For this kind of proposal.

Luo Zheng also just smiled, and the cloaked warrior said to Luo Zheng: "What are they doing, this gang of waste dogs can't spit out ivory!"

"My fault," Luo Zheng did not speak anymore.

Seeing the attitude of these two Terran martial artists, there was a hint of anger in the face of the lord and the Lord. After thinking about it, it was the first two steps, and the huge head was brought over and laughed and said: "You... No regrets!"

The cloaked warrior suddenly raised his hand in front of his nose: "To tell the truth, a little regret!"

The lord and the lord gave a slight glimpse, and they heard that the cloaked warrior continued: "Because your mouth is too stinky..."

The Lord of the Mozu was finally completely irritated. He stood upright and snarled: "You, follow these two people, as long as they leave the city, they will kill innocent!"

"Yes, less master!"

All the demon warriors present at the scene, after hearing the orders of the young masters, were kept by Luo Zheng and the cloaked warriors.

The time of an hour passed quickly.

At this moment, around the city in the fantasy battlefield, the blue light curtain disappeared at the same time...

Many warriors can't wait to get out of the city, and the next step is endless killing!

"Time is up, go out of town?" The cloaked warrior said to Luo Zheng faintly.

Luo Zheng nodded slightly, and then both of them got up at the same time and walked outside the city along the streets of Dacheng.


Luo Zheng went forward, but noticed that a reddish stream of light in the sky flew back from the city.

These warriors are the warriors who were killed outside the city.

According to the rules of the fantasy battlefield, after the death outside the city, the body will dissipate, and it will turn into a streamer to return to the city, and will soon be resurrected...

For the younger generation of warriors, this is not only a holy place to compete for strength, but also an excellent experience!

When Luo Zheng and the cloaked warriors got up and walked out of the city, there were two teams of demon warriors behind them. They were followed by the command of the lord and the Lord. It was necessary to kill them after they left the city.

However, they are not clear about the characters of the two personal warriors in the front!

"I don't want to play against you for the time being," the cloaked warrior was on the left side of Luo Zheng, and the gate was close at hand, but he said so.

"It doesn't matter, I can wait," Luo Zheng responded faintly.

"That's good," the cloaked warrior laughed very happy.

Other warriors usually rush out of the city gate, either to their own goals, or to leave the city quickly. In short, they are extremely vigilant and will never stay in front of the city gate.

However, after the two men stepped out of the city gate, they still kept a slow pace and marched forward!

The two men’s actions were to confuse the Mozu warriors who followed them. The Mozu warriors originally thought that Luo Zheng and the cloak teenager would escape at a time. They were still wary of this trick, but These two people seem to regard the last ten demon warriors as the air...

Is this emboldened? Still stupid?

"The command of the Lord and the Lord, kill them, go out once in the city, kill once, and completely light up the dream light of them!"

The head of a demon said, his voice fell, and all the demon warriors rushed toward the two.

At this time, Luo Zheng and the cloak warrior turned at the same time, both of them showed a similar smile on their faces, that is, the wolf saw the smile of the sheep...

Luo Zheng did not use a sword.

He just used a chaotic gas to condense a wind blade and slowly rotate at his fingertips!

This is a light blue, unremarkable wind blade, for these gods and seas, it is like a blade of death!


The demon warrior in front of him is not a sheep, but a grass. They can't see Luo Zheng's figure. His life is like a mowing, and he is quickly harvested!

And the cloaked warrior left the pipe behind him. He also never used his own weapon. He just turned out his hands and palms, turned out countless handprints, and gently tapped on the heads of these demon warriors, or chest, tight. Then came a time when the bones were broken. These demon warriors were like watermelons, crushed by his handprints...

When these demon warriors die, the flesh will dissipate, and then a lot of yellow spots and a red spot will emerge from it!

A red light spot wraps the soul of the warrior and slowly flies back to the city to resurrection.

Those yellow spots are scattered, and they are gathered toward Luo Zheng and the cloaked warriors. This yellow light point is the dream point of the fantasy battlefield!

The first stage of the entire fantasy battlefield is ranked by dream points!

When the fantasy battlefield is in its initial state, each person has the same number of dream points, that is, one hundred points!

After death, the fantasy points will be dissipated by half, reduced to fifty points...

Once again, the number of dream points is reduced to twenty-five points, and this is halved in turn, until there is no more!

The cloaked warrior killed five Mozu people. The five Mozu people also went out of the city for the first time. There were a hundred dream points in the body. Each person contributed half of the dream points. He absorbed two hundred and five. Ten dreams.

Luo Zhengqi killed six people, naturally absorbed three hundred points, plus his own one hundred points, it is four hundred dream points.

At the same time, there was a thought in Luo Zheng’s mind. The thought was to tell Luo Zheng, his current ranking...

"The total ranking is 8.8 billion...and in this big world, the ranking is 1.9 billion..." Seeing this ranking, Luo Zheng’s face also showed a faint smile, and the ranking was too low. I did not expect this dream battlefield just opened, and the warriors are so desperate!

As for the cloaked warrior, his face is also showing a helpless smile. He killed five demon warriors, and the ranking will be lower than Luo Zheng.

However, the two did not care too much about this ranking...

The fantasy battlefield is just just opened...

The number of dream points in these "grass" is too small, and their goal is sheep.

Sheep can eat grass to get fat, then wolves eat sheep, can fatten faster...

At the same time, the strong men of all races in the whole universe are paying attention to the ranking on the pyramid!

Although the fantasy battlefield only opened less than a musk time.

Most of the names are still lying at the bottom of the pyramid, and some people's names have slowly taken off, and their names are also climbing rapidly on the pyramids.

After Luo Zheng and the cloak warrior killed these demon warriors, they were at the gate of the city.

Most of the military are concentrated in the city. It is the fastest way to accumulate dreams by collecting dream points as soon as possible and keeping people at the gates of the city.

However, the means that the two showed themselves were too fierce.

Inside the original city gate, there are a large number of demon warriors ready to leave the city, or consider whether to leave the city...

As a result, I saw a **** scene at the gate of the city!

A group of self-defeating Rao Yong’s demon warriors were suddenly shocked, and they were out of the city with their strength. Was it not the object of slaughter?

So all of them are stuck in the city, refused to come out!

Because the front of the demon warrior blocked the road, the behind the demon warriors could not go out of the city, the rear of the demon warrior did not know what happened in front, they began to scream!

But no matter how the warriors in the back yell, the former warriors are not willing to leave the city. In the end, a large number of warriors can only choose other gates...

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng also knows that his wishful thinking is frustrated, and people are not fools. They stand naked at the gate of the city, they will not rush to hire themselves to slaughter, although this dream battlefield will not Real death, life is not worth the money, but always loses dreams.

After the two people had no choice but to look at each other, they could only leave the city gate, but the directions they left were different.

The two of them also know that there will be a battle between each other, but this battle is obviously not at this time, at least until the other party has accumulated enough dream points, this battle will be worth the shot!

After leaving the city gate, Luo Zheng chose a route to continue at a speed that is not too slow, but he is thinking about how to accumulate dream points faster.

Standing at the gate of the city, it is obviously unrealistic. Killing one person is only fifty points, and the warrior who has been washed once by blood will kill again. The dream point will be reduced again. Only the second kill will be only twenty-five. No, this is definitely not the way...

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng’s eyes fell on a hill not far away. After a slight thought, he leaped over the hill.

"I seem to be too anxious, the sheep have not yet fattened, the wolf has no fattening... can wait! After the fattening."

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