Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1509: War in the inner world

Luo Zheng’s attention to the body of the world was not enough.

According to the revision, the time flow rates in the in vivo world are also different.

At the time of the sea of ​​God, the opening time of the Shenhai Sea was almost at a standstill.

Therefore, the sea of ​​God cannot breed life, because the process of birth is very long, and time is the most important part.

After reaching the extremes of the gods, the time flow rate of the in-vivo world began to increase sharply, and the real element began to turn into the mainland, and the lowest level of life was gradually born...

The higher the repair, the faster the flow rate in the body of the body!

Therefore, the inner world of the landlord is much more prosperous than the world of the gods.

However, Luo Zheng is not clear, his body in the world is even more outrageous, and everything in it is changing rapidly.

When Luo Zheng discovered that there was a problem in his body world and spoke, he was shocked.

Above the Central Continent of the Chaos Sea, it has begun to breed a more primitive civilization, and a large-scale war has taken place!

Luo Zheng’s consciousness has already entered the world of the body, and his thoughts have shimmered slightly. Then his thoughts have turned into shapes and become an “incarnation in the body”.

In this world, Luo Zheng is the absolute master, and also the supreme god!

Although this in-vivo world is still at the initial stage, once it is broken into it, it is still quite broad for Luo Zheng.

However, under his thoughts, the avatar in his body quietly flashed and he has stepped into the continent.

This is not a big move, and it does not use the law of space. He wants to appear anywhere and can appear anywhere!


"Kill the Teng dog..."

"For the glory of the nobles!"


In his own in-vivo world, Luo Zheng is not only omnipotent, but also a state of omniscience.

Everything in this world, Luo Zheng is a state of omniscience.

After the birth of the ethnic group on the mainland, large and small tribes merged with each other, eventually forming two major tribes.

The tribes in the east are the nobles, and the tribes in the west are the Teng.

The two tribes had the same initial strength. Although there was always a small friction between them, there was never a big war...

But not long ago, the Teng people suddenly made great progress. The soldiers in their tribes got a very powerful weapon, a long gun made of dark green plants!

When the rifle is used, it will extend from the gun body with numerous vines piercing the warrior's arm. With this kind of rifle, the Teng national warriors are almost invincible.

After the strength has made great progress, the Teng people launched a war against the heroes!

Nowadays, the tyrants have been badly hurt, and after gathering the last 50,000 heroes, they launched the final counterattack. They must guard their own tribes.

"Those weapons are very strange..." Standing on the edge of this battlefield, Luo Zheng also noticed the long guns in the hands of the Teng soldiers.

Under one thought, Luo Zheng learned about the source of these weapons...

He turned his head and his eyes crossed the endless distance and landed on the tree of the world.

The world tree that Luo Zheng once planted has now grown a huge tree, and a race has been born in this huge world tree. The shape of this race is similar to that of human beings, but the flesh of the whole body is It is dark green.

The weapons of the Teng nationality are given by these green skin people.

Knowing the root cause of Luo Zheng suddenly smiled, there is a struggle in some places, I did not expect his own body in the world is also full of conspiracy.

The ultimate goal of this race in the world tree is to kill all the creatures on the continent and then occupy this continent...

Luo Zheng does not interfere with the movement of the body in the body, but a large-scale war is still to be prevented, which will affect the expansion and development of the entire body of the world.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng will go slowly toward the battlefield...

Above the battlefield, the heroes of the nobles are riding a huge battle to launch an assault on the Teng people.

With the huge impact of the battle, the former heroes are often invincible.

However, after the Teng people were equipped with the green pike, they all turned into powerful men. Under one shot, they could even wear a shot of people and war elephants!

For the Teng people, this is a massacre, and for the nobles, this is a general resistance of the moths, they must use their lives to defend their tribes and glory!



The chest of a war elephant was pierced, and a painful cry broke out. The huge body collapsed to the side.

It is a woman who controls this war elephant.

The tyrant is the matriarchal clan, and this woman is the queen of the nobles.

All her soldiers were killed and killed. In the last war, she personally went into battle...

After the war elephant dumped, the queen of the nobles fell heavily on the ground, and the exposed skin was bruised and mixed into the soil, giving her an unusually strong pain. This woman with a peerless face and a power peak It is very embarrassing at the moment.

Now this woman is already desperate.

She can't resist the iron hoof of the Teng nationality, her people will become slaves of the Teng nationality, and her territory will be encroached by the Teng people...


A green pistol has reached the Queen's neck.

The man who held the long gun was the general of the Teng tribe. The general sent a heroic smile. "Surrender, the hero has already lost. You can be the slave of the Teng, the queen of the noble." Will spare you a death, let you serve him!"

"Do, dream..."

The Queen struggled from the ground and had drawn a long sword hanging behind her.

The sword had just been held in the hand, and had not had time to wave it out. The green pistol swayed and she had already flicked her sword.

"Struggling is useless," the general asked faintly.

"My people are still struggling, I am a king, how can I give up!"

The queen writhed the flexible waist, but circumvented the long gun and rushed toward the general. But the general’s backhand was twisted, and the queen’s long black hair was twisted, and her whole person was mentioned. To the state of the volley of the feet.

"The only thing you have left is this body and appearance. There is nothing left. There is nothing you can give up, except your life!" the general said coldly, but at this time, he suddenly saw a person. .

That is a young man in costume.

The young man walked in the middle of the battlefield like this, ignoring the soldiers who were killed around him, but walking toward the generals.

"Who are you!" the general asked coldly, and the green pistol in his hand had already pointed to the young man.

The youth did not answer, but continued to move toward the generals.

"Close again, die!" the general said coldly.

The Queen also realized that the coming is extraordinary, but she was mentioned in the hands of the generals, but she was struggling...

As Luo Zheng became closer, the general finally lost his patience and waved his long gun to Luo Zheng’s head.

Luo Zheng did not dodge, but allowed this long gun to stab!


There was a sneer on the face of the general. This green pike contained unimaginable power. This gun could completely penetrate the other's head!

But soon, the face of the general was completely solidified, and he saw an incredible scene.

The moment the pistol's gun tip stabbed on the other's face, the inch of the broken, broken...

This is not to say, this long gun floated in the air after the break, and then continued to merge, and restored the look of the pistol itself, but the pistol is already in the hands of the other party.

Luo Zheng played with this long gun, and under a slight shake, numerous small vines grew from the gun body and stabbed in his arm, but these vines could not penetrate the skin of Luo Zheng.

"Interesting, this wonderful weapon will be born in that world tree..."

Then Luo Zheng gently slammed the rifle, and the rifle was directly annihilated in the air, and turned into a brown gas to dissipate in the air. It was completely disappeared, leaving no debris or material. Luo Zheng directly reduced the rifle into Chaos.

"Who are you?"

This general has never seen such magical means, his face showing a panicked expression, throwing the Queen in his hand aside and heading back towards the rear!

The queen fell to the ground, turned her head, and saw the Luo Zheng standing on the spot!

Luo Zheng’s gaze was swept away, and after seeing the Queen’s face, it was a slight glimpse...

It is no wonder that some people will fall in love with the creatures in their own world.

Everything in this body of the world is in a random state, and in the context of the birth of countless beings, it is possible to make such a beautiful woman.

"You...who are you?"

The Queen also asked exactly the same words. After all, Luo Zheng’s magical powers and behaviors are too strange, completely beyond their imagination, that is the ability of God.



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