Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1198: Ancient temple

When Luo Meng’s dream points were deducted, his rankings began to fall wildly.

The names in the pyramids rise and fall, and it is also normal, the ranking of the mega-martials, or many dream points, and one dream point will differ by tens of thousands of places.

If it is a general warrior, the sudden drop in ranking may not attract people's attention.

However, the top-ranking warriors are ups and downs, and everyone also infers the victory and defeat between the warriors based on this ranking!

For example, Xuanyuan morning wind, which was ranked first, suddenly fell from the top of the pyramid, and it has fallen to more than 40,000...

The warriors in the universe are speculating that this Xuanyuan morning breeze should have been killed once!

Killing half of the lost dream points, this Xuanyuan morning breeze can still be kept at 40,000, I can imagine that his accumulated dream points are unimaginable.

But who was killed by Xuanyuan Morning Breeze?

Who can kill the Taoist gods without words?

People outside are ignorant...

Luo Zheng’s ranking is not in the front, but there are still many warriors who are silently paying attention to him.

The name of Luo Zheng suddenly disappeared! Many of the warriors who originally focused on Luo Zheng were also very confused. Can this Luo Zheng’s position of 3.9 million be unable to maintain?

In the eyes of the clouds, there is also a trace of erroneous color. Is Luo Zheng also killed by people?

She followed this ranking and started looking down all the way!

Luo Zheng was killed once, and the dream points lost half. She was able to infer how many names Luo lost!

However, she injected the perception into the pyramid and searched down the ranking all the way. She found 12 million people and still could not find the name of Luo Zheng!

She is even more confused.

Even if it is killed once, it is impossible to fall to more than 10 million in a short time! Could it be that Luo Zheng was killed twice in a short time?

Killing once, the resurrection still takes a while, and the possibility of Luo Zheng being killed twice is not great... The cloud is also puzzling.

There is not much anxiety in the cloud. This Luozheng has always been the case. Before the inheritance of the fire, Luo Zheng’s ranking was extremely backward. Soon after, it was not quickly rushed up. She just can't figure it out!

In the fantasy battlefield...

There are only more than 10,000 dream points left in Luo Zheng.

It’s not that hard to earn 10,000 dream points in this fantasy battlefield.

Luo Zheng also specifically inquired about his ranking. In this world, he fell directly to more than 40 million... and the ranking in the entire fantasy battlefield is 2 billion!

"But it," Luo Zheng shook his head.

Anyway, 300,000 dream points have been taken away, and I hope to explore this cave to receive a return!

When those optical ray absorbs the dream light spot, it gradually turns into a six-winged worm, which is completely condensed by the yellow light, and floats quietly around Luo Zheng.

When the six-winged light worm appeared, the resistance applied to Luo Zheng disappeared quietly.

After losing the resistance, Luo Zheng took the pace and got into the cave...

The cave in front of it is not large, and it is only about one foot wide. This road is a narrow downhill road.

On this road, there is a white rotation every ten feet.

When Luo Zheng saw the first rotation, Luo Zheng’s heart suddenly sinks. Doesn’t it take 300,000 dreams every time it clears an optical rotation? If this is the case, I am afraid that he will not be able to make up so many dream points.

Luo Zheng’s worries did not happen. When he approached those optical rotations, he did encounter a force majeure resistance. However, the six-winged light-worm that accompanied the Luo Zheng all the way to the white rotation. The white light is directly absorbed, and the resistance is once again disappeared.

"You need this little bug to get into the depths of this cave all the way..." Luo Zheng noticed the ability of the six-winged light worm, a faint sinking.

The circular rotation of the road is absorbed by the six-winged light insects, and Luo Zheng is also moving along the only road in this cave!

Ten feet...


Soon after, Luo Zheng came to the depths of this cave.

And in the depths of this cave, there is an ancient temple...

Although in the depths of the ground, and the old temple looks extremely broken, there is a hidden power in it.

"How can there be an ancient temple at the bottom of this place?" Luo Zheng's face showed a doubtful color.

According to Luo Zheng, this dream battlefield should have been the vast world of existence, belonging to the closed world.

In normal times, the fantasy battlefield formed by fifty large circles is not allowed to enter. Only after the dream battlefield is opened, the outside warrior can enter the light spot projected through the heavenly path and is only restricted to the sea of ​​God.

Before this dream battlefield, did you have any living?

Look at the three squirrels outside the cave, plus the light in the cave, and the six-winged light insects around them. Such caves are obviously artificially arranged, but who is it?

Luo Zhengfei rose to the upper bound, the time is still short, and the travel is not rich.

He already knows that among the three major forces of the Terran, there is only Buddhism in the Sanctuary of the Ten Thousand Buddhas!

It is said that the ten sacred places of the Sanfo Sanctuary are not named after the “Holy Land”, but are named directly by the name of “Fu Di” or “Temple”...

Is this ancient temple in front of you associated with the Sanfoss Sanctuary?

Without too much hesitation, Luo Zheng entered this ancient temple.

When Luo Zheng just stepped into this ancient temple, he saw a Buddha statue!

It was a smiley Maitreya Buddha. The strange thing is that this statue of Buddha is riding on a high-headed horse. This Maitreya Buddha has a round face and a round belly. From a single point of view, it seems that all eyes are staring at Luo Zheng.

I don't know why, although I know that this Maitreya Buddha is a dead thing, Luo Zheng has a faint feeling of being snooped.

This feeling is very bad, after all, the atmosphere here is really weird.

If you change a place, if you don't know if there is any heavy treasure, Luo Zheng may choose to leave this ancient temple. After all, the atmosphere of this ancient temple is too strange. It seems that it is not a blessed land but a fierce land!

But now Luo Zheng is in a dream battlefield. After death, he is only resurrected in the main city. What's more, he has just paid the "road toll" of 300,000 dream points. Luo Zheng naturally reluctant to withdraw easily, he will deduct three 100,000 dream points, what can bring back to yourself.

So Luo Zheng went straight to the footsteps, bypassed the statue of Maitreya, left the vestibule of the ancient temple, and entered the real inner courtyard of the ancient temple.

However, after Luo Zheng entered the inner court, the expression of Maitreya’s smiling smile began to change, but the eyes turned upside down, and the smiling mouth also turned over!

After the flip, the Maitreya at the moment is already full of fierceness.

Luo Zheng, who has already entered the inner court, naturally cannot see this scene...


He just stepped into the inner court, and had no time to look at the environment of the inner courtyard. The two doors behind him were suddenly closed!

Luo Zheng turned and glanced at the broken wooden door, and did not choose to crush it...

If this ancient temple can really trap itself, the wooden door will be broken and you will not be able to crush it. If Luo Zheng can easily break the escape, then the trouble he will face is not worth mentioning.

Around the empty courtyard of the inner courtyard, there are four Buddha statues erected!

These four Buddha statues are long sticks and are covered with shackles. The four long sticks are all pointed at the center of the inner court, which is the direction of Luo Zheng.

"This is... Luohan?" Luo Zheng's eyes stared at the statue.

Just as Luo Zheng looked at the four Buddha statues, there was a "beep" sound in the ear!

In almost a blink of an eye, Luo Zheng has already discovered the source of this "squeaky" sound...

The surface of the four Buddha statues in the corner began to crack a crack, and the Buddha statue of Luohan began to move!

In a short while, these four stone carved stone statues, jumped down the lotus base, waving long sticks, and then went straight to Luo Zheng.

Although it is the body of stone, the movements that look at them are extremely flexible, as if they are real people...

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