Not only the strong people who are eager to avenge the mountain owners in the four mountains, but also Ning Xuyuan and others have also shot.

For a time, all kinds of supernatural powers went straight to Emperor Jun.


Under this series of attacks, even if it is strong, it can't bear it.

The surface of his body flashed again and again, and the six bodies were dragged again.

But the speed of dragging six bodies is limited. No matter which direction he flies, there is always someone who follows closely.

After a few laps in the sky, Emperor Jun finally realized that it was difficult for him to get rid of these guys. He couldn’t bear it, and suddenly there was a crack in his eyebrows.

A blue eyeball is exposed from the crack, and this blue eyeball is obviously a token of the other side.

It’s just that at the level of Emperor Jun, the fusion of the other side of the token is rare and precious, no one can recognize the origin of this other side of the token!

"call out!"

The blue eyeball was drilled out of the crack and floated in front of Emperor Jun.

"Take me the other side of the letter," said Di Jun.

But at the same time, the blue eyeballs emerged, and the Lieshan Shennong, the Emperor Hong’s Ji Xuanyuan, and the Yue’s patriarch, Qi Hu, received the news at the same time, and they had emerged from their foreheads. The same blue eyeball.

"Is it difficult to clean up the Donghuang's follow-up classes?" Ji Xuan snorted.

"Less nonsense," Emperor Jun responded coldly.

He originally thought that by relying on the gun of the star mark, he could easily destroy those people, and the lives of those people would be allowed to be taken away by themselves. They did not expect to fall into such awkward situation.

Not only used to copy gems once in a lifetime, but even to borrow from these guys!

"Who is it? I am still a brother of Lieshan?" Ji Xuanzhen asked again.

"Yu Hu!" said Di Jun.

In the eyes of Ji Xuan, there was a strange color, and asked: "What do you do, you need to be close to people?"

After he sang a token on the other side, he reached out and smiled at his eyebrows.

She and the blue eye of the emperor's eyebrows flashed blue at the same time.

Soon, the piece of the other side that originally appeared on the top of the head of Yu Hu actually appeared on the top of Emperor Jun!

This blue eyeball can actually let them "borrow" each other's tokens.

The other side of the fusion of Hu and Hu is the "destruction of the vanguard". This is a kind of descending kind of token, which can greatly enhance its own strength and strength. Naturally, it is most suitable for the current Emperor Jun.

The group of tokens floating on the top of the head of Emperor Jun, like a mercury rushing land, flowed along the body of Emperor Jun, and soon wrapped his body and connected wings with a layer!

After the fusion of the other side of the token, there was a hint of killing in the eyes of Di Jun, and then he took out the space.

The most fierce bite of Emperor Jun is the middle-aged man who is a bone-handed stick. Whether Emperor Jun is up or down, he is like a shadow, just like a skeleton.


Seeing that Emperor Jun appeared from the space, the middle-aged man had raised the bones in his hands.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jun actually took the first step out of the space, and the blue-winged wings suddenly showed up. The two-winged path was cut toward the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was slightly stunned, and the conditioned reflex usually blocked the bones in front of him.

Although the bones are solid and can be combined with the new tokens of the other side, the strength of Emperor Jun has skyrocketed. With the sharpness of his wings, the bones in the hands of the middle-aged man are flying out.


Emperor Jun’s frontal punch directly hit the Dantian of the middle-aged Han, and the punching force came through his Dantian. The original perfect body world collapsed instantly, while the middle-aged man was screaming and falling from the sky. .

Just when Emperor Jun’s middle-aged man was going down, there were two people on the side holding the sword, but the two men were just getting close, and the ears rang.

Emperor Jun actually reversed at a very high speed, and actually washed away the bodies wrapped around him!

These corpses are immortal, so high speed is on the body, and the strength is not small.


Under such a sniper, they directly smashed the two.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Emperor Jun no longer fled, and after continually shuttled through the space, he rushed toward the mighty Tiangong.

The bodies that dragged behind him not only failed to become a tyrant, but became a weapon in his hands!


The six bodies were scattered around in the hustle and bustle. As long as Emperor Jun took out from the space, there were corpses on the head.


Some people dodge the flash and fell directly from the sky.

Some people also moved the space, but just stepped into the crack in the space, Emperor Jun volley under the pinch, actually squeezed into the space channel.

At the moment when the person in the space channel stumbled, a body had been smashed on the man.

The Tiangong strong people who were shackled by those corpses did not fall, but the spirit of Wuyuan directly fell into fatigue, and even suffered serious injuries and lost their fighting power.

Hai Lao looked at this scene with a stunned look. He did not expect that the six revenge corpses that he had woven on his other side would be used by Di Jun in turn.

Emperor Jun has repeatedly smashed more than a dozen Tiangong strongmen and gradually gained the upper hand.

At this time, another burly man was instantly moved to the side of Emperor Jun, and a giant sword against his shoulders fell to the head of Emperor Jun.

The power of the Great Sword Eruption also has 80,000 gods. When the swordsman is produced, there is a scream of screams. The screams can disturb the mind and make the opponents confuse.

But Emperor Jun just showed a sneer, his body was lightly biased, and a corpse was smashed back by him, kneeling on the back of the burly man, and the burly man took a look forward, followed by Emperor Jun. Kicked on his back.

"Go down!"


The burly man is like a meteor, falling from the high air path and directly squatting on the Tai Palace.

The strength of this foot is also tens of thousands of gods!

A large dragon temple was smashed by this burly man, and it collapsed!

And in the middle of the palace...

Dong Huangtai sat down on one knee and closed his eyes, still trapped in the other side.

Seeing that the Taiyuan Palace was smashed, the faces of the strong men of the Heavenly Palace changed dramatically.

"Come on the East Emperor!"

"Never let him close to the Dragon Temple!"

"Blocking Emperor Jun!"

These strong people in the Tiangong are quite excited, but the emperor is calm.

He stared at the East Emperor, his eyes showing a strange look.

They used to be brothers, and they eventually turned against each other, leading to different paths.

And now it’s finally time to kill...

Originally, Emperor Jun wanted to see the Emperor of the Heavenly Palace to kill him, and then he met with the Emperor. At this moment, he suddenly felt that there was no need.


He took a step down and countless blue squares shrouded him and disappeared into the space.

The six bodies were dragged down by him and swooped toward the East Emperor in the Dragon Hall.

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