Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1523: Discrimination

Luo Zheng has no interest in occupying this platform. This is probably a magical thing, but it is almost the same as the power source, but it is almost meaningless to him.

He didn't have much reason to help with tassels, not to mention that it was originally a tassel with a deliberate provocation.

However, the Qin Gongzi was too aggressive and involved the contradiction on Ji Luoxue and others. Luo Zheng had to take the shot.

The other foreign warriors on the platform were silent for a while, and their faces were unwilling.

Even if this group of people is in the domain of the gods, it is quite flying.

For them, the forbidden land is only a fairly ordinary starting point. They never thought that there is such a arrogant secondary creature in the forbidden land!

They can temporarily stop the absorption of the beginning and the end of the real yuan, but this way, but the face is quite past, not driven by the secondary spirits, this is a great shame, the future will be turned into a godland will be a big joke .

But they have no choice.

A guy like Qin Tianxuan who encounters Luo Zheng is like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. They can't be Luo Zheng's opponents.

After a few silences, the first foreign warrior left the platform with a humiliation.

With the first person to take the lead, there will soon be a second, third...

In a twinkling of an eye, the warriors on this platform walked clean, leaving only Luo Zheng, Ji Luoxue, bitter lamps and solitary swords, as well as two sisters with family.

At this moment, Luo Zheng turned and stared at the tassel and her sister and said, "You also leave."

The tassels heard this and gave a slight glimpse. "Why drive me away!"

Her sister looked at her sister helplessly, and she did not expect the sister who the sister found, and she would have to drive away her and her sister.

"This matter is up to you, but since the platform is taken for me, I can decide who will stay," Luo Zheng said coldly.

"I don't want to go," said the tassel with a tassel. She didn't care about these black crystals, but she just cited the lessons of Qin Tianxuan. Luo Zheng was going to chase her away, and naturally she felt that her face was dull.

"Luo Zhengxiong, more than two people are not afraid, this platform has refined enough of the beginning and end of the real yuan," but the solitary sword is blocking at this moment.

The whole process they witnessed, although they did not know the relationship between the tassels and Qin Tianxuan, but they can also guess what they listened to. The most important thing is that the solitary sword is through the broken sword in the hand, or knows the home. The status of the domain.

Luo Zheng has already offended the Qin Tianze, but it seems that this woman with a family seems to have relatives to Luo. Regardless of the relationship between the two, they can not offend a family without any reason...

"This Luo Zheng talent is different, even if it is into the domain of the gods is also a rare talent, but the emotional intelligence is actually a bit lower, or to persuade him to be good," that broken sword so as to communicate with the solitary sword.

Luo Zheng did not want to leave the two women here. When the solitary sword was finished, Luo Zhengzheng wanted to refute, and a voice came from the sky.

"It is forbidden to fight privately here, and the offenders are evicted! Who is here to make trouble!"

The sound came from the crowd, and there was a team of people in the midair, but the head of the Tianzhu people.

After Luo Zheng expelled many of the sacred warriors, the Scorpio finally came out...

Jing Xuan circled in the air, led the six Scorpio people to descend on the platform where Luo Zheng was located. A pair of swords and eyebrows raised and forced Luo Zheng to ask: "Who is here to make trouble! I don't know the rules of my Tianyi people." ?"

Seeing that this guy was plausible, Luo Zheng’s face hangs a smirk and looks at the man.

That Qin Tianze has already started killing people. After playing with the Jingxuan, he will not listen to it. At the moment, these guys are either kicked into the black water by themselves or they are driven away by themselves. These guys will start to come out. Now, I have to talk about rules.

So different treatment, the face is really incredible.

"If you grow your ears, you know that the surname Qin has to do it. Is it that you have a bad memory? Forgot what the name of Qin called with you?" Luo Zheng sneered.

There is no change in Jingjing's face. The Tianzhu people have received many favors from the Qin family. Since he chooses to come out, he naturally wants to favor the sacred warriors. As for the secondary creatures in front of them, the ghost knows which corner they came from. ?

"Jing Xuan adults, that guy shot us to kick the black water!" a **** domain warrior shouted.

After the martial arts were kicked out of the black water by Luo Zheng, they floated out and climbed on another platform, but somehow, Qin Qinzhi did not come up...

Jing Xuan and so on is this sentence. Where does he listen to Luo Zheng’s explanation? It’s just pretending to say: “It’s really you! No rules are not square. Since you broke the rules of my Scorpio, you left my Tianzhu on your own, or let me go out for you!”

When the words came out, the heart of Ji Luoxue and others suddenly smashed up...

It is not too big to provoke the problems of those sacred warriors. Like themselves, they belong to foreign warriors.

But these guys in front of them are the Scorpio people, this place is their home base!

Luo Zheng’s strength is stronger, and it is impossible to defy the command of the Tianzhu people.

Even if Luo Zheng can defeat the guys in front of these Tianzhu people, but the real strong ones in the Tianzhu people, how should Luo Zheng fight?

The solitary sword sighed silently, he had already expected it, this is the biggest trouble!

"Hey, the Tianzhu people come out and see how crazy this kid can be!"

"So don't fight against these sacred warriors. There are several examples before, and if you win, you will be driven!"

"What is even more terrifying is that Luo Zheng has offended these guys. When he leaves the Tianzhu people, he will face the Qin family's pursuit. The Qin family's power in the forbidden land is not small!"

When others talk about it, most of them are gloating.

In fact, when Luo Zhengyi started to work, many people still felt very happy in their hearts. After all, they have been subjected to the oppression of these sacred warriors.

However, when Luo Zheng helped the solitary swords and other people to occupy a platform, the heart suddenly lost its balance!

The human heart is like this. They don't have the strength to get it. They always hope that others can't get it.

"Rules?" Luo Zheng chuckled. "It turns out that the help of the gods of the gods is not a violation of the rules. If I do it, I will break the rules?"

The scene squinted at Luo Zheng, sneer: "What do you say!"

He is determined that Luo Zheng will not dare to work with him, and he does not intend to make a dispute.

Disputes with foreign warriors, the consequences are expelled from the Tianzhu people, if you dare to start with the Tianzhu people, it is to find death, as long as this guy has not lived enough, is not afraid to do it with yourself!

Here is the site of the Scorpio!

"Haha, this kind of broken rules, I don't know which idiot is set by the Tianzhu people," Luo Zheng said as he walked toward the scene. "Let me follow this rule, I don't know." Also an idiot?"

Looking at Luo Zheng slowly coming towards himself, the killing intentions in the eyes gradually became rich, and there was a fluster in the heart of the scene. Is this guy really dare to do it with himself?

The strength of the Jingxuan is not outstanding among the Tianzhu people. It is comparable to the martyrdom of the martyrdom who cultivated here. Only when he was hiding there, he saw the sacredness of Luo Zheng. He was not the opponent of Luo Zheng, and he relied on it. It is a Scorpio!

He did not expect that this guy did not put the Scorpio in his eyes.

The Lushan people’s visits have been known to the Scorpio people. However, this day, the Yi people are highly hierarchical. They do not know that Luo Zheng was followed by the Lushan people, and they do not know that Luo Zheng is the one who Fireman."

He did not even know that Luo Zheng also let the patriarch of the Tianzhu people, Gong Yu, not step down.

At this moment, Luo Zheng faces his existence, and there is no jealousy at all!

Seeing that Luo Zheng approached step by step, the momentum that came out was getting stronger and stronger, and the face of Jingjing had a panic color. Two of the Tianzhu people began to retreat...

"You, you, here is the Tianzhu people, who are not obeying the rules, but want to..." Jing Xuan's lack of confidence, the voice is also stuttering, and my heart is also regret, I knew that the elders of the family should come!

"Exited, you said it several times," Luo Zheng smiled. "Try that you have this ability!"

When the voice fell, Luo Zheng suddenly speeded up, and he took the first step!

When the team of the Tianzhu people came, they were full of momentum. At this moment, they flew their wings and made birds and beasts.

The scene of the scene was the first to bear the brunt, but there was no chance to escape. Luo Zheng sneaked a hand and squatted directly on the platform.

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