At the same time as the display of the eight-curved flying smoke, Luo Zheng’s whole person leaned back at the same time!

Almost the moment of falling down, the front of the crescent directly crossed Luo Zheng's cheek, leaving a few inches of blood marks on his face!

This is almost a kind of keen response to Luo Zheng before the crisis, and it is this action that Luo Zheng avoided this robbery.

If he has never looked up, Ji Luo Xue's foot, with that one crescent moon, I am afraid that he can directly kick Luo Zheng's head...


The two flipped in the air!

Ji Luoxue saw that he had never succeeded in such a fierce blow. It was a cold sigh. Under the golden wind, the figure dissipated again. With Luo Zheng, he opened a distance of several tens of feet and stood on the Yuanshi Mountain. Above the mountains!

This guy’s reaction is really...

In the eyes of others, Ji Luoxue just launched an attack and then launched an attack, which can be called a hasty!

But she is clear that this move, no matter the timing, the choice of angle has been done to the extreme, unable to avoid under the defense, I did not expect to be avoided by Luo Zheng.

As for Luo Zheng, looking at the small embroidered shoes on the feet of Ji Luoxue, and the front of the Crescent Moon is also quite speechless.

This woman’s means is really much!

It is a pair of embroidered shoes, but also hiding such a murderous machine.

Is this the same in the upper bound? This Ji Xue Xue is so, the same is true of Ai Anxin, various means emerge in an endless stream, and each means is placed on the ordinary warrior, as a big killer.

His heart is helpless, and Ji Jinxue, who is standing at the top of Yuanshi Mountain, is a golden light!


Luo Zheng's body shape is a flip in the air, and at the same time, the chaotic gas is used to run the work method, and the amount of white fog that condenses on the body surface of Luo Zheng is also increased.

Even if Luo Zheng runs the eight-curtain flying smoke to the limit, her speed of the crescent moon is faster, and it is easy to pass the three-inch distance and once again cut the Luo Zheng!


This time, Luo Zheng still could not completely avoid the kick of Ji Luoxue, the crescent front directly cut his upper arm flesh!

"It's now!"

He already knew that he couldn't escape. When he twisted his body, he resisted with his left arm. When his arm was cut, the right hand had already stretched out, but it was a foot that caught Ji Xuexue.

At the cost of one arm, the woman is bound and killed, which is the opportunity for Luo Zheng to win!

However, his finger just touched the back of Ji Luoxue, but he did not fully grasp it. When a golden wind flashed, he felt his hands empty!

Ji Luoxue’s figure disappeared again in front of Luo Zheng’s body and returned to the top of Yuan’s magnetic mountain. Although she succeeded in this attack, her face was somewhat unnatural, but she was almost captured by Luo Zheng. ......

That unnatural look, only a moment in her face!

After the moment of dissipating, the gold wind flashed, she actually went to the Luozheng to attack and go, did not stop!

She knows that at her own pace, Luo Zheng can't capture her. As long as she keeps this offensive, this person will eventually lose to herself, so she is not willing to give Luo the slightest time!



When Ji Xiaoxue flashes, Luo Zheng’s body will burst into a deep blood mark!

Now Luo Zheng’s problems are almost the same as those of the squirrels on the day. The problem is that those guinea pigs are stupid, and the damage caused to Luo Zheng is not as great as that of Ji Luoxue...

It is obviously impossible to trap Ji Luoxue with "The Day of the Robbery"!

Luo Zheng took the attack of Ji Luoxue and his mind was spinning at a rapid speed. If this situation cannot be solved, it is a matter of time before it is defeated!



A **** flower spattered out...

"Hey, Ji Luoxue is really serious. Her offensive is like a wave of water, and after a wave of waves, people have no chance to breathe!"

"She is such a strength, I am afraid that even the military in the middle of the gods can easily kill it?"

"I said, Tianjiao is Tianjiao, how can this kid be defeated? And... Is this just half the strength of Ji Luoxue? I heard that Black Snow has also entered the fantasy battlefield. She actually entered the dream at the same time with two identities. The battlefield, but I wonder if it will be integrated into the battlefield?"


Ji Luoxue’s offense is getting more and more familiar and more and more fierce!

At the moment, she is specifically picking the key points of Luo Zheng, and every stroke can make Luo Zheng deadly.

It is also that Luo Zheng’s prejudgment of the crisis is extremely accurate. He can always avoid the most serious injuries at a critical time, but the wounds on his body are still increasing!


Another golden wind is coming!

There is a hint of murderous smile on the face of Ji Luoxue.

She seized Luo Zheng's unexpected flaws. After this attack, she will be able to finally bear the life of this person!

After dragging for a long time with a nameless person, she also let her sacrifice the front of the crescent moon. The heart of Ji Luoxue couldn’t help but sigh. This is really wonderful. If you don’t pay attention, you can make such a nameless name. For generations, she was previously stunned by the difficulty of this fantasy battlefield.


This attack she has levied.

This flaw was deliberately sold by Luo Zheng.

There is no key to failure, and this means is boring in the eyes of Ji Luo Xue...

Because Luo Zheng is destined to not capture himself, it will be fine to repeat it several times. As the golden wind flashes, she intends to stay away from Luo Zheng again.

But at this moment, Luo Zheng’s hand appeared a shackle!

It was a bright silver shackle, and it looked like a new radiance. When Ji Luo Xue looked at the shackles, his face flashed a puzzle of color.

What is this guy going to do?

Want to lock me with this shackle? How can this be……

However, her thoughts just flashed out, she just got involved in the golden wind, ready to pull the distance of Luo Zheng at a very fast speed!

But the end of the shackle turned into a silver band of light, which swept through the snow of Ji Ji, and the shackles were locked on her bare feet at a speed that was beyond the imagination of Ji Luo Xue!

The other end is locked in Luo Zheng!

Seeing this scene, Ji Luoxue was in a hurry...

Why can't she think about it, why is this shackle so fast? Why did she escape with the ambiguity of the wind system?


Her figure is still flashing wildly!

But no matter how Ji Xiaoxue evades, she can't open the shackles on her feet.

She is like a bird that has been tied to her feet. In any case, she will be thrown back to the place...

Ji Luoxue naturally couldn't think of it. Luo Zheng's "dead shackles" can be locked even by Tianzun. Although she is a Jijia Tianjiao, her strength is not strong enough to compare Tianzun?

This desperate shackle was obtained from the pieces that Master gave.

Think of it as a smaller version of "Desperate Fight"!

That desperate fight is to lock dozens of people together, and finally only live the next person!

And Luo Zheng’s hand in this shackle is to lock himself and his opponent, and after being locked by the shackles, there is only one choice between the two sides, that is, killing each other!

If the strength of the other party is stronger than Luo Zheng, the use of the shackles is definitely a behavior of seeking death.

But after all, the shackles are all levied by Luo, the lock is not locked, and the lock is also decided by Luo Zheng himself!

In front of this, Ji Ji snow speed is very fast, Luo Zheng while dodging while thinking about how to break the bureau, but suddenly remembered that he still has this magic weapon ... he has never used it!


The golden wind is constantly flashing.

The figure of Ji Luoxue is seen in this golden wind, but no matter how she struggles, she can't exceed a distance.

She is fast, and after all, she can’t stop this shackle...

Although Luo Zheng seems a bit miserable, he knows that he has won when the shackles lock Ji Luxue!

This desperate shackle can only extend a distance of one foot. With Luo Zheng glimpsing gently, Ji Luoxue was dragged by Luo Zheng's enormous power.

Realizing that she couldn't get rid of it, Ji Luoxue's face flashed a decisive color. She no longer made a meaningless struggle, but once again took away the real yuan in the body, accompanied by the brilliant luster of the five-line finger chain. Turned into a five-color palm print, heading for Luo Zheng!

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