are really amazing!"

When the mysterious girl’s sentence was just spoken, all the gods in the universe, including the ignorance of the landlords, suddenly changed!

The origin of this mysterious girl has always been a mystery...

Before she was bored, she used the roaring sing to sing and sing, which caused the animal tide.

Anyway, many Tianzun also know that this mysterious girl's origin is absolutely extraordinary, it must be an unattractive role, but she has too little understanding of her, not to mention that no one is free to do nothing, will roar and not count, waste On the point of conversation with her meaninglessness, there are not so many roaring orders in the universe. The roaring of the key moments is always not enough.

But now this mysterious girl, casually pointed out these four fate, this meaning is different!

Carrying destiny is actually a causal law in the universe, carrying the **** of the law of causality, in this field is the absolute authority, controlling the ultimate power of this category of law.

The fate of the shadow is the crown of the destiny of the shadows, so the shadow of the sky is in control of the most powerful "shadow" in the universe. In theory, he can divide his shadow infinitely and fill the whole world. in……

However, this means may be used to destroy the family, or to destroy a large world, but for other Tianzun, it does not make much use.

After all, there are more points, not as powerful as the body. This is not to blame the shadows. I am not good at it. It’s just that the fate that he carried at the beginning was weak, just like the five-day battle of the genius. Out of the instinct, they are constantly moving in the shadows, but those parts have just appeared, they are involved in the other Tian Zun's offensive, the cleaned out, and finally can not escape.

As for the secret of the darkness, it controls the limits of the law of darkness, and the destiny of life and the destiny of the earth have their own magical effects, but after all, they belong to a relatively weak class of causality.

When these four heavenly gods fell, the destiny was removed from the heavens, and the four new heavenly crowns were transformed into illusion...

In this new crown of destiny, a new destiny and a new law of causality will be created.

In this new crown of destiny, the hidden destiny will not be repeated. This new law of causality may be the law of causality in the lower order, or it may be a higher causal law!

If a landlord carries a superior causal law, then this landlord is likely to become the most powerful superior **** in the universe. This possibility is too horrible to directly change the fate of a race...

The heavenly family is using this rule to make a superb race from a first-class race!

At the beginning, there were two heavenly lords in the heavenly family, but one of the sacred laws that Tianzun possessed was a destiny!

The law of causality can resurrect the dead.

This law of causality is not particularly powerful. After all, this causal law does not exert much effect in the battle.

But at the beginning of the heavenly family, there was an extremely powerful landlord who won the title of "Golden Heaven" in the tower of talent. The landlord has been waiting for the opportunity to bear the fate.

After waiting for almost 200,000 years, there was finally a **** who fell, and the landlord also waited for this opportunity. The heavenly family won the crown of this fate, and let the landlord succeed in carrying the destiny. The result is quite unsatisfactory.

Because it carries a lower causal law, it belongs to the crown of the comparatively subordinated destiny. He is only a subordinate Tianzun in his life...

Then the heavenly family killed this person.

Then the one who has the "life to heaven" will resurrect him.

After he died, the heavens shook, the crown of destiny dissipated, and after the resurrection, he returned to the realm of the realm from the "Tian Zun".

Soon after, the crown of life on the day of dissipation reappeared, once again captured by the heavenly family, and then once again bearing the destiny, but this landlord is still not satisfied, the second bearing of the crown of destiny, is still a lower causal law!

Kill again, then resurrect, and then bear the destiny...

The full use of this rule by the heavenly family is to "brush" out a variety of bizarre destiny.

For example, you can see the crown of the destiny of all the souls, and for example, you can control the crown of the destiny of the movement of stars, what is the bizarre of the celestial destiny, and even a destiny, which is actually the fate of the sound, bearing this round of destiny, You can spread your voice all over the place anytime and anywhere. You don't need to use the roaring order. The roaring is a good thing, but it is only too much to be a godly deity.

Most of the crowns of the destiny are of little use, or in the eyes of the heavenly family.

Repeated thirteen times, the crown of this destiny also dissipated thirteen times, thirteen times, and the thirteenth time, the heavenly family finally brushed out a superior causal law, which is also the most powerful among the universe. A causal law, and finally let this landlord achieve the superior heaven!

And he eventually became the patriarch of the heavenly family, and he has always led the heavenly family to stand up to the present...

After the rule of the day used this rule, other powerful races are also eager to follow suit, such as the Mozu and the Nightmare, and the Terran want to use this method to create a superior Tianzun.

It is very difficult to bring the dead back to life. But a race can still do it at a considerable price, but it is not as casual as a heavenly family.

The human race "the gods have no thoughts", after gaining a crown of destiny, also elected a landlord to carry the destiny, and achieved the heavenly deity, in the case of dissatisfaction with this fate, they will be the master Killed and then resurrected, only to find that they could not resurrect this landlord...

Except for "the gods have no thoughts", the demons and demon nights have all done the same experiment, and finally they all come to a conclusion that the warrior carrying the destiny cannot be resurrected after being killed!

The same means, but completely different results!

After many deliberations, many Tianzuns came to the same conclusion. It seems that after the heavenly family used this rule to "cheating", Tiandao revised its own rules. This loophole no longer exists.

But this also illustrates a problem. Heaven itself is thinking, and it seems to constantly repair itself.

Or, someone is managing this round of heaven, when this person discovers this loophole, he will change the rules of Heaven and do not let the Tianzun use such means to obtain the upper cause and effect law!

Who is this person? where is he?

This answer has always been a puzzle...

But listening to this mysterious girl, she knows the truth of this road!

Is she the manager of this heaven?

Combined with her singing, it can cause the eruption of the beasts in the 100,000 worlds. In addition to her infinite use of roaring orders, many Tianzun hearts have come together to get this answer.

Luo Zheng did not know the title of the destiny, involving so many problems, but only after smoking the analysis to Luo Zheng, he realized it!

If this mysterious girl is a manager of Heaven, he would like to ask directly... but he has not spoken yet, and other Tianzun has been unable to hold it.

"Little girl, you didn't come to the scene. How do you know which tribes are falling, what are the fate of dissipating?" One Tian Zun used the roaring to ask.

The mysterious girl smiled. "Do you want to know?"

"Yes..." said the day.

"Reassured, will not tell you," the mysterious girl replied, adding a sentence, "You guys, don't yell at me and ask me?"

When the words are spoken, the gods who are scattered in the 100,000-strong world have a hint of anger on their faces. After all, they still can’t attack. These young people are more rude than one, and one is more perverted, whether it is Luo. The levy, as well as the mysterious girl, are all difficult to provoke.

"Oh..." Hearing the answer from this mysterious girl, Luo Zheng also smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" The mysterious girl turned her finger at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng smiled and said, "I didn't laugh at anything, but Luo had something to do."

What Luo Zheng never imagined was that he had not asked for an exit, and the girl was the first to say: "Looking for Luo, right?"

This answer, so that Luo Zheng's heart beat speed suddenly increased several times, she seems to know what!

"Yes, I am looking for a woman named Luo Wei. Do you know her existence?" Luo Zheng said silently. Although his voice is quiet, he is actually very excited, and this kind of excitement is hard to cover up!

However, the answer of the mysterious girl made Luo Zheng full of disappointment.

"I don't know, but you said in the last time in Haoyu, I am looking for Luo Wei," the mysterious girl seems to feel the emotion of Luo Zheng, and there is some smugness in the voice.

This time, not only those days are so angry, even Luo Zheng also wants to grind her teeth...

Smoked is a cold sigh, looking at the deep sky and said: "Don't ignore her, another idiot woman!"

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and he was ready to put the roaring orders away. I didn't expect the mysterious girl to open again. "But I can help you ask, but there is a condition!"



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