If you bloom three petals, it is enough to become the core of the nine sacred places...

"I already knew that this kid is not simple. If he can fly up the upper bound, he may be a character in the upper bounds in the future!" Zhou Huangxiao smiled.

However, the voice of the Emperor of the Great Warfare sang in an inappropriate manner. "Hey, what about it? This kid is stronger, not like us, trapped in this lower bound!"

This made Zhou Huang frown, and then the words of the white-browed people were the heart of many great powers.

"If this kid can open enough petals to make the upper-class people pay attention to it, it is very likely to cost a large enough price to help you repair the flying channel of the world!" Bai Meidao said faintly.

"What! Fix the flying channel!"

"How is this possible... Is the upper-class Terran really capable of such a bad day?"

"If it is to repair the flying channel, can we not..."

All the great powers of the sea of ​​God can't calm down at this moment.

They worked hard to cultivate the sea of ​​God and achieved the great power of the world, but they were trapped in the lower bounds and could not take a step toward a higher level. Can you think about the blow of a warrior?

However, the destruction of the flying channel is also a helpless thing. This is not something God can do to intervene!

If the ascending channel is repaired, it means that they can fly up the upper bound, can pursue higher levels of challenges, and achieve stronger personal strength... Perhaps entering the upper bound, they will face more difficult tests and face more life and death. Struggling between.

However, the military is standing in the world, but seeking pride, and soon lived forever! What's more, higher repairs mean longer Shouyuan.

Several voices of the gods and seas were excited, and even heard vibrato from their mouths...

The three sacred seas of Yu Xuanwufu are also among them. The three of them are extremely excited and their eyes are very complicated and they are staring at Luo Zheng. From the moment Luo Zheng stepped into Yu Xuanwu, they are very much looking forward to Luo. The performance of the levy, but they never imagined that Luo Zheng's talent can be tied to their fate.

At this time, even the face of the Emperor of the Great Warrior has become complicated... Those grievances are nothing worth mentioning compared to flying up the upper bound!

"Dover, supervise the public... How many petals will Lotus Huan open to enable the family to pay attention to and help us to repair this flying channel?" asked a **** of the sea.

This is a very critical issue. When everyone is excited, they forget to ask.

After the white-browed people thought about it, this said: "Maybe it is seven, at least seven! But just open seven flowers, I am not sure if it will be repaired, but if you open nine petals, that is Certainly! The first layer of lotus petals is completely in full bloom, that is, nine pieces! That is to say, the legendary Jiuye Lianhua...hehe, but in a big world, it is difficult to give birth to one of the countless holy places," said the white-browed man. Shaking his head, "It's too difficult. Even if it is the warrior who opened the seven leaves, there are only a few hundred people in a big world, and there are fewer people in some weak and big worlds."

When I heard the words of the white-browed Taoist people, many of the faces of the gods and seas suddenly showed a disappointment.

A big world, a big unimaginable, open seven-leaf warrior, there are only a few hundred people in a large world, this probability is almost small and poor.

Moreover, listening to the sayings of the white-browed people, even if the Qiye Lianhua is opened, the upper bounds may not be taken seriously. Only the opening of the nine-leaf meeting will be 100% repairing the ascending channel!

Everyone finally ignited the fire of hope, and the white-browed man was poured down by a basin of cold water, which made many gods and seas cool and cool...

Just in disappointment, Huo Yuner smiled and said: "Look! The third film! The third petal..."

Although everyone’s heart is disappointing, there is still a little expectation in the end, although this possibility is too small to ignore, because they simply do not believe that a warrior in the lower bound can compete with the countless geniuses in the big world! This is not a product of a hierarchy at all!

"The third piece of petals," Bai Yuerong said faintly, her obsessive look at Luo Zheng's eyes more and more complicated, is to think of the guy who released the bad luck when he passed the wheel of the gas.

The white-browed man nodded faintly. "Well, yes, Sanye Lianhua, this kid is enough to be proud. When I was in the sea of ​​the sea, I just opened the three leaves."

"Duke is a three-leaf warrior?" asked a **** of the sea to follow.

The white-browed man’s face showed a smug color. “That was the first big robbery in the sea of ​​God. It just opened the three leaves, the second big day robbery, I opened the five leaves!”

Opening five petals is indeed a proud thing. At the moment, this piece of God is a sea of ​​power, but I have never seen this thing...

The three-leaf lotus flower at the top of Luo Zheng is still slowly rotating. Everyone is quiet and waiting here. For the four great kingdoms, it is even more important to explore the number of lotus leaves in this lotus tree than to explore the secrets of Tianchen! After all, Tianchen’s secrets can be explored every year. In this day, there are Lianhua’s warriors, and they are still seeing the first one!

"The fourth film, open, open!" The fire that was always on the side of the fire, but could not help but shouted.

Next to the fire Yuner is a smile: "Chen Di, this is not what you shouted..."

But who knows that the sound of Yun Yun's voice just fell, the fourth petal gently trembled, really slowly opened!

"Since the fourth film is opened, the fifth film will definitely open. This Luo Tianxing has already surpassed me." The white-browed man sighed and his face smiled.

Sure enough, after the fourth petal was opened, the fifth petal fell!

At this time, all the breaths of the gods and seas began to rush...

This lotus flower is singular, since it has already opened five petals, then as long as the next flower is opened, Luo Zheng will open the seven leaves!

Nine leaves are too difficult, but these seven leaves are enough to attract the attention of the upper-class people, there is still a great possibility for them to repair the flying channel! Just open another blade...

"One piece, one piece will be fine, Luo Tianxing, fight for a breath!" Zhou Huang muttered.

"Who knows that this kid is inexplicable, it has become a hope for us," Tianfeng Warrior shook his head and said: "I hope it will be!"

Many gods and seas are also whispering in prayer. They are also afraid of disturbing Luo Zheng at this moment. They are very low pressure. In fact, opening Lotus is not controlled by Luo Zheng himself, even if Luo Zheng is now with It doesn't matter if you fight, how many pieces of lotus will be opened, how many pieces will be opened, but these gods can be so cautious because they pay too much attention.

In the expectation of everyone, the lotus flower is still slowly turning, but the petals are not put down again.

"One piece, one piece... please," one of the gods can whisper, and the painful sound is on his face. The power and elegant color of the sea of ​​the gods disappears completely, as if it is one. A poor woman who is pleading for help, but he does not know who he is pleading with, asking for levy? To God? Still to that lotus flower?

Other gods and seas are not able to laugh at him. If you ask for useful flowers, everyone will pull down your face and ask for it. This is not a good time.

Luo Zhengyu looked at his eyes and looked at the lotus in the sky. He did not know that because of his own affairs, he had already set off an uproar on the other side of the pyramid. Everyone was looking forward to it.

After waiting for a long time, Luo Zheng sat down on his knees and closed his eyes. Qinglong had already told him how many pieces of this lotus flower could be opened, and he could only listen to his fate. It was not his own will that could affect him. He was not in a hurry.

The problem is that Luo Zheng thinks so. Those who are in the heart of the gods and seas don’t think so. They don’t know the origin and function of this lotus flower, but they know the truth of the heart and soul. When this is the key time, this Luo Zheng does not even I stared carefully, but instead meditated with my eyes open and indifferent, how can I do this!

Especially the Emperor of the Great War, I only saw his face stunned: "Zhou, Zhou Huang, you go to talk to Luo Zheng, let him pay attention to it, this knee meditation, when can you ......"

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