Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 871: "Feng Xue Long Chen"

The thirteenth floor is the top of this ladder. After Luo Zheng and the other four heads of state go up, there is no need to avoid the soul of the soul.

The top of the thirteenth floor is an open circular platform. Standing here, you can overlook the entire Emperor's secret, but this mysterious secret is just a huge cemetery, but there is no beautiful scenery.

Along the platform is there one after another!

From the first floor to the thirteenth floor, the body that can place its own body is inevitably the core figure of the Dragon Maiden family. The coffin shape of each layer is very delicate.

The tops of these coffins are even more sophisticated.

On top of the coffin, there are engraved esoteric lines, and even more terrible is that most of the runes are shining!

In other words, these gods are still in the activated state!

If you want to activate the gods, you must supply the true elements continuously. Luo Zheng’s face is full of curiosity. It’s hard to be below the cemetery. There is a huge real stone, which is constantly supplying real elements. Keep this **** pattern active?

"How is this done? How many real stones do you need to keep them active?" Luo Zheng pointed to the shimmering shrine, even if it was a huge real stone. It is also impossible to maintain the sacred pattern for thousands of years. This dragon's blood sacrifice is over, at least for 10,000 years...

Seeing the doubts of Luo Zheng, Zhou Huang is a faint smile: "These gods are not powered by the true stone! You can see it under your feet."

Luo Zheng looked down and looked at it, but he saw the ground beneath his feet, and also outlined a huge **** pattern. When he saw this, Luo Zheng’s eyes flashed, and his face showed a faint expression.

He knows this **** pattern.

In the mystical technique that Qinglong taught to himself, this is a very important **** pattern, which is a seven-star **** pattern "gathering spirit".

Through this seven-star **** pattern, it is possible to continuously gather the heaven and earth elements in the sky and turn them into real yuan. The **** lines on the coffins are running through this "gathering" **** pattern.

"But these gods are drawn on the top of the coffin. If you want to occupy the body of the coffin, is it still difficult?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, the masters of the elm on the thirteenth floor are in the peak of the sea of ​​God. I am afraid that the strength of life will be stronger than ours," Zhou Huang replied.

The body of the thirteenth floor, only one of the four great kingdoms has been successfully occupied for so many years!

It was thirty-six years ago that the Tianfeng War Emperor succeeded once. With the powerful body of the thirteen layers, it was also to further explore the secrets of Tianchen.

But for so many years, it has only succeeded once! Since then, the four kings have repeatedly climbed to the top and want to occupy the body, but they all ended in failure. In the end, they can only retreat to the next level. If you choose a 12-layer body, you can imagine the difficulty of occupying the top body. How big is it?

“Why is it so difficult?” Luo Zheng asked curiously.

Even if these great powers of the sea can be stronger than Zhou Huang, they should not be much stronger. After all, Zhou Huang, the Emperor of Heaven and the Wind, they also belong to the peak of the power of God, but only limited to the resources of the lower bound. For the sake of it, it has been impossible to break through the sea of ​​God.

Zhou Huang’s face showed a hint of smile. “It’s very simple, we can’t remember their names...”

"What is the reason for this?" This explanation makes Luo Zheng even more surprised.

Zhou Huang’s sense of faintness drifted over and said: “You will understand in a moment that the body of the thirteenth floor is the most important person in the family of dragons. Can their bodies be tolerant of others? It’s not that hard to take away this corpse!"

At this time, the Emperor of the Great War, the Heavenly Kingdom and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor, are constantly moving along this platform, while other great powers of the sea are closely followed.

In a short while, the Tianyun Guozhu stayed next to a white coffin, and planted several unknown trees next to the coffin. These small trees did not know how many thousands of years have grown. Less than one person is tall.

"Name," the consciousness of the Heavenly Kingdom has spread.

One of the great powers of the Sea of ​​God replied: "The owner of this corpse, named Feng Xue Longchen! Once was the leader of this sacred place, it has been dead for 40,000 years..."

Here is the cemetery of the Longmai family. The people lying here must have died longer than the Dragonmaids!

"Feng Xue Long Chen? Feng Xue Long Chen..." The consciousness of the Tianyun Kingdom is constantly repeating.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng is more curious, is this name really important? Why do you occupy the corpse and mention the name repeatedly? Now Luo Zheng has completely lost sight of it.

On the same day, the country’s lord chewed the name repeatedly, and then he said faintly: “Open up, I am ready!”

The Tianyun Kingdom is still in the soul form. It is simply the soul of the war soul. It is difficult to open this coffin. However, there are already many gods and seas that have achieved the "corpse body", although it is not as good as its own body. , but it should be able to play a strength of about 70%.

A few gods and seas are surrounded by the power, standing around the coffin where the body of the "Feng Xue Longchen" is located, it is the concerted effort to open the coffin.

Such a character lying here, there must be good protection measures. When the great powers of the sea have just tried to open up, the coffin suddenly becomes a violent shock, and the gods on it are flashing wildly.


Under a violent lineup, everyone heard a fierce dragon scream!


From that **** line, it was suddenly bursting out of the seven or eight real yuan formed by the dragon, rushing toward several gods.

"Six-star **** pattern, Canglong print," looking at the little dragons, Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly.

The power of the five-star gods is enough to resist the strong and dead, and the six-star gods are enough to resist the power of the sea!

However, at present, the number of gods and seas on this platform can be quite large. It is impossible to resist the power of so many gods with six-star gods.

Those gods and seas seemed to be very skilled. After moving the "Canglong Seal", they immediately gave up the coffin, but blasted to both sides. The seven or eight dragons that led the way went wild. She.

At this time, there were several other gods who were able to quickly approach the coffin and began to attack the six-star **** on the coffin!

Under the joint power of these gods, these six-star gods quickly shattered, and then the seven or eight dragons slowly dissipated at this time.

From beginning to end, Tian Yunguo has been standing in the same place, still meditation on the words "Feng Xue Long Chen", he did not pay attention to the process of other people against the dragon!

It seems that the name is really important, Luo Zheng thought silently.

After breaking the defensive rune "Canglong Yin" on the surface of the coffin, several gods and seas once again manipulated their bodies and slowly opened the coffin.

Among the coffins, there is a middle-aged man with silver hair lying in it. The silver-haired middle-aged man is the "Feng Xue Long Chen". Even with his eyes closed, he can feel the snow dragon. In the body of Chen, a power is passed out. This kind of power is the temperament of the standard standard.

This temperament has four nationals, but it is not as sharp as he is.

It is conceivable that this snow dragon is in front of the world, and it must be the top power of the gods and seas. Perhaps it is the most powerful warrior in this world!

Tianyun Guozhu looked at the silver-haired middle-aged man in the coffin, and his face showed a hint of discreet color. He turned his head and the other three heads of the country nodded, and then suddenly jumped into the coffin!

At the moment of rushing to the "Feng Xue Long Chen", the Tianyun Kingdom is suddenly reaching out and pressing the eyebrow of "Feng Xue Long Chen"! Under this press, the corpse was normally conditioned, and the soul of the lord of heaven was drilled into the body.

Soon, after the power of the soul core spread in the arm, internal organs, and legs of the body, the burly body of "Feng Xue Long Chen" climbed out of the coffin.

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