Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 3584: Running wild

After the squatting into the body of Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng’s body is no longer under control.

The cockroach is like flowing water, drilling into every meridian of Luo Zheng, and every bone becomes part of Luo Zheng’s body.

Fortunately, you have not eroded the soul of Luo Zheng...

He rushed out all the way and stepped into the blood marsh on his face.

Luo Zheng could not control the flesh, except that he watched "self" rushing toward the front, and could not do anything.


Blood in the swamp in the blood swamp splashes around.

In addition to running wild, Luo Zheng can communicate with the body world.

"Yuan Shi Tianzun predecessors, what is this place, why are blood everywhere?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Blood swamp," Yuan Shi Tianzun replied, "It is very dangerous here, and there is a slight chance to be buried there forever."

For the immortal hunters who are familiar with the blood swamps, this may not be so terrible.

But for strangers who inadvertently break into the blood marsh, here is hell.

In the **** leeches, there is a bright red otter that can perfectly integrate with blood and water. It is difficult to perceive with the knowledge of God.

Once it is silently attached to the aliens, or immortal, it will penetrate into the head, release the toxins in a moment to paralyze the target, and then eat the soul a little bit.

The most terrifying thing is that after the soul of the soul devours the soul, it will occupy the host's body for a short time.

These soul otters don't have much thinking ability, but they are conditioned, control the host's progress, and always send the host into the mouth of the lizard.

There is also a unique ecology inside the blood swamp.

The lizard is a large, giant worm that is also the top killer lurking in the swamp.

Anyone who passes by the lizard's lair will be dragged into the nest to sneak into the light.

The lizard can't leave his nest. The range of activities is limited. Except for those uninformed "outside" creatures, the creatures born in the blood swamp will walk around the lizard's lair, so the lizard needs soul water to help hunt.

The soul otter needs to **** the blood of the lizard to grow. In order to gain the reward of the lizard, they continue to help the lizard to hunt and exchange the blood of the lizard.

The blood in the blood swamp is spattered everywhere, and naturally there are many spattered to Luo Zheng.

Those soul otters also silently attached to him and crawled quietly toward the head.

Although these souls are very small, Luo Zheng is the first time to notice.

"Yuan Shi Tianzun predecessors, there are a lot of otters here to climb up!" Luo Zheng said.

Yuan Shi Tian Zun was silent, and immediately said, "It is the soul of the water, these water can directly eat your soul!"

"Just rely on these little things?" Luo Zheng eyebrows a vertical.

"Yes, their abilities are amazing, and they often don't know what to do..." Yuan Shi Tianzun cautioned.

"Clean it up!"

After the completion of the Yuan Shi Tianzun, Luo Zheng’s soul has been drilled out of his mind, and he has to clean up the soul of the body.

He has stepped into the Holy Spirit, and the strength of the soul is stronger than that of a considerable part of the source. It is naturally no problem to kill these small insects.


The soul of Luo Zheng released a powerful soul pressure, which was turned into a small sword with a handle and shot toward the soul.

"Da da da……"

The power of these shadowless swords is not weak, and the souls of the souls attached to Luo Zheng are suddenly beaten.

After cleaning up the soul of the head, Luo Zheng then cleaned the back, arms and chest position.

But in the process of Luo Zheng's clean-up, the blood in the depression was splashed, and some of the blood was splashed on the surface of Luo Zheng's soul. The water otter hidden in the blood began to madly smash the soul of Luo Zheng.

Even if there are nine holy souls engraved and blessed, Luo Zheng’s soul can’t stand the soul bite!

Luo Zheng suffered from pain and could only retract into his head.

"These leeches are so powerful!" Luo Zheng said with pain.

Just biting the little one, it caused a lot of trauma to Luo Zheng’s soul. He felt that half of his soul was paralyzed.

"I haven't finished yet, you have already started," Yuan Shi Tianzun said helplessly. "To deal with these things, let Zhu Rong get out of the horse..."

His voice fell, and Vulcan wished that the deity had emerged from the top of Luo Zheng.

The spirit of Zhu Rong is wrapped in a thick layer of flames. This flame spreads down from the head and wraps the body of Luo Zheng. It seems that Luo Zheng is like a running fireman.

The soul of Luo Zheng’s body is naturally burnt to ashes by flames, and the blood water splashed by it is cleaned by the flames.

In the process of knowing the soul of the otter, the cockroach still controls the slashing of the flesh.

In fact, Yuan Shi Tian Zun and Luo Zheng have discovered that there is no sense of autonomy.

A series of words that were previously mentioned in the possession of the body have been deciphered by Tian Zhiming. It is an instinct that expresses remorse and anger and wants to break away from the sorrow.

Now running wildly, it is still driven by instinct.

As for its destination, now things are more urgent, Luo Zheng did not have the time to sit down and Yuan Shi Tianzun to figure out, the most urgent task is to maintain life!

Zhu Rong is only a sigh of anger, and he has been a little tired after a while.

So Zhu Rong returned to the body of the world, and then it was the turn of Emperor Jun’s deity to wait until the Emperor’s deity was tired, and then replaced it...

The Terran Yingjies became the bodyguards of Luo Zheng, ensuring that the soul of Luo Zheng was not eroded by the soul.

Just as many humanities and heroes took turns to take turns, Luo Zheng’s body stepped into a large pool.

The tip of his toes is a little lighter on the surface of the pool, and it is a piece of cake to step on the water at the speed of the rush.

But he just took a few steps, and suddenly there was a huge head under the water. It was a lizard, which is a lizard's lair!


The huge lizard opens its mouth and directly engulfs Luo Zheng!

This lizard is the other side of the heavens in the Qing Dynasty. The strength is naturally far stronger than the other side of Taiqingtian.

The lizard has long sensed the existence of Luo Zheng through those souls, but Luo Zheng can easily clean up the soul of the water, making the lizard very disappointed.

But the lizard didn't expect Luo Zheng to go straight to its lair, but this is a delicious dish for the mouth.

The lizard, who smiles and smiles, closes his mouth and is about to sink into the pool. He slowly chews Luo Zheng to pieces.

Suddenly, there was a crack in the thickness of the arm on the surface of its solid head shell.


When the crack is enlarged, the head shell also makes a loud sound.

The lizard seems to be somewhat confused and faintly disturbed.

When it realized that the "human" problem was in the mouth, the huge head exploded!

Luo Zheng’s body is still okay, and his legs are running forward.

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