Arad, I Am Infinitely Fatigued With Ten Thousand Times The Gold Coins!

Chapter 49: Strengthening The Blade Of True Cracked Mind

Lin Feng greeted Celia.

Then left the small room.

His goal today is to travel to Sky City and complete the GSD test.

Before heading to Sky City, he wanted to change his gear.

After all, now that I am wearing level 15 equipment, the level has been raised, and I can eliminate and replace it with a new set of level 25!

It's just a blue suit, you can get a new set for a little gold.

At present, it is the most important thing to do your best to improve your strength, and there is no need to save.

So Lin Feng planned to go to Kelly first.

Before going to Kelly's, he went to the equipment store to buy equipment.

At present, purple quality or pink quality equipment has not yet exploded, and blue equipment can only be purchased through the store.

However, in the case of high strength, blue equipment can also completely crush the Jade Sky City.

He bought a total of 20 sets of level 25 equipment.

The weapon is still chosen too knife.

The rest is normal armor and jewelry.

20 sets of equipment, if you are not too lucky, you can enhance a full set of +15 equipment.

After buying the equipment, Lin Feng went to Kelly's fortification workshop.

This time I came to Kelly's Intensive Workshop.

He serves two purposes.

The first is to enhance a +15 level 25 blue quality advanced equipment.

Another purpose is to increase the strengthening level of the True Split Creation Soul Blade.

The True Split Creation Mind Blade is a level 25 piece of equipment.

He is already level 15 and has the existence of the Overlord Contract, and he can now carry this piece of equipment.

Therefore, before carrying it, it is necessary to strengthen it first.

Even if it can't be strengthened by +15, it's at least +10.

Failure equipment above +10 will be broken, the True Crack Creation Soul Blade is the only artifact, it will be gone if it is broken, and I am afraid it will not explode again in the future, he does not dare to easily let it be above +10.


Lin Feng drove the carriage to Kelly's fortified workshop.

Kelly couldn't help but look happy when she saw him coming.

Happy and surprised.

Because of her, I didn't expect Lin Feng to come again so soon.

It stands to reason that a set of +15 level 15 advanced equipment is enough for a long time! Using level 30 is not a problem.

I thought Lin Feng would come back in a long time, but I didn't expect that he would come again just one day apart!

So, Kelly was surprised.

"Mr. Lin, what do you say?" Kelly asked tentatively after taking Lin Feng into the workshop.

She wasn't sure that Lin Feng was here to strengthen new equipment, because in her opinion, it was incredible to strengthen one set of equipment in one day!

What family, a set of equipment to change? A set of equipment is strong?

Even if there is a mine at home, it can't be so neat!

"Strengthen equipment, strengthen a set of level 25 advanced equipment, the goal is the same as yesterday, a full set of +15!" Lin Feng said calmly.

For Lin Feng, strengthening the full set of +15 equipment can be successful with the power of banknotes.

When he came to Kelly this time, the focus was not here.

It's the true heart creation blade of the artifact.

So when he said a level 25 high-level equipment that strengthened a +15 set, his tone was very flat.

It's like talking about a small business.

Although Lin Feng spoke plainly, Kelly was very surprised.

"Another set of +15 "||?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Well, that's right! Do it now!"

Lin Feng took out all 20 sets of equipment and gave Kelly 500 million gold coins to start working now.

Kelly looked at the equipment piled up on the ground and looked at the 500 million gold coins in her gold coin bag, and it took a long time to slow down.

Not only her, but the two maids in her workshop were also shocked.

At this point, they have unanimously decided that Lin Feng really has a mine at home!

After coming to her senses, Kelly rolled up her sleeves, directed the maid, and began to get busy.

The enhancement of today's equipment is almost the same as yesterday's enhancement process.

All 180 pieces of +13 equipment were soon released.

Huttonmar is once again lively.

People were surprised again.

Sigh, who is Lin Feng, who was strong yesterday, and will be strong today

180 pieces of +13 equipment continue to rush up

Luck is a lot better than yesterday.

A total of 50 pieces +14 were successful.

The people of Huttonmar were shocked to see the bulletin board constantly rolling like crazy to reinforce the information.

50 pieces of +14 pieces of equipment continue to rush up.

This time, Kelly stopped asking what Lin Feng meant, because she knew that Lin Feng was going to rush up.

Soon, 13 pieces of +15 pieces of equipment were successfully released.

Of these, 9 make up a complete set and 4 pieces are loose.

Four pieces of loose pieces continue to rush upwards.

After three 'zi' sounds, it was finally exchanged for a sound!

One piece succeeded!

The belt is successful +16!

Kelly had an excited smile on her face.

This is the first +16 enhancement!

Lin Feng also showed a smile, but his mood was still calm.

Because he knows that he now has nearly 4 billion gold coins, if he smashes them all, it is too simple to get +16 blue quality equipment.

Now, his pursuit is no longer a strong blue quality equipment, but a strong artifact or epic.

Because blue quality equipment can be bought at any time, you can buy it again if you fail.

And the artifact or epic, if you fail, it will be gone, you have to continue to brush it!

Magical or epic enhancements are much harder than high-quality equipment enhancements!

"Mr. Lin, it was successful, 8 pieces of +15 equipment, plus one piece of +16 equipment, a total of more than 320 million yuan, please check!" Kelly calculated, reporting to Lin Feng.

"Well done!"

Lin Feng collected the equipment and continued, "I have to strengthen other equipment!"

"Other equipment enhancements?" Kelly asked puzzled.

Under Kelly's puzzled gaze, Lin Feng took out the True Crack Soul Blade from the storage bag.

After the True Split Creation Soul Blade was taken out, it shimmered with fluorescence, and the light on the sword's body eclipsed the entire strengthening workshop suddenly.

"This is an artifact!"

Kelly was also a well-informed person, and quickly recognized it as an artifact.

Because only an artifact can emit such a strong light, so aggressive, just looking at it, you can feel its power!

After Kelly saw the True Crack Soul Blade, when she looked at Lin Feng, her eyes were full of adoration and awe.

She would never have thought that Lin Feng was only level 15, but he had such an artifact!

This made her view of Lin Feng no longer stop at the level of Lin Feng's family having a mine.

She thought that Lin Feng must have other extraordinary abilities to get such an artifact under such low-level circumstances!

"Don't be in a daze, help me strengthen!" Lin Feng pinched Kelly's fair face with her hand, bringing her back from her surprise.

"Okay, Mr. Lin!" Kelly said after taking a deep breath to ease her mood.

"Strengthen to +10 first!" Lin Feng instructed.

Although it has always been +13 and has not failed, the previous enhancements have been white and blue, and Lin Feng is not sure if the artifact will be the same.

Don't dare to try it easily.

After all, this True Crack Soul Blade is too precious.

The attribute is powerful enough to be used as a low-level graduation weapon.

Until another replacement is found, Lin Feng doesn't want it to break!

Kelly took the True Crack Creation Mind Blade to the strengthening furnace and began to strengthen.

The intensifier is running again.

It can be clearly seen that the reaction of the strengthening furnace to strengthen the ordinary white and blue suits is different from that when strengthening the artifact.

At this time, an even more dazzling pink light burst out from the strengthening furnace.

Pink light fills the entire Enhancement Workshop, making the Enhancement Workshop look gorgeous.

I've never seen anything like this before!

The True Split Creation Spiritual Blade has been strengthening.

With a pleasant sound of jingle ding.

It unimpeded success +10 up!


Lin Feng walked over to the booster and looked at the display screen to see the enhancement attributes displayed above.

【Congratulations! Strengthen the True Crack Creation Heart Blade +10 success]

【Physical Attack +216】

【Magic Attack +239】

【Independent Attack +140】

[Do you want to continue to strengthen?] 】

【True Split Soul Blade +10—True Split Soul Blade+11】

【Physical Attack Damage +216 Physical Attack Damage +410】

【Magic Attack +239-Magic Attack +455】

[Independent Attack Damage + 140 Magic Attack Damage + 271]

【Gold consumed: 1.09 million】

Lin Feng saw the strengthening attribute of +10, and also saw the strengthening attribute of +11 of Monozhao) and took a deep breath.

Suddenly the heavens and people competed, trapped by the strengthening spell, and were struggling with whether to continue to strengthen.

Every adventurer who likes to enhance their equipment will be haunted by this spell.

Even when you see the improvement brought by the next enhancement level, you can't walk the road, and you can't help but rush up!

Lin Feng is no exception.

However, this time he is more rational, and he also thought of strengthening +10 before to stabilize his hand.

So after sighing, he said to Kelly: "'Let's +10 first, hold it steady!'"

Kelly saw the complicated look on Lin Feng's face.

Guessed his concerns.

So he said: "Mr. Lin, are you worried that after strengthening +10, the equipment will be shattered if it fails?"

It's not surprising that Kelly can guess Lin Feng's thoughts, after all, artifact-level equipment is so rare that everyone who comes to strengthen will be worried after +10.

Lin Feng did not deny his concerns, nodding yes.

Unexpectedly, Kelly showed a smile on her face and said: "In fact, there is a solution to this problem, but it costs a lot of gold coins"

Lin Feng looked at her in surprise: "What way?"

"Gold coins are not a problem!"

As long as it is a problem that can be solved with gold coins, it is not a problem for Lin Feng.

After all, he only needs to brush the map for a few hours to be able to brush billions of gold coins!

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