Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1563: Soul sealing needle

The black **** fire is like a small snake, swimming along the hovering gossip, drilling into the body of Luo Zheng, and being spurted out by Luo Zheng.

It is said that chaos is the first yin and yang, and then yin and yang are all things!

This "big yin and yang turn fire array" is derived from the big yin and yang technique. The power of the big yin and yang technique itself is amazing, so the refiner is doing more with less...

However, many true gods in the realm of the gods use the yin and yang technique, which is "shun".

Because the characteristics of real elements and chaos are very similar, if chaos is compared to "level energy", then real yuan is actually a kind of "secondary energy."

Under the yin and yang surgery, the real element has replaced the chaos. With the real element of the gossip and the two instruments, the gossip is suppressed and can destroy the earth and destroy the land. It is very overbearing.

However, the "big yin and yang turn fire array" of the sage is "reversal"...

This is actually one of the keys to refining chaos to treasure.

Under the reversal, it is to chaotic yin and yang, instead of "real yuan" to yin and yang...

If the sacred sacred person refines chaos to treasure, naturally he needs to bring his own chaos. This time, "refinement" Luo Zheng, of course, is not necessary. After all, Luo Zheng's dantian is full of chaotic gas...

While the big yin and yang turn fire array is running, Luo Zheng’s body world is constantly deriving!

The concept of time has become extremely subtle in Luo Zheng.

After he fell asleep, his body was getting older.

The Shouyuan of the Shenhai martial arts is tens of thousands of years old, and the martial arts of the gods range from hundreds of thousands of years to a million years. It takes 80,000 years to make Luo Zheng over-age and enter the five-day decline of the heavens and the human... ...

After being smoked for a long time, she also fell into a state of great concentration.

In the body of her soul, a thin long needle floats, which is a needle embedded in the depths of the soul. The surface is engraved with a mysterious pattern, which contains at least the secondary universe in the universe. It can't be forged, and it takes a very advanced refining technique.

Every king who seals the demon nights will hold a rather mysterious ceremony when he is on the throne.

This ritual is in the secret of the highest level of the demon night family. No one knows this except for a few people.

This ritual was passed down from the ancient enchanting night family. As for the role and purpose of the ritual, it was not clear when it was smoked.

Not only smoke, but also Yao and whispers are not clear.

But from the end of the fantasy battlefield, the long needle that hit the smoked soul began to move. The long needles went up and down, side to side, and the other side turned to the right, releasing a little bit of information...

This information began to think about smoking, she could not even resist.

The information released from this needle was not complete at first, but under the infection of the information, smoke produced a strong sense of disgust in the heart.

She once began to hate Luo Zheng!

The smoke at the time was quite confused. How could she go to dislike Luo Zheng?

But this instinctive aversion, even the feeling of Luo Zheng as a natural enemy, affects the smoke all the time, she can not ignore it.

However, from a rational point of view, smoked against Luo Zheng has become a deeper feeling. These two contradictory feelings are intertwined, making the smoked temper become quite violent. In order to curb this feeling, she even let herself fall into a deep sleep. .

As more and more information is released from this needle, she knows more and more!

Later, I found out that I hate not only Luo Zheng, but all the people...

This needle in her soul is a means of inheritance, just like the blood exchange of the heavenly family absorbed by Luo Zheng.

However, the blood transfusion of the heavenly family is to put some important information in the golden blood, and at the same time let the blood holders have some hidden ability, but the ritual of the demon night is a certain kind of Inheritance is placed in the soul.

This method is more overbearing, because smoke not only gains the ability, she is affected by the needle, and even her own thinking is changed by this needle!

She feels that she is a mouse and a snake in nature. From the moment of birth, they are each other's natural enemies. This inheritance from the soul cannot resist at all...

Realizing this, the smoked face is even more silent!

She is not willing to leave Luo Zheng, and she is even more reluctant to become an enemy with Luo Zheng, so she has been curling up and letting herself sleep... and her heart is quite scared because she is not clear about her influence in this needle. Underneath, what will eventually become.

In fact, with her intelligence, faintly understand that the position of the demon night and the human race is different, the existence of this needle has already explained everything.

In the Da Yan Zhi Yu, it should not be only the ancient Wu people, the demon night family may be another, even the devil may be ... and the heavenly family seems to have a faint alert, in the call for many heavenly confrontation At the time, the demon night and the demons were intentionally or unintentionally isolated.

This long needle stuck in the depths of the smoked soul completely became a smoked nightmare. She didn't even dare to pour this thing with Luo Zheng, just let herself sleep constantly, endless sleep...

After this Luo Zheng entered the exercise, the smoke regained consciousness.

After this time, the needle began to rotate again, and the emerging information gave smoke a comprehensive understanding.

Why did Da Yanzhi fall apart? The saints quietly created the demon night family, and put them in the universe of Da Yan by some special means. This is a foreshadowing of more than three billion years!

However, in order to be cautious, they did not dare to be as fanciful as the heavenly family. The imperial blood was passed down by the golden blood, but it was passed down by the means of "soul sealing."

The inheritance of blood can only hide important news in the blood, but it cannot change the thinking of the person who exchanges blood.

Just like when the blood is awakened, Luo Zheng understands the hidden news in the blood, but if he does not want to perform it, the blood can't force Luo Zheng, the choice is still in Luo Zheng's hand, other heavenly people. The same is true for people.

The soul seal can directly control the recipient.

Relatively speaking, the soul sealing needle is also much more difficult to manufacture, and the people who can influence it are always limited, and cannot change the blood as much as the heavenly family.

So the demon nights they created have this unique social structure.

The demon nights go up to Tianzun and descend to the civilians. They all believe in their supreme king. With the three kings as the core, anyone of the demon night family must listen to the three kings!

In this way, they only need to plant the "soul seal" for the three successors. The three kings themselves are not aware of their true fate, but when appropriate, the soul seal starts, three After the king is affected, it is enough to control the entire night.

In order to destroy a universe, they create a race. With these means and the mind, killing a saint is really so troublesome?

"I... I want to get rid of this needle!"

This idea has already existed in the previous smoked heart, and she tried to pull the needle out.

But the soul seals deep into the soul of the smoked soul, even if her soul is merged together, it can't be pulled out at all, and it is just like this. If this soul seal is to completely control the smoked thinking, she can't resist at all.

Since it can't be unplugged, it will be wiped out.

On the perfect face, there is an unrivalled color...

She has plenty of time, and it will be more than enough to wipe out this soul seal for 80,000 years. The rest will require great perseverance.

The smoked soul was once damaged. At that time, the smoke only had a sorrowful soul. Since the last time I can recover, this time she can recover as well.

Her soul was originally hidden in the sword spirit of Luo Zheng, and it is very easy to separate the two.

However, the difficulty of destroying this soul seal is far beyond the imagination of smoke.

The last time the smoked soul was broken, but its own memory did not receive any influence. This soul seal was injected deep into the soul, which was closely connected with the memory in the soul.

When the smoke bears the pain of the soul, and the soul is wiped out, her memory is also rapidly decaying...

The speed of this kind of decay is so amazing that even after the smoke, it is impossible to remember why I have to torture myself so much. There is only one obsession in her soul, that is, to completely erase the soul seal...

Under the damage of the smoked soul, in the demon night family in the Great Derivatives, the smoked statues have once again changed, and the light has once again weakened.

However, the demon night people did not pay attention to the change of the statue of the smoked king. The whole demon nights were also in amazement, because they received a new order on the day of the invasion of the saint, one made it difficult for them. I figured out the order.



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