The ability to get more powerful corpses, Luo Zheng himself can not be expected, but above the choice, after all, the higher the better.

The net soul light above this step lasted for ten breaths and then began to dissipate.

At the moment when the net soul light dissipated, the command of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor was spread to all the warriors in the situation of consciousness.


All the warriors on the platforms on both sides of the stairs momentarily left the platform and began to flow over the steps.

Every time the net soul light fades, there will be a gap of ten breathing time. With this gap, everyone can climb up one level.

Under the rapid shuttle, everyone swept through dozens of steps. At the moment when the top of the light illuminates, I heard the Emperor of the Wind and the Emperor commanded: "Remove, separate the two sides, and go up the platform!"

Still in the silence, all the souls are swept on the platforms on both sides. On the platform on both sides of the third floor, there are also many houses, but the martial arts in the coffins below the house. Strength is only the late stage of God.

The forces of the Longmai family are stronger than the four great kingdoms. Even the four great kingdoms have countless gods, and the vain warriors, the number of gods in the dragon family is naturally not small, but in this Surrounded by a full circle in the third floor, there are only six or seven hundred houses on the platform.

The warrior buried here in the name of God Dan is inevitably the core figure of the Dragon Maidens. However, they will put their bodies into the cemetery.

This time, Luo Zheng did not look at these coffins again. The strength of the body was too weak, and it was of no use to Luo Zheng.

Everyone looked cautiously waiting for the command of the Emperor of the Winds. The net soul light had a fatal threat to the soul, and the actions of hundreds of people could not be uniform. If it was a little hesitant, the action was left behind, just the net soul was on the steps. When it flashes up, the trouble can be big, the soul will be instantly scented, and the body in which it is will become a body without a body...

"Everyone should not relax their vigilance. This net soul light spreads from top to bottom. The more you go up, the shorter the time left for everyone!" The Emperor of the Wind and the Emperor stared at the net soul light that was erected like a light cone. With a slender light cone dimmed and dissipated, the Emperor of Heaven and the Wind once again released consciousness, "Up!"

Everyone’s movements were neat and uniform, with almost no stagnation and hauling, and they stepped up again.

"The fourth floor, spread out!"

Under the command of the Emperor of the Wind, he also jumped on the platform next to him!

Just waited until the wind and the emperor jumped onto the platform, looking back, suddenly shocked, and fire allowed to fall to the end!

When everyone jumped onto the platform, Huo Yuner took a few steps toward the side of the platform. She seemed to be observing the dragon veins inscribed on the coffin, and she was slightly distracted.

By the time the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor’s consciousness spread out, the action of Fire’s child was slightly full.

It was slow to shoot this, and Fire Yuner fell to the end. At this time, most people have jumped onto the platform, and the net soul light above the platform is covered layer by layer!

This net soul light can be much stronger than the tombstone at the entrance of the cemetery. Even if the sea of ​​God is slightly touched, the soul will be cleaned by the essence!

Seeing this scene, how can the Tianfeng War Emperor not be anxious?

"Sister!" Huo Chen is also anxious, although his temper is awkward, but his work is extremely serious, there is no distraction, so the command of the Emperor of the Wind and the fire also followed the ranks of the team.

Now that I see fire-fighting children falling behind, how can he not be anxious? He didn't think much, he just wanted to rush out to save the fire!

However, Huo Chen has just taken this step, and a **** of the sea is so powerful that it is in front of the fire.

The net soul light is already on, extending from the top step, but one or two breaths of time, the fire rushed out, and suicide is no different.

All the warriors looked at the fire on the ladder, and there was a hint of regret in their eyes.

This fire-fighting child can be described as the son of the celestial being, as a descendant of the phoenix, and possesses the true phoenix as a contracted beast. Even if it rises to the upper bound, it is afraid that it will not lose to the top geniuses of the upper bounds. The future achievements are afraid of being more than their gods. The old monsters are bigger.

Is it here today that it has fallen here?

The look of the Emperor of the Wind is even more urgent! But what is the use of urgency? His soul is considered to be the most powerful among all the great powers of the sea of ​​the sea. He does not dare to touch the soul of the soul. The next time is completely out of reach!

However, at this time, there was a figure that went out!

"Luo Tianxing?"

"Absolutely can't go!"

"Luo Zheng! Don't go!" It is Zhou Huang who stopped Luo Zheng.

Even if Luo Zheng’s soul strength is far more than other warriors present? Time is always not enough, his soul is stronger, and the net soul light is like throwing ice into the magma, and it will be cleaned in an instant!

Moreover, other people can die, but Luo Zheng can not die!

The reason is simple, but Luo Zheng is the hope that this group of gods can repair the ascending channel!

Dozens of gods and seas have a sense of power, and all the content is the same. Luo Zheng does not go down.

It is a pity that Luo Zheng did not pay attention to these consciousnesses. His soul turned into a black shadow and smashed toward the bottom. At this time, the soul of the soul had spread down the steps.

The dazzling net soul light emerges from the steps of a slender light cone that rises up in the sky. A breathing time can fill all the steps in the thirteen layers, but now it has spread to the fourth floor. That is to say, only one third of the breathing time is left, and the remaining steps can be covered.

At this time, Luo Zheng had no time to check the distance between the soul and the soul. When he rushed to the fire, he saved her and immediately continued to move forward.

He did not think about saving the fire to the fourth step. It was too late for such a short time. Therefore, Luo Zheng, with his own impact, hugged the fire, and then turned to the right of the third floor. Rush over the platform!

Just when the net soul light had just spread at the foot of Luo Zheng, the two souls of Luo Zheng and Huo Yun had already flown out, because the power of this shock was too great, and the momentum of Luo Zheng and Huo Yuner flew out too much. Under the circumstances, I could not directly cross the platform of the third floor, and fell heavily on the platform of the second floor!

However, at the moment of falling, Luo Zheng turned the angle and put the fire on the top, which is equal to his soul as a "soul cushion."

Luo Zheng’s soul is very strong, but the fire is different. The soul is not as vulnerable as the newly born baby before entering the war. Although the soul of Fire’s soul has undergone exercise, it is still not strong.

Sitting on Luo Zheng’s fire Yun’s child, there was still some anger at this time. Only then did she hesitate. In fact, since the action was late, she could wait for the next wave in the same place. Then the net soul light disappeared and then went up. Her hesitation, the speed is slower, watching the net soul light spread down layer by layer, she did not have room to dodge.

Seeing this scene, the dozens of gods and seas above are all enjoying a long sigh of relief.

The Emperor of the Winds is worried about his daughter. After entering the sea of ​​God, there is not much to do with the Emperor of the Wind. He puts most of his thoughts on his daughter. If he loses his life in order to explore the secrets of Tianchen, This is a situation that he would not want to see anyway. This time, Luo Zheng saved the fire and gave him a life. The face of the Tianfeng Warlord also showed gratitude.

However, other gods and seas are worried about Luo Zheng. They are waiting for the sacred woman to report the upper bound. If Luo Zheng is dead here, their hopes are to be shattered. Compared with the life of Huo Yuner, Luo Zheng’s life can be considered to be much more important. If you can just stop Luo Zheng, they will never allow Luo Zheng to take the risk!

On this ladder, there is still a clear soul light. Fire Yun’s child climbed up from Luo Zheng, and he communicated with Luo Zheng with consciousness: “Thank you.”

Luo Zheng smiled slightly, and a consciousness flashed out. "Nothing, let's go on!"

The Tianfeng War Emperor did not lead the crowd to climb, but waited for Luo Zheng and Huo Yuner on the fourth floor.

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