Originally, Luo Zheng drove the corpse Jinwu to fly on the ground, but after robbing the third corpse Jinwu, he raised his height.

The other two corpse spirits are driven by Su Kui and Yue Bai Hao!

I have to say that although the repair of Yuebaihao is low, the level of driving the corpse Jinwu is better than that of Su Kui!

After the reminder of the Qiuyin River, everyone’s eyes on the Scorpio sword are concentrated.

Especially Gan Gaohan, his pupils contracted for a while, and there was a triangular prism in the depths of the pupil. Even after more than a hundred miles, everything on the corpse was taken over by him.

When he saw it thoroughly, the wrinkled face also showed a dumbfounded expression.

Not only is Gan Lao alone.

Ning Xuyuan reached out and volleyed his hands with a buckle, and buckled on the eyelids. When he looked at Luo Zhengqi’s flying on the corpse, he continued to spurt the blue flames, and the eyes were suddenly stunned.

As for the Qiuyin River, there are also a group of other people in Hechi who have used their own methods. Some people use the gods to look at them. Some people use strong eyesight to observe them, and then the expression on their faces is strange.

But most of them are shocked, speechless and puzzled...

"The corpse Jinwu was robbed by the three boys?" Gan Gaohan was silent for a while and couldn't help but ask.

"It looks like it is," Hechi nodded.

"How is this possible? The corpse Jinwu is cultivated by the Emperor of the Emperor, so it is so easy to be taken away. What is the qualification of Emperor Jun to attack the northern part of the country..." Shaking his head said.

Even if you saw it with your own eyes, this day's festival is still full of unbelief.

The implication is that if the corpse Jinwu is so easily robbed, Emperor Jun is simply not enough to be the opponent of the Tiangong.

After all, as strong as the corpse Jinwu, there will be a variety of bans.

Don't say Su Kui, Luo Zheng is such a god.

Even if the East Emperor Taiyi is in person, they can only crush these corpses into a powder, and it is impossible to directly rob them...

"They robbed three corpses, Jinwu, who grabbed it? Su Kui?" asked one Tiandu.

Su Kui is also considered to be the old qualification of God. If the strength is refined, it is also qualified to become the Heavenly Festival, so they are considered to be Su Kui.

"It should be Luo Zheng," Qiuyinhe said with a smile, it seems that the previous concerns have been thrown away.

"I think so too," Hechi nodded.

To do this kind of thing is not a question of strength at all.

After all, it is impossible to make the Qiuyin River, and in the eyes of the Qiuyin River and the Hechi, the strength of Luo Zheng is obviously more than that of Su Kui.

After seeing this scene, Gan Gaohan was silent.

Suddenly he gave birth to a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that Luo Zheng could become a small variable and break the current stalemate.


Luo Zheng’s corpse, Jin Wu, sprinted and slammed upwards.

The whole person is almost vertical!

He originally thought of killing those common golden scorpions by the corpse Jin Wuduo, but those golden gems came over and there was no end to it.

The key is that all the corpses are attacking Skynet!

This war with the Jinwu family, Luo Zheng is not a key figure, and does not understand the plans made by the high-level members of the Tiangong.

But he only understands that if the Skynet is broken, the situation will be more troublesome!

"Emperor Jun, you just can't seem to touch the corpse Jinwu, you can control them?" Luo Zheng asked.

When the first and second corpse spirits were robbed, Luo Zheng was taken away from the corpse Jinwu, but when he robbed the third one, the goddess banshee was smashed out by the corpse, and then separated. At a distance that is not close, Emperor Jun will control it.

"Yes," Di Jun replied: "But make sure there is no goddess banshee on the corpse."

"The ones above..." Luo Zheng listened to a happy heart.

There are hundreds of corpse spirits on the top, but there are less than 20 corpses on the golden back, there is a nest banshee, if you can get these corpse Jinwu all...

Even if he is as calm as Luo Zheng, his face is a little faint.

"Nature is ok, you are close," Dijun replied blankly.

To be frank, Emperor Jun is disappointed with the Jinwu people in this world. These Jinwu's current behaviors are completely contrary to the purpose of Di Jun's original dissemination of seeds.

"call out……"

The corpse of the levy at the foot of Luo Zheng suddenly accelerated and sprinted toward the top.

The phoenix girl sat on the back of the corpse, Jinwu, at the top, faintly watching the front, and she hoped that the palace would be rushed out of the day--they were destined to be unbearable, and it was impossible to watch the skynet collapse.

In her heart, she even had some ridiculous mentality, guessing that everyone in the Tiangong was anxious and helpless.

But at this moment, the corner of her eye suddenly noticed that something was coming close quickly, and when she looked down, she discovered that it was a corpse.

"Is it back..."

When the general attack was launched, the Qin female demon led the other two female demon to attack the bad earthquake, almost to return.

What does the speed of such a sprint mean?

The Phoenix girl was a bit strange and annoyed. When she was preparing to scream at the banshee on the back of the corpse, the gaze of the beautiful tremble suddenly trembled, and then she looked at Luo Zheng with an incredible expression.

That face...

The Phoenix girl is already very familiar with it.

Did not kill him for the first time.

The second time in the world of Wuyuan, the gods and phoenixes were almost completely destroyed.

For the third time, she lost even more in the other side of the bank, and even the entire fourteenth day was handed over...

This time, he even robbed the corpse Jinwu?

Luo Zheng’s harmless face suddenly made the Phoenix girl feel a little scary. His calm appearance seemed like a nightmare. There was a deep feeling of powerlessness in the heart of the Phoenix girl. She seemed to be worth mentioning. The little guy who can reach the pinch can eat it!

"Feng female adult!"

"Feng female adult, why is the corpse Jinwu will be robbed by a human race?"

"That guy is riding the corpse Jinwu!"

Many of the banshees who were riding on the corpse of the corpse, also found the scene below.

"Catch him, all the banshees go," the phoenix girl almost gnashed her teeth from the thin lips.

If it is someone else, kill it directly.

This Luo Zheng is still very important, you must catch it...


Twenty banshees in the scene drove the corpse Jinwu and sank down. ..

In the distant Qiuyin River, Gan Gaohan and others closely watched the front.

Seeing that the banshees have fallen, the Qiuyin River has been unable to hold back. "It’s too dangerous, what Luo Zheng wants to do!"

"Do you want to take it?" Hechi also asked.

Gan Gaohan reached out and resisted.

Gan’s heart is also entangled, but at this moment there is an adventurous instinct that comes up and only listens to him: “And slow! He dares to rush up to naturally have his reason!”

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