Measuring the strength of the military, from a macro perspective, is the momentum and power.

But from a micro level, it is the control of power and speed, which is called micro-invasion.

There are warriors who put the birds in their hands. When the birds are about to fly, they will slightly move their palms. If the birds cannot pedal with their legs, they will fall back into the hands of the warriors. This is a manifestation of the military’s control. .

However, this method is not very clever, and the first-order forged warrior can master it. It is commonly known as the "stopping bird technique", which means that the bird can not fly in his own hands...

Some clever warriors can even put the birds on top of their heads, put them on their shoulders, and put them on their chests, so they can still stop the birds and make them unable to take off.

What's more, not only can stop the birds, but also stop the flies, stop the mosquitoes...

Mosquitoes are extremely small, and they need to feel the moment they take off, and the power to support them is removed. This is a lot more difficult than stopping birds.

However, compared with what Luo Zheng has done now, these are just small tricks.

Before that, she looked down on Luo Zheng on the sky and looked at Luo Zheng’s feeling that she couldn’t keep her hands. She walked freely in the golden sword rain and realized that his body was very special.

Now that her sword has been smashed toward Luo Zheng, this has discovered the mysteriousness. This guy keeps three inches away from the golden sword rain that has come to the chaos. It is also wound on the sword that he stabbed. It is also a three-inch distance. Not less than one inch, not more than one inch, this is not only the ultimate control of power, but also the ultimate control of speed...

Being able to control the micro-control to such an extent, she is almost unheard of!

How did this guy do it?

Through Luo Zheng’s strange body method, Ji Luoxue only looked at Luo Zheng for the first time, and regarded it as an opponent who could fight with one!


Luo Zheng did not give Ji Luoxue too much time to consider. After he turned back, Lei Feng’s sword was taken from Ji’s snow...

In the face of this sword of Luo Zheng, Ji Luoxue did not even evade!

All her attention is concentrated on the Luo Zheng body law, but she wants to know, through what means, Luo Zheng can control the distance so fine!

Waiting until the blue sword light drifted away, Ji Luoxue suddenly raised his right hand and pinched the sword toward Luo Zheng!


Although Lei Feng’s sword is sharp, but Ji’s right hand is wearing a five-line finger chain. This thin chain connects her five fingers and forms a layer of protection.

So under this hand, she actually used the finger chain in her hand to firmly hold the blade in her own hands.

In the same order, only Luo Zheng has pinched the sword of others. This is probably the first person to hold his sword.

When Ji Luoxue pinched Luo Zheng’s sword, the five rings on her right hand’s five fingers could all be singularly shiny. This gloss is similar to the color on Yuan’s magnetic mountain, which is the five basic laws. The power formed after the fusion of forces.

It’s just that Ji Luoxue itself is not enough, and the degree of integration can’t be compared with Yuan’s magnetic mountain!

Even so, the power of the Five Elements is extremely powerful. When she wants to come, he has no chance of escaping the sword of Luo Zheng.

But the next moment, Ji Luoxue's still cold eyes suddenly flashed amazing light!

She feels that the power above the blade is exploding! Is that the power from Luo Zheng? The increase in this power is so great!

The dragon scale is being lit up in one piece...

The power of the tide is also rapidly pouring into the thunderstorm sword!

Originally, Ji Luoxue took advantage of the five elements in the chain to occupy the absolute advantage. She originally wanted to tell Luo Zheng, so far, I was able to force out my five elements, you are already good enough!

After all, the power of the five elements of Ji Luoxue is to be reserved for other Tianjiao in the fantasy battlefield.

However, the power transmitted from the thunderstorm and the sword of the gods, but the words that Ji Luoxue originally wanted to say, the hard-pressed back!

This is a four-inch-wide, four-foot-long Thunderwind sword that has the same strength as a star...

Ji Luoxue was under the pressure of this force, and settled down one inch and one inch. Luo Zheng’s grip on the long sword was a look down on her...

Among the same-order warriors, Ji Lun Xue will always look down on others. She is now looking up to Luo Zheng, and the original cold face finally shows a hint of stubbornness.

The character of Ji Luoxue does not seem to like people to fight, because there are too few people who have the strength to compete with her...

She is Jijia Tianjiao, her status is detached, what do other people fight with her?

Under the dissatisfaction of the heart, the sea of ​​the real yuan in the world of Ji Luoxue’s body began to roar wildly! A giant tsunami formed by the real Yuan is rolling in the sea of ​​her gods.

It is in this scroll that there is a whirlpool!

The speed of real yuan extraction is also limited!

Therefore, when the military is exerting some powerful power and excessively consuming the real moves, it needs to be brewed for a period of time, even for a long period of time.

However, the body of Ji Luoxue is somewhat different. One of her gods is extremely special, and she can take all the real elements in one of the gods in a short time...

This kind of **** sea, called the sea of ​​the moon, among the billions of gods and sea warriors, the only one who owns the sea of ​​the moon is her only one!

The real thing in the body of the world is turned into a huge vortex. It is extracted from the body of Ji Luoxue and poured into her five-line finger chain. The five rings are shining brightly on the top of her ring. Relax!

Since it is a strength of competition, although she is a woman, she will never fall under the man!

Under the support of this majestic five elements, Ji Luoxue gradually gained the upper hand, but her figure was getting higher and higher, and gradually surpassed the momentum of Luo Zheng.

But she took the time above, just less than one breath!

Her pupil was a little bit, but she felt that the power transmitted in the blade was actually skyrocketing!

The power limit of this guy, where is the power, even the power can double?

Previously Luo Zheng only broke the power of six thousand dragon scales!

After feeling the power of the five elements of Ji Lun Xue, Luo Zheng activated the power of six thousand dragon scales again, which is to light up the 12,000 dragon scales. Double in this moment!

What Ji Luoxue doesn't know is that Luo Zheng can even double again...

In the past few years, Luo Zheng once again smelt some of the holy devices around him, and even several artifacts, and obtained a lot of Tianyan essence.

Today's Luo Zheng has already lit up almost 40,000 dragon scales!

It is also that Luo Zheng’s Tianyan essence is not enough. After the experiment, Luo Zheng also found that his body of artifacts can easily withstand the force of 40,000 dragon scales.

The only problem is that Tianyan is not enough.

After he entered the upper bound, there was almost no time to stop all the way, and naturally he did not have time to buy some sacred devices.

Originally, Luo Zheng wanted to refine the gods to refine some weapons so that they could smelt themselves.

However, this refining son has been immersed in the refining device, but he is a thoughtful person who wants to shape the sword embryo... In the past few years, the refining son has never left the refining workshop!

In the face of Luo Zheng’s doubled power, Ji’s body shape plummeted again...

This time, Ji Luoxue understands that it is indeed a stupid thing to compete with Luo Zheng. What is more troublesome is that the real element in her body has already been consumed, and the huge vortex in the body of the world is extracted from the real element. Her side of the Yuan Haihai has consumed as much as ninety-nine!

"Yes, is it over?"

Luo Zheng smiled slightly, and Lei Feng’s sword was suddenly brewing a sword that was infinitely detached. This sword was just condensed and formed, and then flew along the blade toward Ji Xuexue!

If Ji Luo Xue is cut by this sword, he will definitely be in a different position, then return to the main city to resurrect...

It’s not that Luo Zheng does not pity Xiang Xiyu, just to get the dream point, Luo Zheng has no other way than killing her!


Ji Luoxue was a cold scream, and when Luo Zheng’s sword was not shot, a golden wind came, and her figure disappeared again in front of Luo Zheng.

This speed, even Luo Zheng is too far behind!

After Ji Luoxue stabilized his body shape, he gently took a shot of his wrist and took out dozens of real yuan jade in a row. At the moment of taking out, these real yuan jade were crushed, and the strong real yuan was broken from the real yuan jade. Zhong Yi scattered out and turned into a burst of white mist, which was quickly absorbed by her and quickly replenished the real yuan in the body.

Just relying on this speed, her Ji Luoxue faces this guy in front of her, and she has already stood on the invincible position, and the contest between the strengths of the talents, Ji Luoxue is to take his own weaknesses, to touch the long term of Luo Zheng, naturally The defeat is very miserable.

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