It takes a certain time for the six-headed eagle to catch the black tooth swallow, and they will take the bird eggs in this space.

Although the black tooth swallows must fly very fast, but after all, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the six-headed eagle.

As for how long the six-headed eagle spends to catch up with the black tooth swallows, this is resigned.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Twenty black robes seized the time and sprinted toward the top of the mountain.

The black robes below are holding their breath one by one, staring at the top of Tashan, which is related to the survival of their families, everyone is very nervous.

The leader’s son waited in the other direction. It was the direction in which the second black tooth swallowed. The female eagle chased it over there. One big and one small figure shuttled through the towers. Hidden time!


The black tooth swallow may be too nervous, maybe it was too excited after swallowing the blood of the phoenix, and it was killed on a mountain.

The female eagle flew past, and an eagle's head gently picked it up, and the black-skinned swallows slowly returned in the mouth.

The son of the leader saw that this scene was cold, and quickly reminded, "Hey, hey, that eagle is back!"

The leader saw this scene after hearing the faint percussion. His face was ugly and ugly. His subordinates were still climbing on the Tashan Mountain. Although the speed was not slow, he only reached two-thirds of Tashan. height!

"Hey, ask them to withdraw?" asked the son of the leader.

"Withdrawal, there is no chance..." The leader shook his head.

The black tooth swallows are rare in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. They also spent a lot of effort to catch two.

If this time fails, they have not captured the time of the black tooth swallow.

"If you don't withdraw, they will all..." The leader's son worried.

They are not a large number of people, but they are very united. The tribes of the tribes are intimate with each other. How can the sons of the leader bear to watch the tribal soldiers die?

"For the tribe, even if it is a sacrifice, it is necessary," the leader said suddenly and firmly.

There are also a large number of old and weak women and children in the tribe...

If they give up, their tribes will be devastated.

Instead of this, it is better to take a gamble on the lives of these twenty people.

"But the female eagle will definitely return to the nest, and their sacrifice is meaningless," said the son of the leader.

"Shut up!" The leader sternly replied.

The other tribal warriors who were hiding in the side did not say anything. They all knew the grim situation faced by their own people. This time they followed the leader and had already fulfilled their own life.

Even with this kind of enlightenment, their hearts are still shivering at a critical juncture, and they are at a loss...

After the son of the leader was reprimanded by his father, he suddenly rushed out.

"Qi Er!" The leader called out.

The son of the leader turned a deaf ear and jumped along Tashan. He jumped to the middle of the thirty-four feet and started a whistle at the top. "Hey--see here!"

He wants to attract the attention of the female eagle and help the twenty black robes to gain time.

The female eagle does not know that her nest is being attacked, or she **** her wings without slowness, while slowly enjoying the food in her mouth.

Suddenly I heard the sound coming from below, and the six eagle heads looked together. It saw the son of the leader below.

There are even small guys who provoke themselves...

The six-headed hawk is a bit strange.

Its wisdom is not high, strange strange but not much thought.

The wings fluttered and swiftly flew toward the son of the leader below.

"Qi Er!" The leader's breathing was short.

The son of the leader has been kicked out, and the female eagle has come straight to himself, but it is even more excited, yelling toward the female eagle.

When the female eagle was about to rush down, it vaguely felt that something was wrong. One of the six heads turned to look up and saw some black robes climbing up, and they were approaching their nests!


The eagle realized that she was fooled and did not fly back up.

"Well!" The son of the leader saw the female eagle leaving, and suddenly it was gray.

Twenty black robes have squeezed their speed to the limit. They don't even know what's going on underneath. Even if they hear the eagle's tweet, they don't care, just a head-up.

Seeing that there are two hundred feet from the Bird's Nest, you can reach the Bird's Nest for up to three or four breaths.

At this moment, the female eagle flies from the bottom to the top of Tashan.

Five eagle heads opened their mouths and spit out the sputum sputum on the wall of the mountain.

The green sputum is in a thin line, and a horizontal line is drawn across the mountain wall, and then it falls down like a waterfall...

The black robe warriors saw the corrosive sputum coming from the face, and there was no chance to escape.

The thick robes are also made of special fabrics, which have a good defense force, but burst under the action of corrosive sputum, revealing the original appearance of the black robes.

These black robes are very similar to humans, but they are not illuminated by the light for years, and they are white as paper.


When the corrosive sputum tears their black robes, the light has begun to erode their flesh. These black robes are actually dark-fielded creatures!

Under the double corrosion of light and corrosive sputum, their bodies disappeared between the blinks...


The eagle returned to the nest, and an eagle head screamed toward the son of the leader below, and then spit out a green sputum.


This corrosive sputum disappeared after a long distance in the air...

The corrosion of the six-headed eagle is very powerful, but there is a characteristic that it is corroded together with space.

From the top of the tower to the bottom, so far away, the space on the road is corroded, and the corrosive sputum itself disappears.

Of course, the female eagle clearly knows this result. It is just an intimidation under anger. It is afraid that other people will not come out of the nest when they start with the eggs.

The black robes below are like ones falling into the hail.

Plan failed...

The leader was silent for a while and suddenly said, "I said before I came here. If it fails, it will try to kill everyone's life. Even if it is vain, try one in ten thousand!"

All the black robes gave up hiding and began to walk toward the tower.

Hard words must be a dead end, but no one black man hesitated.

Just as they were near Tashan, there was a sudden sound coming from afar.

Under the high speed rushing, the ground caused a slight vibration.

The black robe people looked back and saw the Luo Zheng who was running wild!


"Humans living in the light?"

"He, what do he want to do..."

Black robes are very surprised to meet humans here.

The son of the leader is standing up and wants to stop Luo Zheng from asking.

Can Luo Zheng as if they did not see them, facelessly rushed to the bottom of the tower, running up the vertical mountain.

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