Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1178: Star 璇 fine iron

This sword embryo is a forged star-shaped fine iron. When the eyes of the refining **** fall on it, it seems to be stuck by the star-shaped fine iron, and it can no longer be removed.

The sword embryo belongs to the rough embryo. In the endless years, it absorbs the flame in the hearth, and it also emits colorful light!

The process of refining together is very complicated.

The process of forging a sword is also quite a lot, and the higher the grade of the refined material, the more troublesome the process of refining!

The most important one is smelting!

There are many incredible materials in the world, such as this "star 璇 fine iron", which is taken from a kind of star called "dark star". This dark star is very small and does not emit light itself. It is very difficult to find dark stars.

But the material above this dark star is surprisingly heavy.

A piece of material that is often the size of a fingertip, the weight of which is comparable to the weight of a hundred thousand mountains!

A substance that is so dignified is almost indestructible...

If you get a piece of star 璇 fine iron, it is very difficult to save even after all, after all, it is too heavy...

There was once a peerless strong man who took a piece of star-shaped fine iron from the bare dark star, but did not store the star-shaped fine iron. This piece of star-shaped fine iron fell to the ground, and it directly penetrated the ground. Form a small hole in the ground, but the depth of this hole is not known!

How to store the star-shaped fine iron is indeed a big trouble. Some people have tried to put this star-shaped fine iron into the space of the sacred space, but the weight of the horror instantly makes the space of the shackle collapse.

However, the way people think of it is that the warriors have always overcome one after another in the world!

Some people used a weaker material to create a bracket, and the star-shaped fine iron was placed at the top of the bracket. Then, under the bracket, 300,000 giant woods were used to create a giant chassis. This rectangular chassis has condensed eight million lines of god...

The weight of the star-shaped fine iron is supported by the bracket, and the bracket transmits the weight to the huge chassis, and then activates eight million lines of gods, which are used to alleviate the Upper pressure!

Even so, when the piece of star 璇 璇 刚刚 刚刚 刚刚 托架 托架 托架 托架 托架 , , , , , , , 时候 时候 时候 时候 时候 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇

Until the eight million lines of gods are all activated, forming a strong force of floating, the ground stops the lower limit, and this piece of stellite iron is supported...

But eight million lines of gods are consuming the true yuan jade every moment, keeping this piece of star-shaped fine iron in the big world. Every day, the real yuan jade will consume 10,000 pieces, and one year is also A huge expense!

This star-shaped fine iron in front of you is lying in the center of the refining furnace like this...

The weight of it is inevitably applied to the refining furnace, and the weight of the refining furnace is applied to the ground of the refining workshop, which weight should bear!

Refining the Son of God walked around the refining furnace for a few laps, but said the origin of the star 璇 fine iron!

It was Luo Zheng, Mu Yanxue including smoked and surprised, only Afu's face was light, this kind of thing, Afu see too much, it is not surprising.

However, Luo Zheng is the master of Xianfu now, and he naturally does not speak like this.

"No wonder..." Luo Zheng’s heart is also awkward.

This star-shaped fine iron is placed here, just like a common thing. This shows that the structure of the entire Xianfu is also strong enough to the extent that Luo Zheng can't imagine. It is no wonder that a group of Tianzun bombarded for a long time outside, and a large Xianfu is Silk does not move!

After the refining of the Son of God, his face was showing a sad face. "I see this sword embryo here for countless years. This thing is so heavy, I can't process it with my ability, let alone forging, I I can’t move it at all...”

Just a small piece of star-shaped fine iron, the weight is already horrible to an unimaginable degree. At present, this sword embryo is up to four feet long, so the weight... I am afraid that one side is hard to bear!

When he heard the refining of the Son of God, Luo Zheng also took it for granted, and smiled at the same time: "Even if it can be processed, I am afraid I can't lift this sword..."

When Afu heard the words of the two people, he went to the corner of the refining workshop and took out a light blue caliper.

This is a very common caliper, but since it appears in the refining workshop, it is not necessarily ordinary...

Like the blazing flame in this hearth, the calipers made of ordinary metal are slightly touched, I am afraid it will be directly destroyed, but Afu put the light blue calipers into the hearth, and firmly clamp the sword embryo with a caliper. Smiled a little, "You can try it."

When the refining son sees it, he stretches out his sharp claws. The body he created for himself exists for the sake of the refiner. These claws can just grasp the end of the caliper and then refine the god. I want to use this caliper to lift it up...

The result is obvious, this sword embryo is not moving at all!

It seems to be embedded in the refining furnace, can not move even the distance of a hair!

Mosaic, nature is an illusion, can only say that this piece of sword embryo is too heavy, heavy to the point that can not be measured...

If you have to estimate the weight, according to the refining son, a piece of star-shaped fine iron with a fingertip size will have the weight of 100,000 mountains. So the sword is afraid to have tens of millions, or even tens of millions. The weight of the mountain!

If anyone can pick up this sword, I am afraid that I have the strength to raise one side of the world!

The refining son dismantled his hands and let them go aside.

Luo Zheng immediately took the caliper from the hands of the refining **** and looked at the four-footed sword embryo. Luo Zheng also clamped the caliper on the sword embryo, and then his gaze condensed slightly. All the dragon scales are fully activated and emerge from his arms!

At this moment, Luo Zheng explodes all his powers, and the muscles in his body seem to be inflated, swell, and the bones are faintly audible...

"It still didn't move," Mu Yanxue, not far away, stared at the sword embryo, gently shook his head, and Luo Zheng's strength was no longer large. He couldn't lift a big world, how could he Move this sword embryo?

In the end, Luo Zheng could only release his hand, his face showed a helpless smile, and he returned the caliper to Afu.

Afu put the caliper in place, but when he returned to the refining furnace, he had another caliper in his hand...

It was a black caliper, and there seemed to be a road on the surface of the caliper.

"This caliper is made of wood?" Luo Zheng's face showed a curious color.

Many people know that firewood and wood, even metal forged calipers, I am afraid that in this colorful flame will melt instantly, this caliper made of wood, is it not burned in an instant?

"Master, you can try it first," Afu laughed.

Luo Zheng nodded and reached out to pick up the caliper, his face was a sudden change, "Hey? This caliper... no weight!"

Everything in this world has weight...

Even the air, there is also the weight, the clouds floating in the sky, if they are condensed together, will turn into water, and the weight of the water is equal to the weight of the cloud, paper, Hong Mao, although very light, but there is still a certain weight!

However, the caliper in the hands of Luo Zheng was a bit too light. Anyway, Luo Zheng was caught in his hand, not the feeling of "light fluttering", but he could not detect the weight of the caliper.

Afu continued to laugh: "Master, you can use this caliper to try!"

Luo Zheng looked at the caliper, and his heart was extremely curious, but since Afu said so, he just looked at it a few times and put the caliper into the hearth, and once again caught the sword embryo!

When the caliper just caught the sword, a strange feeling was passed on Luo Zheng’s hands...

It seems that at this moment, the sword embryo itself also lost weight! He controlled the caliper and gently lifted it down. The sword embryo was lifted by Luo Zheng and it was pulled out of the hearth!

Above the sword embryo, there is also a colorful flare. This sword embryo is just a rough embryo. The surface is pitted and its appearance is not good, but no one will doubt it. When this sword is processed, it will become a peerless soldier!



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