Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 814: Blood sacrifice

Although the warrior is very easy to die under the catastrophe, but more warriors are defeating the big and small, the step by step cultivation, to make themselves more powerful.

Since even the catastrophe can not punish these strong, the world will find a way to kick out this level of power!

Of course, this is the "flying up" in the mouth of the gods.

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the ascending channel of this vast world. Even if the will of the world wants to kick them out, there is no way to kick it.

Qinglong replied faintly: "Yes, the resources in the lower bound cannot create a stronger warrior than the power of the gods..."

"The strength of that person, I feel that he is far more powerful than the sea of ​​God," Luo Zheng asked in a positive color.

"It's very simple. This person is not a person from this plane. He is from the upper class," Qinglong explained.

"It turns out!" Luo Zheng took a glimpse of his heart. After thinking about it, he flashed his thoughts, but he queried the origins of this white-browed man in the memory of the world's will...

"Oh, there is no such person's information!" Under the enquiry of Luo Zheng, it was discovered that there was no such white-eyed person in memory.

"It is normal. The willpower of the world you merged is indeed in the state of omniscience. But this white-browed man is coming through the anti-psychic channel, because he is not a living creature of the plane, so he also paid a considerable amount. The price!" Qinglong explained.

Luo Zheng suddenly realized this, but Luo Zheng thought about it, but he didn't feel right. "But I was able to find the soul tree, I didn't bother to find the information of this white eyed person."

"Nursing the soul is just a dead thing. If you don't believe it, you can check the Xuan Ming Cave, and then check the Tianzhu Immortal Tomb and the Xianfu in the Eastern Region. The alien creatures can't be checked..."

Luo Zheng really inquired according to the method of Qinglong. It turns out that Qinglong’s words are correct. He can’t query Xuan Mingdong and the Tower of Sin, and the Xianfu can’t find it in memory, but he can check To the Tianzhu fairy tomb!

This reason does not need to be explained by Qinglong. Luo Zheng can also guess. Although the Tianzhu Taoist is also a warrior in the upper bound, he is a native warrior and was born in this big world, so he can find the Tianzhu immortals.

However, the Xianfu and the Tower of Sin are all foreign objects, and Luo Zheng naturally cannot find it.

As for the young man who took Rosie, Luo Zheng also tried to find it, and he did not find it...

Did not find the news Luo Zheng is not to take care of him for the time being, under the order of the white-browed people, the four great kingdoms began to distribute dragon blood.

Luo Zheng saw that several strong and dead people are constantly giving a small bottle to many god-level geniuses.

Dispelling the curse in the heavenly sea, the vain warriors are still difficult to enter. The residual blood sacrifice is enough to make the vain warriors unable to move. They are finally trapped in this holy sea, so before entering, every human race The warrior must take a drop of true dragon blood!

The blood of the real dragon is a big supplement for the general warrior. After taking it, it will increase the strength of the body and let the blood contain a real force of the dragon. It is only a relative to this level of the warrior. The power is a little bit, and the most crucial thing is to use the blood of this real dragon to resist the power of blood sacrifice in the holy sea of ​​Tianyu.

The length of a real dragon is thousands of miles long, comparable to a continent. It is not a rare thing in the upper bound. Otherwise, Luo Zheng would enter the real dragon world and will not be distributed to the real dragon. blood.

It’s just not clear how the four great kingdoms got the blood of this real dragon, and it must have been obtained through the anti-spirit channel.

Luo Zheng was also given a drop of true dragon blood.

The blood of this dragon is very rare for the lower bounds, but when Luo Zheng grabbed the vial, his face showed a weird smile. The blood of the real dragon in his body is probably far more than other people, not to mention Luo Zheng's body also has real dragon blood!

The general dragon blood is not precious, but the essence of the real dragon is much more precious, because the dragon blood can be quickly raised again, but the real dragon blood can hardly rise again, with one drop, one drop, even in the real dragon world. It is not easy to get a drop of real dragon blood.

After some warriors got the dragon's blood, they couldn't wait to swallow the dragon's blood.

Although this dragon blood is not very useful for Luo Zheng, he is still absorbed by this dragon blood as well as others.

In a short while, the warriors on the square began to spread, but they knew that they were about to leave.

That is, as Yan Wang said, the warriors who explored the Tianyu holy sea must form their own team, and the warriors are gathered together in twos and threes.

At this time, a voice was passed over. "Heavenly brother! This time, explore the secret, can you join my team!"

Luo Zhengyi turned back and found that the person who spoke was the prince named "Zhuoer" in Tianfeng Shenguo. Now Luo Zheng has already known that the Tianfeng Kingdom is the world of Lu, and the Prince of God is Lu Zhu.

Invited by the Prince of God, it is considered that Luo Zheng’s face is big enough.

Just to say that, Luo Zheng’s strength is enough to shock, and who wouldn’t want Luo Zheng to join his team?

Although the four great kingdoms have explored these four years and have a considerable understanding of the four mysteries, there are still many unpredictable dangers in this secret. There are many such strong men in the team, and they will grasp the natural society. A lot of big.

In the face of Lu Zhuo’s invitation, Luo Zheng was a faint smile, saying: “Sorry, I have accepted the invitation of Yan Wang.”

"Yan Wang? Zhou Zhihua?" Lu Zhuo's brow slightly wrinkled.

His voice fell, and Zhou Zhihua had already walked toward Luo Zheng with Yue Ying and others. Yan Wang’s shoulder was taken against Lu Zhuo: “Yes, Luo Zheng has joined my team. You are one step late!"

Lu Zhuo's eyes flashed lightly, revealing a regretful expression. In fact, he already knew in his heart that he was afraid that it was difficult to invite Luo Zheng. Although Luo Zheng was not a warrior from the Black Iron Kingdom, this time it was On behalf of the Black Iron God, Lu Zhuo just wants to try his luck.

"It's too powerful, Luo Tianxing!" That month's profit was close to Luo Zheng, but his face showed an excited smile.

Although they have already understood that the strength of Luo Zheng is not the same, even Luo Zheng has had a discussion, but Yue Ying thinks that Luo Zheng has shown at least 80% of the strength! The strength hidden in front of them is at most 20%.

However, they never imagined that Luo Zheng was so powerful that it not only crushed the most powerful geniuses of the four great kingdoms, but also wounded the power of the sea, and it was still the great emperor. The leader in the power of the gods!

If they had not witnessed this scene with their own eyes, no one would dare to believe it.

Therefore, Yue Ying and others looked at Luo Zheng's gaze at this time, especially the monthly surplus, only the fanatic worship in the eyes!

Being able to form a team with Luo Zheng is also a very fortunate thing for them. This time, the trip to the holy sea of ​​the sea, presumably they will also gain a lot.

Luo Zheng was a slight nod. "Well, when are we going?"

"You can start now," Yan Wang said with a smile. "According to the rules, you have won the challenge of the other three major kingdoms. We can enter the Tianyu holy sea for the first time, but this is irrelevant. ”

At the time of the conversation, Zhou Ning, the prince of the Kingdom of God, has already led several people to fly high, heading westward along the Xilong River and entering the Tianyu holy sea.

"In this case, let's go!" Luo Zheng nodded and wandered around the Kingdom of God. His most important purpose was Tianyu Shenghai, but now he is finally able to step into it.

After that, Luo Zheng and Yan Wang, as well as Yue Ying and others, also flew up and headed for the Tianyu holy sea.

The waves in the holy sea of ​​Tianyu rushed to the shore, and the light golden light still contained a lot of blood sacrifices. When Luo Zheng just entered the Tianyu holy sea, he felt nothing. The power of being absent wrapped himself.

"Is this the power of blood sacrifice?" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed lightly.

Under the influence of the power of this blood sacrifice, the speed of Luo Zheng’s flight slowed down noticeably, and the speed of Luo Zheng slowed down. The speed of Yan Wang and Yue Ying slowed down more than him.

And as they keep moving forward, they feel that there is an invisible big hand in the holy sea of ​​the day, pulling them into the sea!

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