Blaze Gekara cleared the customs successfully.

Reward settlement, a prompt appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

【Gold + 16 million】


[Congratulations on the upgrade! ] 】

【Experience required for upgrade: 18100/50000】

Lin Feng has been upgraded to level 6.

After the reward settlement was over, he was teleported out of the dungeon.

Lin Feng put the challenge book away.

He knew that now was not the time to challenge the Abyss Demons.

The monsters of the abyss are not ordinary monsters.

Those are all demons from the abyss, one by one, extremely strong, and with all kinds of powerful subordinates, as soon as they come out, they are a large group, and their strength is very terrifying.

His current level is still very low, and despite the blessing of powerful equipment and the power of ghosts, his strength is still very weak.

It's okay to bully and bully ordinary monsters, and fighting the demons of the abyss will be very unstable!

Lin Feng lived through the early 60s of the dungeon and knew that the Abyss Demons back then were absolutely every player's nightmare.

When four people team up to brush Sky City or Sky Curtain Behemoth.

When encountering a random abyss, they only dare to look at it from a distance, and they dare not destroy the pillar to summon the abyss demon out.

Otherwise, the consequence is that the resurrection coins are exhausted and the team is destroyed!

From this, it can be seen how powerful the Abyss Demon is.

Lin Feng didn't dare joke about his own life.

He believes that it is wisest to continue to brush the map now, and to raise the level first.

Moreover, there are many challenge books needed to summon the Abyss Demons, and only one or two are not enough at all.

Therefore, there is no need to rush to challenge the matter of the abyss demons.

Just level up silently and accumulate the challenge book first!

Of course, the Challenge Book can also be obtained by purchasing it from the Asking Adventurer.

However, as things stand, they don't have the ability to kill Blaze Pinohsiu and are unlikely to have a challenge book.

After analyzing it clearly, Lin Feng decided to continue the experience in the Granzhisen Dungeon.

After a short stay, he entered the dungeon again.

Or choose [Blaze Graka].

At present, this map is the map with the highest experience in clearing the level, and it also explodes the challenge book, and the most important thing is that there is no pressure to clear the level, so he naturally has to brush this map.

【Gold + 16 million】


【Experience required for upgrade 38100/50000】

Lin Feng cleared Blaze Graka again, mentally calculating all the benefits of clearing the level.

The total number of gold coins that came out of the monster fight was more than 6 million.

Occasionally one or two pieces of equipment will burst, and then add another 6 million.

The gold clearance is 16 million.

That's about 28 million in total.

Experience gains from customs clearance experience, 20,000.

The average time it takes to brush once is 3 minutes.

Then, the estimated return in one hour is 560 million gold coins, and the experience is 400,000.

Whether it is gold coins or experience, it is a very considerable profit.

Lin Feng decided to brush Flaming Gekara for two hours first.

So, his busy figure quickly moved in and out of Granzhisen's teleportation formation.

The adventurers who came to Granzhisen for adventure changed batch after batch.

His figure is still busy.

Soon, two hours passed.

He brushed it more than 60 times.

Originally, it was once every 3 minutes, but the more you brush, the faster it became.

That's as many as 30 times an hour.

More than 1.6 billion gold coins were earned.

More than 1.2 million experience.

and forty-three Blue Ice Demon Challenge Books.

The harvest can be called very rich!

After two hours of brushing.

His level also quickly went from level 6 to level 7, all the way to level 14.

By level 14, the experience required to level up has reached 250,000.

At this point, Lin Feng temporarily stopped brushing.

After reaching level 14, his various attributes have been greatly improved.

There are also three more Ghost Swordsman skills learned.

They are: Rift Slash, Mountain Crash and Kazan of the Sword Soul.

The three newly learned skills are more powerful than the previous skills.

It's okay to rip the waves.

After he combined the power of the ghost god, the range and power became enormous.

Jumping and smashing, it directly smashed the front to the ground and smashed out a huge deep pit.

During the brushing period, he used this trick to directly kill nearly ten Minotaurs in an entire room.

The effect displayed by the Kazan of the Sword Soul was even more terrifying, directly summoning Kazan's true body.

Within the Summoning Realm, increase strength and intelligence by up to 500 points.

Twice as much as his basic strength and intelligence attributes!

You know, at level 14, his strength and intelligence are only 160 points.

With a direct move of the Sword Soul Kazan, he obtained a 500-point increase in strength and intelligence, and you can imagine how terrifying the effect of this move is.

Of course, this move is not originally like this, ordinary ghost swordsmen show it, and it is good to have a 20 or 30 points improvement in low-level cases.

It was Lin Feng who gained all of Kazan's power, so casting this skill would make the effect so powerful!


The level improvement and the learning of new skills have made Lin Feng's strength several times stronger.

So, he started thinking about moving on to the next more powerful map.

After all, if you keep brushing Flaming Gekara, you can't keep up with the upgrade experience, and it's easy to brush and vomit if you brush it for too long.

In Lin Feng's memory, in Gran's Forest, [Blaze Graka] is the zombie map [Dark Thunder Ruins], known as a newbie's nightmare.

But on the formation selection interface, there is no such map to choose from.

Because this is a hidden map.

In the game, you need to find NPCs to complete missions to open them.

Lin Feng guesses that the reality should be the same.

[Dark Thunder Ruins] is more difficult than [Blaze Gekara], and the rewards for clearing the level will be higher.

Under the premise of strength permitting and ensuring 100% safety, brushing maps will naturally have a high reward.

Therefore, Lin Feng, after swiping Flame Gekara, wanted to open the [Dark Thunder Ruins] map.

He vaguely remembered that the NPC in the game who opened this map was Norton.

Then it's right to ask Norton.

Even if he remembers wrong, with his relationship with Norton, if it were not for him, he would be very eager to tell himself who he was.

Lin Feng set the direction, so he drove the carriage out of the border of Granzhisen to the south of the Huttonmar city district.

He had already been there once, and he found Norton with a light car.

He directly told Norton his purpose, bluntly saying that he wanted to open the dungeon of the Dark Thunder Ruins.

Norton glanced at his rank, a look of surprise on his face.

Obviously, he didn't know why Lin Feng knew about the existence of Dark Thunder Ruins.

Because it was a secret map that very few people knew, only adventurers would be told after reaching level 15.

Norton no longer dwells on the surprise in his heart, because Lin Feng has surprised him too much since he met Lin Feng.

He told Lin Feng:

"The ruins of dark thunder, as its name suggests, are dark and eerie, filled with a terrifying aura.

I heard that it is the tomb of the undead, full of powerful living dead, and once infected by their death qi, the immortal will be seriously injured.

Compared to the rest of the Gran's Forest, the level of danger there is greatly increased! ”

"Are you sure you're heading there?"

Lin Feng told Norton bluntly.

Carrying a full set of +15 equipment at level 15 on his body is effective, allowing him to rest assured of the problem of strength.

Norton looked at the orange glow emanating from Lin Feng's body and showed a look of surprise.

He saw the information on the bulletin board, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to make equipment above his level effective!

He, like Kelly, found it incredible.

But he knew that Lin Feng wouldn't lie to him.

As for how Lin Feng made these equipment work, Lin Feng did not take the initiative to say, and he would not ask.

What he was sure of now was that Lin Feng did indeed have the strength to travel to the Dark Thunder Ruins.

So he gave Lin Feng a map.

Tell Lin Feng that it's a map to the ruins of Dark Thunder.

Lin Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect to get a map to the ruins of Dark Thunder so easily.

However, unexpectedly, he quickly took the map.

After getting the map, he prepares to leave Norton's residence.

Before leaving.

Norton reminded him that the road to the ruins of Dark Thunder was a different road from the dungeon, and told him to be extra careful.

What is a road different from the dungeon?

Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

So I asked what Norton meant?

Norton didn't answer much.

Instead, he reminded him that if he was really sure that he was going to the Dark Thunder Ruins, he had been fully prepared to go as soon as possible, so as not to be preempted by other adventurers.

Lin Feng was even more puzzled.

Isn't this where anyone can go?

How can there be a preemptive statement?

When Norton asked again, Norton stopped answering.

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