The robbery of heaven is the catastrophe that the heavens have descended. This lightning dragon belongs to the heavenly way and is actually equivalent to the unowned thing!

When Luo Zheng took control of the four-layer Ray System, he began to refine and refine this lightning dragon!

From this perspective, the catastrophe is both difficult and equally an opportunity for the military to enhance their opportunities.

So from the beginning of life and death, every time you live and die, it is a life and death experience, but also can make yourself stronger!

In Luo Zheng’s eyes, the thunder and light of the road continued to surge. After the lightning dragon was absorbed, the currents were still in the body of Luo Zheng. With the control of the power of the law, Luo Zheng was constantly digesting a large amount of lightning. Power.

"He actually swallowed up all the thunder and robbery, this Luo Tianxing..."

"This kind of thing has not happened. When the Thunder star hit the sea of ​​God, did it also devour the thunder?"

"The same is true, but when the Thunder star hits the sea of ​​the sea, the thunder system contained in the thunder is only two layers. The thunder of the lightning dragon is just four stories high..."

Those gods and seas are also whispering in their voices, and their faces are also showing envy. The thunderbolt has not caused too much harm to Luo Zheng, but it has benefited Luo Zheng.

"Hey, the first layer of thunder robbery, the robbery that this kid has provoked has been so horrible, I don't know what other ghosts are behind!" Daxie war emperor said coldly.

The dark clouds above the sky began to dissipate layer by layer, and a huge hollow was exposed in the sky. This thick black cloud dissipated at a visible speed.

After a fragrant time, the dark clouds above the entire Shen Guo continent disappeared completely, and the light on the mainland also saw the light. The great powers of the seas that suppressed the tsunami also returned to the island of Yuhuang.

At this time, there was a golden light shining from the sky. In the light, it was wrapped in more than a dozen figures. The one headed in a robe and two eyebrows were white. It was on the side of the Xilong River. The white-browed man who presided over the battle!

This white-browed man is a warrior from the upper realm!

"Supervisor is coming!" Zhou Huang said faintly.

"Is it Luo Tianxing's robbery, will the overseer be attracted?" After the Tianfeng War Emperor finished, it was soaring and greeted the white-browed Taoist people. Other gods and seas were also respectful and respectful to the white-browed people.

When the white-browed man came with the people on the pyramid, he asked with a sharp voice: "Who is in the robbery? It is such a great power!"

The robbing power of Luo Zheng was too stunned. This white-browed man thought that a certain **** of the sea could be robbed here, but even if the sea of ​​God was able to rob, it would be difficult to move such a powerful thunder! Therefore, the white-browed people will personally go to Yuhuang Island to find out.

When I heard the question of the white-browed Taoist, Zhou Huang said, "The Governor, the god-level genius Luo Tianxing of my black iron **** country is here to rob!"

"Luo Tianxing?" The white-browed man’s face squinted, his eyes swept away, and he saw Luo Zhengduan sitting constantly, and his body was still full of lightning-burning traces! "He is not a warrior in the middle of a virtual robbery. How can he be robbed! How can he provoke such a big scene of thunder?"

This white-browed man is full of unbelief!

He does not believe that Luo Zheng will break through the middle of the virtual catastrophe in a short period of time. When he enters the virtual robbery period, he will be able to rob the life and death. The white-browed people are from the upper bound. For the upper-armed warriors, from the innate secret to the virtual The robbery is all built.

The problem is that a small robbery spurred by a vain warrior in the district can be so horrible, which is somewhat ridiculous!

These warlords have never seen such a terrible catastrophe. How can they answer the questions of the white-browed people?

Under the gaze of the white-browed man, he stood still and observed it.

Prior to this, Bai Meidao had already noticed Luo Zheng, and the performance of Luo Zheng on the side of the Xilong River, even if placed in any of the great forces of the Terran in the upper bound, can be regarded as a fascinating genius.

However, the Terran has occupied tens of thousands of circles, and there are countless forces among the various worlds. The holy places of all sizes can be counted in tens of millions. The so-called eye-catching sights must also be seen in what range, according to the white-browed people. Come, Luo Zheng’s genius is nothing in a big world, let alone the three major human forces and the tens of thousands of circles.

Luo Zheng can only be listed in a second-rate holy place, and it is listed as the key training object!

Moreover, the white-browed Taoist and the Tianzhu immortal are different. Tianzhu is using the Ziwei Datiangong to calculate the fate of the big levy of Luo Zheng. This white-browed man can only see the fate of Luo Zheng with only one pair of eyes.

Therefore, although Luo Zheng’s performance is quite good, it can be said that he is invincible in the same level of the four major kingdoms, but in the eyes of the white-browed people, nothing can be considered...

However, that was the impression of Luo Zheng before. This time, when I saw such a huge catastrophe, the white-browed people were shocked!

It’s just the horror of the first small robbery in the promotion of life and death. What is the origin of this kid?

This day, there is more than one wave of robbery. He has to observe it carefully. This day, the robbery is so horrible. Maybe there will be a lotus bloom after the robbery. He will see if this kid can temporarily put a few lotuses!

Bai Yuerong followed behind the white-browed Taoist, only to know that the robbing of the genius was caused by Luo Zheng. Her gaze was also very complicated. As a secret sacred woman, she was responsible for communicating with the upper bound, and the information of the upper bound was better than those of the gods.   can understand more, but also more comprehensive, she also did not think that this robbery turned out to be Luo Zheng!

Luo Zheng sits in the same place and is still digesting the power of thunder and lightning. These pure lightning powers spread in the body of Luo Zheng, differentiate and infuse in each of his cells, stimulating his body to grow rapidly!

The power of any law is not only used to destroy, for example, the law of fire originally symbolizes destruction, but it contains the ability of new life and nirvana.

And the law of the thunder system can bring vitality in the destruction. The so-called spring thunder trembles to the earth, can wake up all the hibernation things, and revitalize the natural world. This is the beginning of life!

It is said that the development of the Shenhai, after the true solidification, it is necessary to continuously introduce the Thunder into Dantian, under the stimulation of the power of lightning, can produce life in Dantian, this is the fourth layer of the law of the thunder system, "Molding! ”

Soon, his body is just like a newborn. The carbonized skin on the surface begins to crack and reveal the red and tender meat. When the carbonized skin completely falls off, Luo Zheng’s body looks like the mother. Just born in general.

"Is there a second wave?"

After Enran through the first wave of robbery, Luo Zheng looked up at the sky.

If it is a general warrior, most of them will only have the first wave of thunder! The stronger the talent, the more waves there are, and the more powerful it is. Even those god-level geniuses face more than one wave of catastrophe, so the probability of Luo Zheng facing several waves of catastrophe is very large.

Sure enough, after a while, a little bit of pale gold shadow began to appear on the sky. The golden light became more and more obvious, and a golden sword slowly emerged!

"This is a golden robbery! This golden robbery appeared after the thunder, but it is more difficult!" A **** of the sea has experienced the so-called "golden robbery", and seeing this scene can not help but Call it up.

However, the white-browed man’s face appeared to be disdainful. However, he was very ignorant of the ignorance of these gods in the Shenzhou mainland. He said in a faint manner: "It’s just a golden robbery. What's the fuss?"

In the eyes of the white-browed Taoist people, whether it is thunder, or gold robbery, or wind robbery, or water robbery... This "five-line robbery" can not be on the table, can face the future potential of a warrior, and only Lianhua !

This Luo Zhengdu robbery is a huge momentum, but now there is no birth of Lianhua, this is nothing.

A golden sword appeared on the sky, and the sword front of each sword shone with dazzling cold light, a thousand handles, ten thousand handles, one hundred thousand handles, one million handles...

There are more and more golden swords, and this is a cover-up, it looks like a golden cloud.

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