Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1512: Zhenwu Holy Beast

This road came over and encountered several strange beasts, and the foreign warriors were all rushing.

None of the strange beasts that fell on their hands could remain intact, either torn into pieces or to be bloodshed.

It’s a pity that there are not many different animals on this road. Many foreign warriors have a power, but there is no place to vent, just hate these animals are not enough...

Now I heard the screaming voice. Some savvy foreign warriors, such as the little old man Yao An, immediately noticed the face of the collapsed mountain people, especially the few people in the **** hunting team. Their faces are not very good looking. ......

Yao An and others not only did not rush at the moment, but quietly retreated to the back.

Only a part of the foreign warriors heard the voice and thought that there was a strange animal in front, and did not hesitate to fly forward.

In fact, these foreign warriors are also very cautious on weekdays. Those who are too reckless will not be able to get the purple trials and enter the Bengshan tribe!

Today, they are like chicken blood, on the one hand, the reason is that the strength is greatly increased. On the other hand, this giant wood forest is closely connected with the dynasty, and this place can also smell the faint fragrance, which is strengthened. The fierceness in their bodies, straightforward, is stunned!

"All give back to Laozi, that is the true Wusheng beast! Come and die!"

Although the Thunder did not care about the lives of these foreign warriors, they would not really let them go to death...

All the Clanshan people were quickly moving closer together and gathered together. When they heard this, some of the most responsive foreign warriors stopped their lives and began to run backwards.

But the Thunder’s reminder is a slow step, not to mention that these warriors have already rushed out quite a distance!


Just behind those giant trees, there was a sudden gray tentacle!

The surface of the tentacles shimmered with the metallic color. Luo Zheng stood in the middle of the crowd, noticed the tentacles, and his eyes flashed slightly. "Is this true Wusheng beast?"

These steel cables are built in one section, and they all look like they are made of metal!


Those steel cords will be pumped to leave a deep groove on the ground. After the top ten foreign warriors were drawn, the whole person was directly caught by the steel rope, accompanied by a miserable cry. Being dragged into the depths of the forest...

Two of these foreign warriors have won the title of “Shenli” and their strength is not weak, but they have only struggled twice, and they have also been taken away!

The rest of the warriors are pale in their faces, and where do they dare to stay? At this moment, it is to seize the opportunity to flee...

The number of those steel ropes is also very large, and under the constant rewinding, they have swept away seven or eight foreign warriors!

"Dragon Hunting Team, open the magic ring!"

At this moment, even the Thunder is extremely serious.

This true sacred beast is a powerful beast in the giant wood forest. To be precise, half of this thing belongs to life, and the other half is the body of the scorpion.

There are some things in the forbidden land that are invincible. This Zhenwu holy beast is one of them, because it is the spiritual pet that the master of the gods banned the land. In the past few years, I have not known how many creatures have been swallowed here!

The true Wusheng beast has no natural enemies in the forbidden land of the gods. So far, the Bengshan people have never seen the true colors of this thing. In the early days, the Chongshan people did not dare to enter the giant wood forest, because they would die if they met the true Wusheng beast.

Perhaps it is because the Bengshan people have lost too many people in the giant wood forest. The prophets in the family taught them the magical array. If you encounter the true sacred beast, you only need to activate this magical array, you will not receive it. Attack.

What the Thunder doesn't know is that the power of this magical array is not powerful, but it contains information that makes the true Wu sacred taboo.

After the prophet communicated with the Lord, the "Lord" gave this magical array.

The true Wusheng beast is the spiritual pet of the "Lord". The "Lord" naturally does not want the Chuangshan to be eaten by the spiritual pets...

In short, as long as the magical array is activated, this true sacred beast will treat this group of people as their own, thus stopping the attack!

For many years, they have relied on this magical array to cross the giant wood forest.

Also because of the existence of the magic seal, the forest through this giant wood has become relatively simple, there is such a fierce object located here, too strong a unique animal can not survive in this forest!

Over time, the Bengshan people almost ignored the "true Wusheng beast", but did not expect the real Wusheng beast to be drilled today.

The Thunder is also very confused, and it is still daytime, why the real Wusheng beast will attack them!

Fortunately, dozens of people in the Dragon Hunting Team instantly activated the lines of the gods in their hands. After the **** lines were activated, they were connected together, forming a blue grid that would collapse. And the foreign warriors are completely wrapped in it!


Numerous steel cables crawled from all sides, as if a small snake made of metal was constantly extending and crawling on the ground.

These steel cables just touched the grid formed by the gods, and they seemed to be shocked and instantly shrunk back.

"Thunder, what the **** is going on?" asked the Shenhun team standing in the middle of a collapsed mountain.

The Thunder looked at the steel ropes that came round and round, and he couldn't figure out why. Why did the true Wusheng beast choose to attack the mountain collapsed today?

Those steel ropes continued to climb, and finally touched the magical array of the collapsed mountain people. Just under the touch, those steel cables were like electric shocks, and they retreated toward the back...

Now all the foreign warriors are huddled in the ranks, and almost no one dares to come out.

They just remembered it at this moment. Here is the forbidden land of God. This is not a big world. It is crowded with powerful beasts, and their strength is not enough to run in it!

"The situation is wrong," one of the **** hunting teams frowned.

"What is wrong?" Luo Zheng asked.

The man was patient with Luo Zheng. After all, Luo Zheng had the title of a savage king, and he entered the hunter team. They were equal and even surpassed them, and they still asked for Luo Zheng.

"After the sacrifice of the magical array, the true Wusheng beast will stop attacking and leave on its own, but today..." The man pointed to the surroundings.

From the huge giant wood, there was a continuous spread of steel ropes. After touching the magical array, they began to retreat. But shortly after the retreat, those steel cables turned back again and did not seem to give up. Look like.

The Thunder saw this scene is also very ugly, "With us, there should be something that the real Wusheng beast wants!"

What does the real Wusheng beast want?

Luo Zheng’s gaze flashed slightly, but it was covered with tassels not far away.

The face with tassels was also very flustered. Under the eyes of Luo Zheng, she suddenly licked her mouth.

"Is she?"

Luo Zheng’s heart guessed that he noticed that the number of steel cables in the direction with tassels was the most dense, but this steel rope seemed to be very jealous of the magical array, and he refused to forcibly break the magic seal, but was constantly rolling outside. Moving.

When I first entered the forbidden land, the singer was chasing the woman all the way.

This tassel is indeed a very beautiful woman, but what about these different beasts, is not always greedy for female color? But why are all the beasts looking for her trouble?

Luo Zheng is thinking about the head, those slender steel ropes finally can not hold back, smashed toward the magic ring!


These magical arrays can't really hold the attack of the true Wusheng beast, but this magical array contains some kind of information, so that the true Wusheng beast is very taboo.

But this time the magical array has failed, and the true Wusheng beast seems to have made a great determination to start madly screaming!

Those who disfigured the gods of the folds saw that the situation was not right. They turned around and ran. The original magical formation of a ring suddenly appeared a gap!


One of the steel cables is a smash!

Sure enough, as Luo Zheng guessed, the purpose of this real Wusheng beast is to contain tassels!

"Long princess, go!"

The faces of He Zuowei and others have also become extremely ugly.

They thought that they would not be too dangerous to follow the Bengshan people, but they forgot the tassel-containing physique. Her physique has a deadly appeal to any alien animal...

The tassel did not go. At this moment, she made a very correct thing, and she jumped up and rushed toward Luo Zheng.

She knows that He Zuowei's Dahong wish has been applied to the innocent person, and he hopes that it will not be used for the second time. It is impossible to fight against this "true Wusheng beast".

Therefore, at this moment, she can only pin her hopes on Luo Zheng.



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