Because of the dual reasons of the esoteric and the little monsters, the three great kingdoms have always endured the great kingdom of God, but because the four great kingdoms belong to the upper bounds of the human race, they have been harmonious with each other over the years and have regarded the whole country as a force. Over.

This time, the Emperor of the Wind and the War of the Emperor did not see the past. Of course, there is another reason for it because of Fire Yun, how can he not see that Fire Yun is actually very concerned about Luo Zheng?

"I want to move really!"

"The second time, the four major kingdoms have not had a conflict for a long time..."

"Do you want to fight the Emperor?"

The field of the Emperor of the Wind and the Emperor spread out, and a wave of heat waves suddenly spread out, apparently to be directly hands-on.

At the moment, Zhou Huang also said indifferently: "Liu Zan, since you can't control the black star mine, or return it to Luo Zheng!"

Tian Yunguo also took a step and stood next to Zhou Huang. This time, it seems that all the people are not standing on the side of the Emperor.

There was a chilly color in the eyes of the Emperor, but he still did not return the black star mine to Luo Zheng, but his body shape flashed and went straight to the pyramid.

He still does not give up.

Even if he can't control the black star mine, he should try it. After all, it is the supreme artifact. This mine should be stronger than the general saint and artifact.

Seeing that the Emperor of the Great War went straight to the forty-five floors of the pyramid, the three kings also sighed, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Wind said: "But, he is willing to try, let him give it a try."

After the Daxie War Emperor drilled into the forty-five-story narrow door, he fell into a blade of forty-five layers.

A purple worm was inhabited on this leaf, and it was discovered that after the Emperor of the Great Warrior came in, it was "squeaky" and flapped his wings and flew toward him.

However, this purple worm is not close to the Emperor of the Great War, he is a boxing out, with an invisible wave of diffusion, the purple worm is shaken by the power of the Emperor!

In the past, the Emperor of the Great Warrior was also interested in catching this purple worm, and now that he has a black star mine, he is too lazy to pay attention to this worm.

After the purple worms were driven away, he took two steps and raised the black star mine in his hand. The eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and then the black star mine was smashed!


In the sea of ​​gods in his body, there was a wave of waves, and the power that the real yuan gave birth broke out in an instant!


As the scorpion of the black star mine slammed into the blade, the huge force suddenly swayed the entire tree.

The blue leaves are still as smooth as the mirror, without any cracks...






After dozens of times, the squatting down, the tiger's mouth of the Great Warrior was shattered, and a blood flowed along his tiger's mouth to the black star mine, but the black star mine bounced those blood one by one. After acknowledging the Lord, this black star mine will not accept the blood of the Great War Emperor...

In fact, on the forty-five-layered blade, there is also a law of causality.

This law of causality is the law of causality of absolute defense!

Because this law of causality exists, it is impossible to break open by virtue of brute force. This is not the power of the great emperor, but the rule is limited!

The black star mine has the principle of causality to dig all the things. The most important thing is that the causality of the black star mine is above the causality of the leaves. If these two causal laws compete with each other, the winner will be the black star mine. pick!

It is impossible to control the black star mines, and it is also impossible to activate the causality law in the black star mines...

At this time, the degree of entanglement in the heart of the Daxie war emperor can be imagined?

He bit his teeth, but he sighed in his heart, "This is not something I should have in my life."

This jumped from the top of the blade and fell into the aperture, and soon the figure appeared on one side of the pyramid.

Seeing the overcast expression of the Emperor of the Great War, Zhou Huang and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor looked at each other with a smile on his face.

The Daxie War Emperor grabbed the Black Star Mine and leaped over. He slammed Luo Zheng and slammed his right hand. The Black Star Mine was with a sharp scream and went straight toward Luo Zheng. Obviously, there is a strong force in the black star mine.

"Luo Tianxing, be careful!" Fire Yuner quickly reminded him of the black star mine that flew from the air.

Luo Zheng’s gaze flashed, and the strength of the dragon scales suddenly emerged. In an instant, there were three thousand dragon scales gathered on him! There was a light smile on his face, just sticking out two fingers, and it was easy to pinch the black star mine!

Seeing this scene, the faces of those gods and seas have changed a few times.

Everyone can see clearly, the power of the screaming of the Emperor of the Great, the power of the throwing is not small, even if they have to go all out, only to be able to carry this black star mine.

However, Luo Zheng’s performance is light! With just two fingers, I caught the handle, the power of this kid... How big is it?

After catching the black star mine, Luo Zheng smiled and concentrated on climbing to the top of the pyramid.

Those gods and seas can see Luo Zheng entering the pyramid, but also flew up and followed Luo Zheng into the narrow door.

As for the fire, fire, children, Yan Wang, Yue Ying these god-level genius, of course, also followed, although there are threats of purple worms on the top, but so many gods in the sea, The threat is not big.

Luo Zheng did not step into the top floor, but went straight to the forty-five floors. The ore that he was the first to acquire was the crystallization of life in the forty-five layers. The power of life contained in this life crystallization only needs one. The one can save the Ning Yu Butterfly.

At the moment when Luo Zheng stood on the forty-five floors, many of the great powers of the sea were also entered. They stood on the forty-five, forty-six and top-level blades respectively!

Among the forty-five, forty-six, and forty-seven layers of leaves, the number of ores wrapped in them is not much, but they are almost rare and rare. Each of the ores can be used as a semi-artifact, even as an artifact... ...

Luo Zheng took two steps on the broad leaves, and found the crystal of life!

In order to get this life crystallization, Luo Zheng also spent a lot of effort, wandering around such a big circle, he finally came here with the black star mine, his face gradually floated a touch of excitement.

"This Luo Zheng, you need the original stone in the beginning, and now you have to dig this life crystal, it seems that this thing is really important to him..."

"Is there any life that he will end up with, and he needs life to crystallize his life?"

"It is not clear that he was not the person of my four great kingdoms."

"I don't know if this black star mine can really open this blade..."

"I also have some doubts that this black star mine is claimed to be the supreme artifact, but no one has ever seen its power!"

Those gods and seas have a lot of arguments on the leaves, and the eyes are also showing the desired color.

To put it bluntly, the top three layers of this mine tree are transparent treasure chests! It’s only for so many years that they can’t get the key to this treasure chest, but now the key is in the hands of Luo Zheng, and everyone hopes that Luo Zheng can open this treasure chest.

"This time, it will definitely be!"

When Luo Zheng’s gaze flashed, he gently knocked the miner in his hand toward the blue blade.

He didn't use much power, but as Luo Zheng waved the mine, there was a very mysterious force spreading out! This is the power of the law of cause and effect!


When many of the gods and seas were able to see the power, they took a deep breath!

This power is not fancy, it can even be said to be extremely simple, but it gives a lot of feelings to the gods and seas, they can't defend this power! That force seems to be able to penetrate everything.

Just as the head of the Black Star Mine hit the blade, on the blade, there was also an invisible force cracking! This invisible force is the causal law of absolute defense on the blade!

The two causal laws are against each other, and the law of causality on the black star mine has taken the upper hand!

So Luo Zheng just tapped gently, and the leaves began to crack down...

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