Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 932: Unexpected dispute

Shi Kefan was here to pay attention to the Tianchen Temple. When Luo Zhengyi came back, he immediately received the news and came over.

Looking at Shi Kefan's anxious expression, Luo Zheng is also a strange face.

After Shi Kefan explained it again, Luo Zhengcai suddenly realized that the so-called fight, it turned out that Xiqinqin and Ning Yudie two women fight! How can they fight again?

There is a big gap between Xiqinqin and Ning Yudie. Ning Yudie is a strong life and death, and Xiqin Qin is only a god, and the two are separated by a virtual robbery. The gap is very significant.

However, the strength of Xiqin Qin can not be measured by the thinking of the general warrior. From the beginning to the end, she relies not on her own strength, but from the aid of the purple pole...

Now in the entire middleland, Cui Xie and Wu Zhanhe have been killed by Luo Zheng. In addition to several independent warriors who are invisible to the world, the strongest and most destructive powers are Ning Yudie and Xi Qinqin. Female, if the two women fight, this excitement may be big.

What Luo Zheng did not know was that after he destroyed the evil sects, he quickly killed Wu Zhanhe by means of Thunder. The small scorpion who had just resurrected the evil sects finally collapsed, and the entire middleland also stabilized.

The virtual spirit and the virtual city are also slowly and orderly reconstructed. Other sects are also developing steadily. The status of the cloud temple and the world business alliance is further stabilized. Recently, the topic between the warriors has been decreasing... ...

However, the battle between Xiqinqin and Ning Yudie was like a burning straw, thrown into a sizzling oil, and suddenly became a new hot spot in the middle of the field. stand up!

The original Luo Zheng and Ning Yudie have already had a solid relationship in the eyes of some people who are good at catching the wind. As for the young lady of the Xi family, although most people do not know the number of giant swords that killed the evil spirits on that day, it is She summoned her, but she also knew the relationship between her and Luo Zheng.

Now these two women are so troubled, even to the point of the battle, the speed of this topic is not unpleasant!

However, at the same time of the spread, it also attracted a burst of screams. I don’t want to say that Xiqin Qin is the great-granddaughter of the Qing Dynasty. The light rain is the lover of the middle-class warrior’s dream, but the Ning Yudie People are always in the upper position. Whether it is cultivation or status, it is far from being able to climb high. Most people can only fantasize in their hearts and talk about masturbation.

However, Luo Zheng’s kid can even lead to such two women’s struggles, and enjoy the happiness of the Qi people. Except for envy, there is only a shackle. If there are individual warriors with extreme psychological imbalances, they will even be resentful.

In fact, this is also Luo Zheng's own negligence.

When he left Luo’s family at the age of sixteen, he walked on the martial arts all the way. Although he has been a young man of more than 20 years old in the past few years, he may have achieved unsuccessful achievements in the martial arts. Only one thing is still ignorant and incomprehensible.

Although the temperament of Xiqinqin has changed greatly, she is very incomprehensible in front of Luo Zheng, but her nature is still a person who refuses to admit defeat. Although she is still taking care of her while sleeping in Ning Yudie, this does not mean that Xiqin Qinhui will Choosing concessions, on the contrary, she is tied to Luo Zheng, and all other things can be given in, that is, she will not retreat in this matter alone.

As for Ning Yudie, she has been a proud woman since she was a child. She was only a gentleman at the age of the cloud, and Luo Zheng was once a disciple of the Yundian. In addition, she was older than Luo Zheng, although the military was long because of Shouyuan. How old is not what it is, but her emotional performance is ultimately subtle.

However, Ning Yudie is a person who pursues perfection. Even if she is immersed in martial arts, she is not eager to choose her own double-repair partner. However, women’s fantasy of love is basically magnificent and perfect, as long as there is a trace of embarrassment, it is like a jade. A black spot that made her unbearable!

The most troublesome thing is that Luo Zheng hurried back, awakened Ning Yudie and then hurried away, there is no proper arrangement for this matter.

After Luo Zheng left, the atmosphere between the two women had undergone dramatic changes. Although they did not quarrel, but they did not agree with each other, Shi Kefan and others were also in the eye.

The most troublesome thing is that Ning Yudie did not return to the Cloud Temple for the first time, but waited for a person in the World Business Alliance.

At this time, the jade mother who went overseas went back!

Those who are born and dead, will be fully prepared before the death and death, to meet the life and death.

However, life and death are not so easy to spend, and those who are born and killed will seize the opportunity to find opportunities and use all means to rob.

At the beginning, when Yu’s mother was old and her strength was fading, and she knew that she could not survive the second life and death, there was only one way to go. It was to go overseas to find new opportunities.

In fact, it is not just the warriors of the Central Region that the War Emperor of the Four Kingdoms will go on this road at the end of Shouyuan.

But is the overseas opportunity so easy to find? In most cases, the martial artists who will do all these things will never return, and they will be buried in an untouched sea area in the world.

Therefore, the jade mother and the Ning Yudie are different, and Ning Yudie also clearly means what it means.

What I never imagined was that when she woke up, she found out the voice of her mother, and she had already returned to the middle field and was rushing back to Apocalypse.

Ning Yudie is naturally ecstatic. Master has not only fallen overseas. Now he should have spent the second time in life and death. He will not say that Master’s strength has increased greatly. As long as Yu’s mother-in-law can live in the world, it is the biggest for Ning Yudie. happy event!

After all, when Ning Yudie was destroyed, Master had become her only relative.

The three ally of the business alliance were also very happy after learning about this incident. They even organized a banquet to pick up the dust with the jade mother-in-law.

There were not many martial artists invited to this banquet, but they were invited by the lords of the four-category ancestral gates of the Middle Kingdom. Among them were the Qing dynasty people who were busy preparing for the imaginary sect.

After Yu Ma’s mother learned that she had left the Central Region, there were so many things happening in her heart. The heart was also very lamented. Fortunately, the Tianxie Zongzong was destroyed. Now that the Middle Kingdom has returned to the peaceful position, there is no big worry.


Halfway through the banquet, the Qingxu Taoist and the jade mother-in-law chatted about his granddaughter, the female xiqin, and the Qing dynasty was originally a polite word, that is to say, his great-granddaughter married to you in the future. Luo Zheng, they are also a family.

Before her mother-in-law, she listened to Luo Zheng’s demeanor and killed Cui Xie. She didn’t even know where to find some super-powerful people to kill the gods and other things. The mood was just right. She suddenly heard a Xiqin, and her face suddenly disappeared. Changed, looking back at Ning Yudie's face revealing an unnatural look, so the temperamental jade mother immediately turned her face.

She knows that Ning Yudie’s heart is interested in Luo Zheng. If she was a bit embarrassed before, she felt that Luo Zheng could not match her best apprentice. Now, if I look at it again, the two are really like a golden boy and a girl. It is the master of the Yundian Temple, the master of the strongest Zongmen forces in the middle domain, and the other is the first person in the middle domain! They are a pair of heavenly creations. How did they suddenly pop up a creek?

So the jade mother said that even if the sparrow is a sparrow, how do you want to fly to the branch to become a phoenix? ”

There are people with heads and faces in the presence, although the virtual spirits are still rebuilding, but the Qing dynasty is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It is only a matter of time to restore the glory of the past with the essence of the emptiness, and the face of the sinister Tao immediately It became so ugly that Xiqin Qinben was his most beloved descendant, and could he tolerate saying her like this?

Therefore, the Qing dynasty and the jade mother were quarreling on the spot, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense. As for Shi Kefan, Yanyueshan and others, they were full of bitterness. They really regretted it and should not host this dinner. Who can think of this small thing like this?

If only two elders are noisy, this is probably the way to go. Everything has to be levied back and negotiated again, but Naxi Xiaojie is watching her sister being said, and her heart is not happy, it is to jump out to help. Xiqin Qin speaks.

Then Ning Yudie and Xiqinqin were all brought in, and the more they got, the bigger they were.

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