After Luo Zheng left, the whole square began to boil.

Perhaps the most enthusiastic of them is the Chuangshan people.

Those foreign warriors have remained silent...

The source of foreign warriors is very mixed. They come from the gods of the great universe. Although they were concerned about Luo Zheng, most of them were also special treats for the Lushan people.

Of course, this kind of courtesy is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the oracle warriors.

The only goal of the warriors from the domain of the gods is the source of strength. As for the collapse of the tribes in the way of the war song resonance, they devour the flesh and blood of the cherished animals. These things are not very attractive to them. After all, it is only a saint building, how can it compare with the gods?

The domain is the real world! Therefore, the creatures born in the domain of God are qualified to call the people in the universe a secondary creature.

But now, these faces from people in the domain have all changed!

They can't think of the reason why Luo Zheng suddenly became stronger?

Because of the courtesy of the Bengshan?

Because the Thunder gave the spirits of Luo Zheng? Those entrails that are swallowed up? You can also get an "impossible" answer with your toes.

"Oh, the key issue is still above the power source," the little old man named Yao An whispered.

At the side of Yao'an, there is a martial artist who is all-in-one. The warrior also won the title of “Shenli”. When he heard the old man’s words, he said coldly: “God is extremely polar, how many powers can he swallow? ”

Yao An frowned. "If he started the Shentai Jiuxing?"

"Oh, is it possible? Even if the Shentai Jiuxing is opened, the source of the power absorbed is still limited, and at most it is not twice as much. This is already the limit, plus the eight-fold of the Taoist platform, and the strength of his physical body is ultimately Limited," said the dark warrior.

"I am confused at this point," Yao An shook his head, his eyes flashing a smudge of color. If there is a chance, can he grasp this kid and ask him separately?

However, this kind of opportunity can not be captured. After all, it is the site of the collapsed mountain family. What about the collapse of the mountain people and the demand for Luo Zheng, how can the foreign warriors easily succeed?

If the collapse of the Lushan people is complete, then there is a certain chance...

Yao An originally planned to leave after accepting the test. The subsequent cultivation in the Bengshan may be important, but he is a better choice for him.

Luo Zheng’s move has undoubtedly created a new record.

The key is that they can't see the end point of Luo Zheng's record. If it is not blocked by that building, how many distances can Luo Zheng can push this Jincha Kistler?

Eighty feet?

One hundred feet?

Even two hundred feet?

This is destined to be a record of no one before, no one after.

"Okay! Next!" Thunder waved his hand and announced in the sound of the waves that the shocking color on his face had gradually dissipated.

Luo Zheng’s performance has made the Thunder quite relieved. The previous concerns have completely dissipated. Perhaps this is the fact that the gods sent to help them collapse the mountain. Now Luo Zheng has gone to see the prophet. Everything depends on how the prophet told him.

Under the leadership of the children of the Bengshan, Luo Zheng bypassed another ruined building.

The architecture of the Clanshan family has no special features. It is built with the silver ochre. The foreign warriors in the living area are forbidden to enter, but they just look at it casually. Luo Zheng also knows that the cultural heritage of the Clanshan is quite weak. There is no entertainment, and it is no wonder that the children of the Clanshan will be easily attracted by foreign warriors.

Following the house on the side of the living area, all the way forward, after reaching the end, there was a very tall building.

Entering this building, Luo Zhengcai saw a piece of tombstone erected inside, which was also made of silver ochre.

"This building is the tomb of the Clanshan?" Seeing those tombstones, Luo Zheng was secretly surprised.

After walking through a large number of silver tombstones, Luo Zheng saw hundreds of golden tombstones in front. The materials of these tombstones are exactly the same as the gold slabs he promoted. They are all made by Jinchai Stone.

Thinking of the meaning of the little old man, these golden forks are rare treasures, but they are all used to build tombstones. It is estimated that the tombstones buried under the tombstones are the chief figures of the collapsed mountains.

The number is not too long, only about two or three hundred golden tombstones.

After passing the golden tombstone, Luo Zheng finally came to the end of the building, but at the end there was a round tent.

The curtain of the tent was opened, and a white cloth was placed on the ground in the tent. There was a long-body cloth on the cloth, but the old man who was thin and thin was sitting in it.

This old man is obviously also a Clanshan, but he should be quite old and seems to be half full of loess.

There seems to be no such thing as a dying person in the forbidden land. The old man may have been a dead person, but he has never been covered with dirt. Everyone is old-fashioned, but his face is full of wrinkles. The eyes are still very god.

"Young people, please come in..."

When Luo Zheng approached, the old man called out and his voice was very hoarse.

Luo Zheng nodded and then stepped into the tent.

The old man stretched out the slender arm that seemed to be a bamboo raft, pointing to the side of the white cloth, and let Luo Zheng sit down.

After Luo Zheng sat down, he sat down with the old man face to face.

After sitting down, the old man did not speak. Luo Zheng had some doubts in his heart. This person should be the prophet of the Clanshan. There is no doubt that there is something to call himself, but he has never spoken. Why?

Luo Zheng’s strength is not bad, the other party does not speak, Luo Zheng is just sitting cross-legged, and then the whole body begins to slowly relax.

Just under that punch, Luo Zheng had a new understanding of the control of power.

Especially the power from the body of the body.

Now Luo Zheng can turn that huge force into an irregular glove. Can he be turned into a sword in the future? Even a thin awl?

It is a pity that in the face of this prophet, Luo Zheng can't test his own conjecture, and he can only hold his own temptation.

After a while, the prophet said, "We are attached to this god's forbidden land. This god's forbidden land is attached to the gods. It is eight hundred trillion miles away..."

"Hey?" Suddenly heard this sentence, Luo Zheng is also a slight glimpse.

The prophet of the Bengshan family slowly said: "The whole godland is in a state of high-speed rotation and falling, falling toward the depths of chaos. We are in it, but we cannot feel this speed..."

When I heard the explanation of the prophet, Luo Zheng was still a little confused.

However, I understand the meaning of it. Whether in a certain universe or in a certain forbidden land, the inner world built by these saints rotates around the gods, and the gods themselves rotate at a very high speed.

But they are in it, but they can't feel their own movement.

For example, under the rotation of a star, the creatures in this star can't feel that they are changing their position all the time.

But what does the prophet say about falling?

The Prophet of the Bengshan continued to say: "The saints are inexhaustible, no matter how they fall, they can't fall to the bottom... But my lord is one of the three great saints of the new seal, but knows that chaos is bounded, the gods are not It may endlessly fall, when the gods touch that boundary, the end result is a crash, and the gods will annihilate."

Luo Zheng stunned the gods and finally asked: "What does this have to do with me?"

The Prophet of the Bengshan Mountain smiled slightly. "There are not many people who agree with this view in the realm. My Lord is one of them, so he gave up the building of a whole universe and transformed it into a forbidden land."

When I got here, Luo Zheng was able to understand it. The Lord in this prophet’s mouth should be the saint who built this god’s forbidden land.

The source of strength absorbed by Luo Zheng is the source of the power of the Lord!

"This thing, except for you, no one in the Clanshan people knows," said the prophet faintly. "My Lord wants to share his power with all beings, and hope that the outstanding ones of all beings can bear a miracle! Hold the gods... ..."

"Why tell me again?" Luo Zheng blinked.

The Prophet of the Bengshan people smiled a little. "Because you have taken the power of the source, it is too much."

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