Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1608: Children's voice

From the overall situation, the saints do have an advantage.

However, the strategy of the Terran is still praised!

After sacrificing the territory of the Terran Alliance, the saints fell into a quagmire and could no longer go further into the depths of the universe. So far, they are at the edge of the border between the Human Alliance and the gods!

Whenever the saints want to continue to expand, the gods and the sacred sacred sects distribute hundreds of border lords and raided the great world occupied by the saints.

The most important thing is that there seems to be a **** in the human race, carrying the fate of a space magical! This fate can put the warrior into any big world, often without a ghost...

So this kind of thing often happens. The forefoot has just occupied two big circles, and several ethnic leaders of the saints have been dispatched. The gods of the saints have just left, and the tribes of the saints have suddenly appeared. Clean!

In fact, this Tianzun is the Magic Sea Tianzun of the Humanitarian Alliance.

The destiny that he carries is indeed a destiny in the law of space, and this heavenly hit has a supernatural power, which is called "the lock of empty love". The warrior connected with the lock of empty love can be delivered by Yunhu Tianzun. In any corner of the world, you can also pull the warrior back to yourself in an instant!

After the Humanity Alliance was defeated by the Holy Family, it retired into the chassis of the gods, and Yunhu Tianzun continued to display the "lock of empty love" and cooperated with some powerful military personnel of the Humanitarian Alliance, such as Yunluo and others.

When the saints of the saints received the news and then came back, the clouds and others disappeared without a trace...

It is this simple means to hold the saints.

If they are bent on their own way, they will continue to expand into the depths of the universe, and the saints in the rear may be lost.

"They are not so stupid. The Tianzun of the Terran is just a call with the Tao." Silver Frost Tianzun continued.

"But it is very useful," said the altar of heaven. "The temperament in the whole world of Da Yan has risen a lot."

Silver Frost Tianzun suddenly smiled. "I think you are thinking about the complexity! They are not willing to collide with us. The initiative is always in our hands! We only need to destroy their 'potential'!"

Seeing the appearance of the silver frost Tianzun, the saints of the saints, including the Capricorn, have a hint of interest on their faces. Does it seem that there is any idea in the silver frost Tianzun?

"Since there is a roar in this world, this kind of thing exists. We can make a battle in a certain world. Heaven does not need to take a shot. It is headed by Capricorn, and constantly fights against the borders of the Terran, or that. Daozi Luo Zheng and others..." Silver Frost Tianzun said faintly.

However, when he said half of it, he found that Capricorn and others looked at themselves with strange eyes, so they asked, "What?"

Capricorn gently turned the golden scimitar in his hand. "You think they are so stupid?"

Other Tianzun faces also show ridiculous expressions. The seven killing Tianzun is yin and yang, saying: "Those Taoists return to the universe, they are too late to hide, will they come out at this stage?"

Silver Frost Tianzun heard these voices of doubt, and the look of lightly added: "First, the place of the war is chosen to be on the margins of the gods, to show fairness. Second, even if they should not fight, if the capricorn Under the invitation of the Tao, the other side became a tortoise, and they could suppress their morale, thus weakening the 'potential' in this universe!"

This method of Silver Frost Tianzun may sound like a little brain, but the reason is very simple.

Since your Terran declared war, then Luo Zhengdao made a slogan of war, but he did not dare to be invited. Others saw that the Terran was afraid, and did not dare to confront the Holy Family!

This kind of thing is also quite affecting morale.

In addition, there is a convenient magic weapon in this Da Yan Zhi Yu, the whole body of the soul can be heard, and the people will know the things of the human race in an instant, and the morale will suddenly turn down!

"After we have made a move, they have to take over, and no matter what way they choose, the end result is a defeat, Capricorn, what do you say?" Silver Frost Tianzun smiled.


Capricorn hit the side of the golden scimitar with a single palm, with a smile on his face. "The proposal of Silver Frost Tianzun is really good!"

Hearing the praise of Capricorn, the face of Silver Frost Tianzun was not good. He was a neutral person and he did not care about Capricorn’s appreciation.

Capricorn was also a resolutely popular person. He saw that he reached out and took a random shot at his waist. A roaring jumper jumped out and floated in front of him. After activation, the sound of Capricorn spread to the universe at the same time...

at the same time.

Luo Zheng also took Luo Nian and Ning Yudie to play in the rushing world.

Capricorn’s voice suddenly came, and the voice was with the iconic laughter of Capricorn.

"Luo Zheng, you have been arrogant in the past few days, is not to represent the Terran to crusade my saints! Now I represent you to the saints a fair chance, my Capricorn will be in the middle of the Kwai Shui world!"

Since being robbed by Luo Zheng, the Capricorn has been stopped for a few days, and now the voice of Capricorn reverberates throughout the universe!

"What! This Capricorn is actually directly fighting the Luo Zheng?"

"Capricorn originally had the main masters, and there are precedents for killing the big landlords. The strength of this guy cannot be compared with the ordinary world! Luo Zheng participated in the fantasy battlefield four years ago, and he also repaired the sea. For... this is not fair!"

"Is it possible that Luo Zheng will not fight?"

"The Kwai Shui community belongs to the big world where the gods have no thoughts. This is a bold, and the location is chosen there. Only Luo Zheng dare to go out..."

Hao Yuzhong reverberated with the voice of discussion.

In these arguments, the whole potential of the universe will be ups and downs. This "potential" cannot be seen or touched, but the facts exist!

Frankly speaking, this Capricorn is so simple and rude, as long as the brains of a little brain know that this is just the saints who want to set up a bureau, and that smart people can't fight!

However, there is always a hope that a real hero will be born in the universe of Da Yan, with the universe to repel the saints!

In addition to the war essays that Luo Zheng made in the previous period, many souls have placed their expectations on Luo Zheng, so there are still many people who hope that Luo Zheng can fight.

If Luo Zheng blindly avoids, it will inevitably leave an impression of empty mouth!

Capricorn threw the roaring command on the ground and continued to play with the golden scimitar. He had already made a move, and he saw how Luo Zheng responded...

I didn't expect to wait for a while, and there was a slightly childish voice in the gloom of Haoyu.

"How old are you?"

All the souls of the universe heard the tender voice of the child, and they did not react for a while...

As for the Capricorn and the many celestial gods of the saints, they all do the same, how come the voice of a child?

It’s strange to be strange, but in the mind of Capri, I didn’t answer with a roaring order.

"Capricorn, how old are you? I don't even dare to say my own age, but also say about the fight! You are still the first of the saints, too timid..." the childish voice asked.

The tender voice echoed in the universe, and suddenly amused countless martial artists, countless mortals...

"This is where the bear child comes out!"

"Haha, see how the Capricorn answers..."


Capricorn is also very tangled, how it is completely different from what he thinks.

"Come on, how old are you!"

"Hey, telling your own age is not a shameful thing, why bother to vomit!"

The childish voice is constantly urging.

The altar Tianzun, the seven killing Tianzun and others looked at the tangled expression on Capricorn's face, and the hearts were secretly funny.

The silver frost Tianzun who made this suggestion is also the strange color of his face. He has considered everything, that is, he did not expect such a thing...

In the end, Capricorn shot the golden scimitar on the ground and activated a roaring order. "My Capricorn is 92 years old!"

Yu Yuzhong was silent for a while...

The childish voice of the child rang. "You are so old! They are all 90-year-old grandfather! I am 11 years old this year. I am 33 years old this year. I am only 40 years old with me." Four years old, half smaller than you, you and I fight, this is simply not fair, if I am practicing for fifty years, to your age, you will not find your teeth to find the teeth!"



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