On the other side of the darkness...

Ten warriors stood in a row and watched the opposite side.

In their eyes, the fog on the other side spread out, forming countless illusions, human snake ants, and Vientiane trading, which completely covered up the seven of them.

"call out……"

In the darkness, someone pulled out a long hook!

The long hook is like a shuttle dart, spanning three hundred feet, and heading straight into the fog!

But this hook broke into the fog, and a figure in the hook was nothing but an illusion. After the illusion dissipated, it was no return.

Someone in the darkness is out of the hook, and there are also people on the fog.

After the other party is hooked from the opposite side, they can attack and attack together, in order to achieve the effect of instant spike!

Just like that Li Chengyan, after being hooked to the other side, he almost did not even have the strength to fight back. Immediately after a burst of dreamy light spots, he was directly sent back to the main city.

But now one has a dark law, the other has a fog, and both sides are hidden.

This long road hooks back and forth on the deep ditch of the three hundred feet, but it never catches one person.

"It's a bit of a meaning, it's a fog in the illusion of the past, it's the people of the Sanctuary!"

One of the ten people, also the Terran martial artist, is a bamboo scorpion, a weak body, but the edge of the eyes is full, but the calm eyes seem to contain two knives. !

"The opposite side should have passed the first two causal halls, but it has already damaged two people, plus the guy we just killed... oh, the strength is nothing!" Another warrior snorted.

"I am afraid to be able to sweep across the opposite side alone? This third causal hall is really difficult..." Someone said in the dark.

Through the third causal hall, the opposite warrior needs to be strangled.

Luo Zheng's entrance is the export of these ten people, and the entrance of these ten people is the exit of the seven people!

The way to pass the third causal hall is to kill all the opposing warriors.

"That is, the lonely big brother is a figure of heavenly arrogance! Is there an enemy here? If you send the lonely big brother to the past, isn't it the crushing of the guys opposite?" Another person said.

"But the opposite side of the scene is showing the fog of this illusion, but it is difficult to hook the opposite person..." Someone hesitated.

"Oh, they can't break my ‘absolute dark world,'” another warrior said in the darkness. Obviously this dark law is set by this person.

According to the rules of this causal hall, each of the two warriors each held a long hook in hand, and confronted each other, and hooked the other warrior to kill one by one, which was the winning party.

Strictly speaking, the difficulty of the third causal hall they faced this time is stronger than before.

Because this third causal hall is destined to have only one team to pass, the loser will be directly beat back to the main city after being killed!

The reason for this pattern is not in a certain individual, but as the fantasy battlefield develops a little bit, the battle situation becomes more and more fierce, and the collision will also become more and more fierce! The strong will absorb more and more dream points, and the next level of the strong as long as they fail once, I am afraid it will be difficult to get up.

"Can't break a fart! We are afraid of the opposite? Give me this broken thing, remove it, it's dark, I can't see anything!" There was a tall figure in the darkness, this figure About one foot high, obviously a demon warrior!

"Hey! I have set this dark law not to protect everyone..." the man said dissatisfied.

"I don't need your protection, I will stand here, I will see the opposite who dares to hook Laozi!" The demon warrior shouted again.


The two men even quarreled over this.

"Remove," the martyr who was called the singer, said faintly: "Remove the dark law around the big dream."

"Don's big brother... really removed?" the warrior asked.

"Dream, if they find out about you, they should hook you back... After you are hooked, you can pull me over," said the solitude. "But you have to be careful about the other party’s means. The warriors in the causal hall are not weak!"

The demon warrior 'big dream' haha ​​smiled, "Hey, but the group of cowards, and hurriedly hide themselves in the fog, do not dare to fight, the old man can be crushed in the past, why are they afraid? ”

"Don't underestimate your opponent," said the solitude, "you go first, then go back and hook me!"

In this solitary tone, there is an unquestionable faintness.

The ‘big dream’ is equally detached among the Mozu, and it is also an unruly person. Not to mention the warriors of other races, even the elders of the Mozu are hard to let this person obey.

However, Du Gu saved his dream in the second causal hall, or said that Du Gu broke the second deadly bureau in the cause and effect hall by one person, and took the other nine people. The two causal halls, everyone is also very admired for the solitary!

After hearing the words of the solitary, he nodded and said with respect. "I understand, I’m a big brother. As long as I am, I will pull you in the past. Let’s both of them will be the opposite. Clean up! Hey!"

"Okay, be prepared," said Du Gu, but only a faint response.

In a short while, the opposite side of the darkness was completely changed, but the strangeness changed. One of the darkness was recessed into one!

A burly figure holding a vajra, it gradually revealed, it is the demon warrior ‘big dream’!

In the fog...

Luo Zheng, Ji Nan and Jin Hai, the illusion and so on, all eyes are brushed and nailed to the demon warrior.

They had nothing to do with each other before, and the situation was a little anxious!

Luo Zheng with clear eyes, although he can see some figure, but after all, it is still very vague, coupled with the other party is also very vigilant, he was out of the hook, and failed to hook the other side.

But now, the other party has taken the initiative to remove some of the power of the dark law, but it is to push the demon warrior from behind the scenes to the stage. What does this mean?

For a time, the several warriors on the side of Luo Zheng picked up.

"Is it deliberately opposite?" Jin Hai stared at the tall, demon warrior.

"It should be, and there must be fraud," Ji Nan nodded.

The demon looked at the opposite demon warrior, but his mouth was Zhang’s boss. After a while, he said, “That’s a big dream!”

"Dream?" Luo Zheng asked, staring at the demon.

The demon nodded, and he seemed to recognize the opposite demon warrior. "The devil's only child dream! This guy has come! This, this...the third causal hall is too difficult?"

Jinhai faintly glanced at the demon. "Is this guy very strong? There are few arrogances of the Mozu, there is no such person."

In Jinhai’s view, as long as it’s not a big family’s arrogance, it’s not too difficult to deal with...

"This guy is not a arrogant, because he does not have such a strong life! But in addition to the fate, his strength and talent, not weaker than those arrogance!" The demon continued.

Whether it is Tianjiao or Daozi, it must have the fate of the great world, and the warrior who has the power of the great world is not necessarily Tianjiao...

The meaning of the demon is very simple, the other party just lost this life, but the strength can not be underestimated!

So after listening to the devil, Jin Hai, Ji Nan and other people's faces are also cautious, and more importantly, people have this confidence, standing there waiting for them to hook!

Luo Zheng buckled the hook in his hand and stared at the opposite demon warrior. His gaze moved from the demon warrior to the psychedelic energy river in the deep ditch...

Regardless of the strength of this person, this hook contains the rules of heaven, and it is impossible to break free. He will be very passive at the moment when he hooks this guy. If he shoots himself, he may not avoid it.

But this person has such confidence, there must be other reliance.

Under such considerations, the ‘big dream’ opposite is roaring through the deep ditch of three hundred feet.

"There are a bunch of cockroaches on the opposite side. I am standing here, don't you dare to do it?"

"It's better to give up early, remove the fog, come over and ask the Laozi for mercy, I can make you die!"

"Get out of the hook! Hook the old man! I definitely can't fight back, I don't pay back!"

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