Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1238: Power of the main city rules

Luo Zheng did not return to the main city of the demon night family with the blue dye and the plume.

Cooperating with them to smash the door of the dead wood, the speed of plucking dream points is not slow for ordinary warriors, but it is still not enough for Luo Zheng.

Moreover, Luo Zheng occupies the door of the dead wood, and the proportion of dream points that are distributed to the blue dye body will naturally decrease. From the inner level of the blue dye, she probably does not want Luo Zheng to stay.

Outside the door of the dead wood, many demon night people saw Luo Zhenghua as a light north...

The streamer looks at the back of Luo Zheng’s departure, and his face looks very complicated.

Blue dyed looked at the plume and also knew what the plume was thinking.

After all, Luo Zheng is a chance for her to regain her freedom, but this opportunity seems too embarrassing.

"I feel that the strength of Luo Zheng has been able to compete with the great arrogance of the major forces. This guy is afraid to compete for the top 100 in the fantasy battlefield," said Lan Dye.

The top 100 in this fantasy battlefield is a treasure anywhere!

These people are the darlings between heaven and earth!

They either have extremely rare special blood, or have a peerless talent, and even have enough air to fight against the sky...

Among the 100 billion warriors, there are only a hundred of them.

Only such a warrior is qualified to be called Tianjiao!

The plume was silent for a while, and until the dawn of Luo Zheng disappeared completely around her eyes, she just said a short sentence, "Luo Zheng, will stand at the peak of the dream battlefield..."

When you hear the plume, there is a strange color in the blue dyed eye.

Standing on the peak? Competing for the first?

This view of the flow feather is too optimistic.

She admits that Luo Zheng's strength is amazing, far better than the general Shenhai martial arts, and the strength that Luo Zheng has shown now, the general **** of the extreme power in the hands of Luo Zheng, I am afraid it can not support a round.

But the competitors he faces are even more horrible!

The arrogance of other races is not mentioned for the time being!

It is said that the strength of their demon nights is unfathomable. It is not easy for Luo Zheng to win. What's more, there are so many races in Yuzhong, and each one is a strong competitor.

The confidence of the plume is too blind.

But blue dyeing will not go to wear, if Luo Zheng can do it, she will be gratified for the flow of feathers, perhaps... Luo Zheng can really leave the human purgatory with the flow of feathers in three years!

After the fruit in the door of the dead wood is taken away once, it takes about six hours to reopen.

During this time, Blue Dye will return to the city with the demon night people, and at this moment they will begin to return.


Now that Luo Zheng’s move order can be used again.

However, every time I use a move order, I have to wait for a short period of time. Now I know that there will be a main city going north, and he will naturally not waste a chance to move.

Before Luo Zheng’s violent vibration in the body, it was after shaking the little hoes, and then turned into a glimmer of light!

These little hoes are chasing all the way behind Luo Zheng, endless!

And their speed is almost the same as that of Luo Zheng. How fast can Luo Zheng fly, how fast they can fly, as long as Luo Zheng has a pause, the little girls will open their white teeth and bite on Luo Zheng. It is really boring.

Luo Zheng is also very helpless.

After flying for about a thousand miles, there was a smashing main city in front of it.

Just look at the structure of the wall, and the form of those buildings, Luo Zheng knows that this is a main city of the devil...

After all, Luo Zheng’s speed slowed down a bit and he observed it carefully.

At the same time, there was a "cough and cough" sound behind him, and he bite on Luo Zheng's back.

"No matter, try it first, see if you can solve these gimmicks," said Luo Zheng’s body suddenly trembled, and the little hoes were shaken by Luo Zheng. He once again turned into a dawn and rushed. The main city.

Beyond this main city, many Mozu warriors are still stifling.

The Mozu was originally a **** militant race. Under this environment, they can only make their inner war more intense!

According to Luo Zheng’s plan, after having a transfer order, he continually shuttles through the main cities, and then harvests the “fat sheep” outside the main city...

Just now he is still anxious to deal with the trouble behind him!

Therefore, for those who are outside the city, they did not take a look at it, and they went straight to the main city!


The dawn of Luo Zheng’s transformation is also extremely fast!

The demon warriors who were killing the chaos suddenly saw this dawn, and their faces were flashed with surprise colors.

After seeing the dawn, I still followed a bunch of hoes, and these demon warriors did not figure out the situation!

"What is that stuff!"

"The front seems to be a human warrior..."

"What is he doing here?"

The Mozu warriors inside and outside the main city are also talking about this scene.

Luo Zheng will not care about their curiosity, just fly towards the main city...

But as he was just approaching the main city, he flew out of a demon warrior from the main city. He carried a huge gun on his shoulder and said with a smirk: "Hey, where is the human race boy, If you want to escape into the main city, leave your dreams first..."

The words of the demon warrior have not yet been finished. In the eyes of many demon warriors, the dawn of Luo Zhengfei’s glimpse is a curved angle, which is around the demon warrior!


A blush of brown blood burst!

The body of the demon warrior who planned to block the road broke into two pieces!

The vast majority of the demon warriors did not even see clearly, what is the way Luo Zheng used to kill it!

When they reacted, Luo Zheng came to the edge of the city wall!

This scene suddenly brought the color of horror on the faces of the demon warriors present. The people who were still talking about it were also stunned at this moment, lest they should be targeted by Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng’s look is indifferent. He will not waste time here. This step is on the wall of the main city, turning around and looking back. He wants to see how these little girls will look? Will it be erased by the rules of this main city?

Soon, the depressed color in his eyes was more intense.

These little hoes still grind Nassen's white teeth, but they did not enter the main city, but they continued to squat outside the walls. It seems that this main city has a strange power to take them to the main city!

Under Luo Zheng’s teeth, he once again walked out of the city wall. He had just left the wall. The little hoes were like a group of sharks smelling **** smells. They once again bite towards Luo Zheng...

After these little hoes bite on themselves, Luo Zheng once again entered the main city, and that invisible force, these small cockroaches were isolated from the outside!

As for the demon warriors inside and outside the main city, seeing this scene is also a big eye and a small eye, all in a daze.

"What the **** is this guy doing!"

"I thought those gimmicks were his weapons. He seemed to want to get these hoes into the main city?"

"can not read it……"

Fang Cai Luo Zheng killed a Devil strong by means of Thunder, and now they are talking about it, they also suppress the voice, the strong is always awe.

Luo Zheng frowned and thought about it. Standing on the wall, he suddenly reached out and grabbed a little girl in his hand like a lightning bolt, then pulled it away from his arms!

He was originally on the edge of the main city, stepping out of the city, and then taking a step back, for the city, Luo Zheng would like to drag this little girl into the main city!

But when Luo Zheng pulled the **** into the edge of the city wall, he suddenly felt a very obvious resistance!

This power obviously does not come from these little gimmicks, because Luo Zheng grabbed this little girl and then he could throw thousands of feet away.

It seems to be the prohibition of the main city, resisting these little gimmicks into it!

The idea of ​​blue dye is correct...

If these little gimmicks can be brought into the main city, it is indeed possible to rely on the power of the main city to kill these little scorpions.

The problem now is that I can't get in at all!

Standing on the wall of the city, Luo Zheng grabbed the little girl and dragged it toward the wall. In the process, the power of the dragon scale was also activated by Luo Zheng a little!

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