Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 2878: Amazing bet

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang followed behind the crowd and circled the temple.

At the intersection of the three temples, there is a square countertop, which is the conspirac.

The surface of the Contra is inlaid with a layer of light blue powder, the substance of which is exactly the same as the tangled silk.

When fighting in the battlefield, it is not allowed to leave the other side at will, otherwise, if you don't escape to the other side, this fight can't be carried out. These powders are used to prevent people who participate in the fight from fleeing.

"How are so many people?" Luo Zheng glanced.

There are many people around the Confucian field, and the Yang souls of these people are not low. Looking at the past, most of the sun spirits are flashing purple brilliance, and many of them have obviously become souls.

"The situation is getting worse and worse," Ling Frost said.

Most people enter the other shore, in order to find the other side of the token, and have little interest in the battle on the soul level.

Although the time of the establishment of the Contra is not short, it is not very popular.

There are bears who invited Mo Yijian to fight the battlefield. So many people gathered at the scene. Looking at this posture, in addition to the bears and the disciples of Shennong, they also came over.

When the four major ethnic groups still existed, the time when the human race was most united.

The destruction of Jiuli is not based on a bear family. The key lies in the joining of Shennong Lieshan.

The combination of these two forces has already aroused the vigilance of the Tiangong. Only the Xiong and the Tiangong are far apart from each other. The Tiangong and the other two major humanities are in harmony.

As the Qiuyin River said, the Tiangong is different from the one chosen by the bear family. In the end, I am afraid that it will go to the opposite.

The man who used to drive the snake tide walked away from the Contra, and said with aloud: "The day before, Mo Yijian beat me one after another, and the younger brother Ji Jichang’s soul was damaged. Now I didn’t wake up, today I will fight for my brother, Mo Yijian!”

When the voice fell, the people behind Ji Changjin screamed.


The souls of those people were exceptionally strong, and they were compelling for a time.

Mo Yijian stepped into the Confucian field without hesitation. He still said in an indifferent gesture: "It’s just a battlefield, how much nonsense? Do it!"

"Wait!" Ji Changjin said, "In the past, the battlefield will fight a lot of color, and today is no exception."

"Colorful head?" Mo Yijian has been somewhat impatient. "How about squatting a thousand souls?"

One thousand souls are not a small number for ordinary Tiangong disciples, but for Mo Yijian, Ji Changjin’s existence is insignificant, but Mo Yijian is too lazy to see what color heads, and perfunctory.

Ji Changjin shook his head. "One thousand souls are not enough! Come on!"

With his command, one person came out of his rear, and the man took out a huge transparent ball from his own space.

After seeing this transparent ball around the people around the Contra, it immediately made a burst of exclamation.

"It is the soul!"

"So many souls crystallize!"


"Ji Changjin should not intend to take these souls as a bet?"

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang’s face also showed a surprise color.

The crystallization of the soul is originally a very precious thing. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to buy it with Shenjing and Soul Dan. In other words, this is an invaluable treasure.

The soul of this transparent ball that Ji Changjin took out is enough to make people grow to the level of the soul. Luo Zheng has more souls absorbed in the soul hall!

"A soul fight, it is worth taking out so many souls?" Ling Frost Road.

Luo Zheng is also thinking about silence. Even if this Ji Changjin is a genius character with a bear family, he should not be able to produce so many souls. Even if he can really take it out, he will not be reluctant to press it as a color head. What is his purpose?

Mo Yijian saw so many souls crystallized, his face also showed the color of his movements. He was still some distance away from the soul level. If he could win the crystal of these souls, he might be in one step, but he said: "It looks like this. The battle can't continue."

"What do you mean?" Ji Changjin asked.

Mo Yijian smiled bitterly: "You are too expensive, I can't get so many souls."

With a thousand souls dan gambling the other side of such a large group of soul crystal, the fool will play like this.

Who knows that Ji Changjin’s big hand waved: “It’s okay, you listen to me and finish, we gamble so many souls, but it’s not easy to get this.”

He said that he turned his head and pointed to the bottom, and two of the bears stood up.

The souls of these two men exude a cold and powerful soul, even in the soul of the soul.

"Today, our three brothers went to war and accepted the challenges of the Heavenly Palace. If all three of us were defeated, this soul crystal gave the last winner," Ji Changjin said.

When I heard Ji Changjin’s words, many people’s faces showed a moving color.

If you are fighting for the three brothers with one person, the difficulty is not small.

The meaning of Ji Chang’s words, they accept the wheel battle, all the people can take turns until they defeat their three brothers!

I defeated the last of their three brothers and got the crystal of the soul.

"Don't say much," Mo Yijian said: "Other people may not have the chance to play. I am enough."

Ji Changjin just sneered, and actually left the Contra, and said: "Ji Yue, you are the first!"

That Ji Yue jumped and stepped into the Contra.


Five or six purple soul rings emerged from the head of Ji Yue.

The powerful and cold soul breath spread out from the Contra, and the weak souls couldn't help but tremble.

Mo Yijian smirked, not much to say, the soul of the soul was plundered in the battlefield, and a white mantle swept into a small whirlpool, bursting out with amazing sharpness!

"A strong and strong sense of truth," Ling Shuang saw the white man's face amazed.

Luo Zheng smiled slightly: "You can't see the origin of the white mans?"

When Ling Shuang thought about it, he said, "That is the real understanding... Mo Yijian is so fast, use it from the soul?"

She has practiced the first hundred and five crosses before the real Wushu, and naturally understands the origin of the white whirlpool.

"Well," Luo Zheng nodded.

Perhaps it is more than a hundred words in front of the Reality, and it is in harmony with the heart-flowing sword. Mo Yijian can be used in a short time.

Ling Shuangxiu's "Taiyi Sword" is not a soul supernatural power. She has not delved into this aspect. It is not a simple matter to integrate the two. This kind of thing may be done by Ling Shuang's smashing shot. .


The white mans that Mo Yijian released came out, and an invisible sword went straight to Ji Yue.

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