Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 3291: Strong defense

Numerous Jinwu formed a black ocean and spread towards the Skynet.

When these Jinwu are still 20 miles away from Skynet, Jinwu, which was originally parallel, is gathering in one place, and the direction of convergence is the bad earthquake!

After Jinwu determined the direction, Skynet also changed.

Originally, Skynet traversed the southwest, but at this time, Skynet began to fold from the position where the bad earthquakes were located, and pushed toward the gathering of Jinwu. Skynet actually turned around to surround the Jinwu people! ..

When the net began to fold from both sides, the left side of the anger and the right side of the Tianguanguan soldiers began to gather at the bad earthquake.

Not only that, except for the Taiji and the bad earthquakes, the other eleven and six levels will follow, with Skynet coming from both sides!


As Jinwuqun gets closer and closer, it is becoming more and more scattered.

The corpse Jinwu, which is included in Jinwuqun, is also revealed!

Too strong in the seven-day palace, after seeing more than a hundred large bodies of corpses, the face suddenly changed.

"Jinwu... It’s really crazy!"

"Di Jun actually dug up the corpse Jinwu..."

"That is the root of the towns of their family. They really want to find a day in the palace!"

Once the Jinwu people had a good relationship with the Tairi Palace, the two groups formed an alliance with each other, and the top officials of both sides knew each other very well.

The strength of the corpse Jinwu is undoubtedly strong, but unless faced with the crisis of the genocide, the Jinwu people will never use it. Actually, the Jinwu people are now using it, and there is bound to be the determination to destroy the one-day palace!

Sitting on the top of the Phoenix girl, revealing a pretty charming smile.

Behind Skynet, dense human beings are gathering like ants.

In the eyes of the phoenixes, in addition to the strongmen of the one-day palace, these other shores are like the Jinwu people, and their existence is meaningless. At best, it is just a bunch of numbers.

These figures are exchanged with the quantity of Jinwu, deducted, turned into cheap dust, and will disappear into the world forever...

This is the sadness of the weak.

"The first round of impact."

The phoenix girl reached out slightly.

A glimmer of golden light crawled along her arm, gathering on the arm, wrist, and finally reaching the fingertips.


After the golden light reached the fingertips, it burst into bloom.

All Jinwu, including the corpse of the Virgo under the Virgo, are not sensible, they are controlled by the Nest, and the Nest is ordered by Emperor Jun.

Now that Emperor Jun is absent, it is the Phoenix Girl who controls this war.

When the golden light bloomed, the innocent message was received in the pupils of the innumerable Jinwu.


The dense Jinwu Trail rushed past the sky net towards the front.

Luo Zheng and other gods will once again enter the eyes.

Su Kui stood in the forefront, and after seeing the Jinwus launching the charge, they also screamed loudly: "Inferior shocks all the soldiers, attack!"

He seemed to have exhausted his strength and slammed it out. This voice once suppressed the noisy Jin Wuming.

"Rage off all the soldiers to attack..."

"Scorpio is off..."

The other eleven gods will respond in the farther places.

Taiyiwei, who was stationed in Guanzhong, and the other shores, all sacrificed the other side's tokens in the first time, welcoming those Jinwu...


Under these levels of fighting, Luo Zheng has been unable to think about who to protect.

He sat in the eye, his eyes closed, and the power was constantly being drawn out.

The transparent long sword originally had a scale of more than 100. However, as he continued to supplement the power of the other side, the number of long swords doubled again, more than 200, more than 400, more than 800, and a thousand. More than 600...

Each transparent long sword contains the power of ten gods. This time, the power of the gods he has drawn is 16,000 gods!

Next to Zhu Xi saw more than a thousand transparent flying swords, and the eyes were coming out quickly.

Not to mention the difficulty of driving these flying swords, the power of the gods of light is more than 10,000. What kind of tokens does this kid have?

However, it is not the time to ask questions. After Zhu Xi saw more of his eyes, he also held a long sword in the air and went to the top of the Jinwu.

"Get up!"

The 1,600-handed flying sword hovered up, as if a bird that was only jumping, entangled each other and rushed to the sky.

In the face of a lot of Jinwu, a handle with a flying sword in which to wear a needle lead, each through a gold Wu will have a **** burst, so the efficiency of cleaning Jinwu is very high, Jinu actually rushed to the eye Killed quite a bit!

"It’s the Terran Kid!"

The Qin banshee looked at the handle of the flying sword, and there was a hint of killing in the eyelids. "Who is going to destroy those eyes with me!"

"I will go down!"

"Qin sister, let's go together!"

Two banshees responded to the Qin banshee.

The goal of the Phoenix girl is not the bad earthquake, she is going to destroy the entire Skynet.

The things that break the bad earthquakes are done by the goddess.


The Qin female banshee volleyed and caught the blind curtain in her hand. With her hand waving, the five-color ray has shrouded the three corpses, and instantly disappeared into the field of vision.

However, the corpse Jinwu is very large and disappears, which has attracted the attention of Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's hands were gently waved, and some of the flying swords had been transferred, and they were besieged in the direction of the disappearance of the corpse.


Soon, these flying swords have encountered blockages and hit a solid surface.

There is no change in Luo Zheng’s look. The power of the Ten Gods is extremely weak, just to penetrate the fragile Jinwu.

The corpse of the corpse floating down on the sky is huge, obviously not an ordinary thing.



Some of the flying swords are constantly merging, and the power of the gods is also growing rapidly.

"Five thousand gods!"

A flying sword went through the void.


The flying sword made a crisp sound and was still bounced off by the invisible void.

Seeing this scene, there was a slight surprise on Luo Zheng’s face. The defensive power of these corpses was beyond his expectations.

"Eight thousand gods!"

The flying sword that was turned around circled a circle and once again spurred into the void.


Once again, a crisp sound came, and the flying sword was once again bounced off.

"15,000 gods!"

This time, Luo Zheng simply gave up most of the flying swords, and gathered the power of the gods in a long sword, still spurting into the void.


This time, Feijian finally penetrated into the huge object in the void, but only penetrated half a foot.

Luo Zheng’s eyes burst into a strange color, and the volley slightly shook the force directly in the flying sword, but said: “Trouble...”

The corpse spirit is strong, far beyond the expectations of Luo Zheng.

"Luo Zheng Shen will, how is it trouble?" Zhu Xi asked back and puzzled.

Luo Zheng pointed to the front and said: "You see it yourself."

In this process, the three corpse spirits in the original state of concealment have been slowed down, and the Qin banshee has closed the curtain without a trace. The three behemoths suddenly appear in front of everyone, and in the third In the head of the golden mouth, the blue flame is constantly gathering.

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