Lin Feng doesn't know what role colorless small crystals play in the powerful unleashing of powerful skills.

But he believes that the setting of consuming colorless small crystals to unleash powerful skills in the game cannot be for nothing, and there may be deep reasons for this.

Does it have anything to do with the cooldown time after the skill is released?

Lin Feng couldn't be sure.

But he knew there was one person who might know.

That person is the top alchemist of the Arad continent who has studied various small crystals for decades, Norton.

With his knowledge of small crystals, he probably knew the relationship between small crystals and the release of powerful skills.

Lin Feng thought of this.

Saying goodbye to GSD, he drove the carriage towards the southern area of Huttonmar.

As he passed by Kelly's, he paused for a moment to ask about Kelly's reinforcement of the protective device.

Because after starting to brush the abyss, he will obtain equipment of artifact quality level or above, and to strengthen those equipment, it is indispensable to strengthen the protection device.

Kelly told him that the 10 reinforcement protection pieces had been purchased from various places, and that they were now being built in the workshop by professional technicians according to the design drawings, and it was estimated that they would be completed in a day.

Lin Feng thinks Kelly is too slow to build reinforcements.

If this progress is made, how can it be supplied when thousands of reinforced protection devices are needed in the future?

So he gave Kelly 20 billion gold coins, so that Kelly directly opened a factory specializing in creating reinforced protection devices, specifically for herself to create reinforced protection devices.

And tell her that the gold coins are not enough.

As long as you can quickly manufacture a reinforced protection device, it will be okay to have as many gold coins.

After giving his orders, Lin Feng drove away in the carriage.

The reason why he was willing to give 20 billion gold coins to Kelly with confidence was because he no longer put this gold coin in his eyes.

The second is that he found that the people of the Arad Continent are simple and simple, and there will be no deception, especially these 'NPCs' of Hutton Marr.

After Lin Feng left, Kelly was left holding the gold coin bag in the book and watching the 20 billion gold coins in the gold coin bag mess in the wind.

She had tried to figure out how rich Lin Feng really was.

Now it seems that she still underestimated Lin Feng's trenches.


Lin Feng's carriage arrived at the door of Norton's decomposition shop.

At present, the ability of small crystals in the Arad Continent is not very good-looking, so few people are willing to take the equipment to decompose, thinking about selling it into gold coins?

So, Norton's business is a bit deserted.

"Zero 23" Norton, who was sitting in the store drinking tea, recognized Lin Feng's carriage, immediately stood up, and went out to greet Lin Feng.

In his eyes, Lin Feng has become one of his most important customers.

The reason is not how much gold Lin Feng can bring him, but Lin Feng has the vision to see the magic of small crystals.

Unlike others, who think that small crystals are toys, they have no use other than to look good.

"Is there something going on this time? Or just looking for me for tea?" Norton said with a smile.

"Grandpa Norton, there is really something to do when I come to you this time."

After Lin Feng got out of the carriage, he hurriedly pulled Norton into the store.

He asked: "Colorless small crystals, have you studied and understood?" Are there any recent breakthroughs?"

Norton heard Lin Feng's inquiry and looked at Lin Feng with surprise and doubt.

Thinking in my heart:

"What's going on with this guy? How can there be the power of a prophet? Just over an hour ago, I discovered that the colorless small crystal contains an energy very similar to the energy of the human body, and this guy came to ask about the colorless small crystal?"

"Could it be that he is spying on my research?"

"I stole Oran's... He won't know about it!"

"It's terrible!"

Lin Feng saw Norton's surprised expression and immediately guessed that he had really researched something.

So he continued to ask, "Is there anything you can't tell me?"

Norton took a deep breath.

He guessed that Lin Feng already knew about the magical energy of the colorless little crystal he had discovered in his research, and was testing his loyalty to his friends.

So he simply confessed, although the research was not very mature.

Otherwise, you will be charged with lying to your friends.

So he said: "Yes, I have made all the breakthroughs in my research on colorless small crystals recently, but why do you ask this?"

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The problem of the connection between colorless small crystals and skills, come to Norton to find the right person.

He continued to ask: "In your research, have you found that colorless small crystals can be used by people?" For example, it can be used to release skills?"

If Norton answers yes, then it means that the colorless small crystal is really related to the release of skills!

Lin Feng looked at Norton nervously.

Norton looked at Lin Feng with even more surprise.

I thought to myself:

"It's a hammer.

This guy really knows everything!

Even the energy I found in the colorless small crystal that is similar to the energy of the human body, he knows!

Otherwise you wouldn't be asking such forward-thinking questions.

Is this guy a prophet?

Wait a minute...

Did he just say that it is applied to skills?



It's the energy of skill!

I had been thinking about what kind of energy the colorless crystals were similar to those in the human body.

Now I am connected, which is the energy used in the human body to release skills!

Why didn't I think of it before!"

Norton thought about it for a moment in his mind.

Looking at Lin Feng's eyes was even more shocked.

Because under Lin Feng's reminder, he communicated what energy in the colorless small crystal is similar to!

He feels like his IQ is being crushed by Lin Feng!

After coming to his senses, he did not answer Lin Feng's question, but said with emotion:

"There's a young man named Albert who likes to call himself a genius, and if he knew you, he probably wouldn't say such things again!"

Lin Feng looked at Norton with a confused look.

This old man could really pull it, ask him about the colorless little crystal, and he pulled it on Albert.

"Grandpa Norton, will you tell me the hell?" Lin Feng couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, that's right, didn't you already know?"

Norton gave Lin Feng a blank look, and he had reason to suspect that Lin Feng had come to show off his intelligence to him.

Lin Feng's heart tightened.

In this way, in the real Arad Continent, is it also possible to consume colorless small crystals to release powerful skills above level 25 like in the game.

This shortens the replenishment time for energy release.

That is, the cooldown time of powerful skills is shortened.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked at Norton expectantly, and continued to ask: "Grandpa Norton, do you see if you can consume colorless small crystals to assist in the release of some powerful skills?"

Norton gasped.

Look at Lin Feng with even more surprise.

He finally stopped in Bengbu.

Roaring in the heart:

Lao Tzu was thinking about whether he could do this just when he knew that the mysterious energy contained in the colorless small crystal was similar to the energy required to release the skill.

I didn't expect you to bring it up right away!

I obviously knew in advance, and I still have to ask!

Are you polite?

"Grandpa Norton, why are you angry? My question... Sensitive?" Lin Feng saw Norton's expression and asked puzzled.

Norton took a deep breath.

Gradually calmed down.

He hinted that he should not compete with young people.

It is good that one generation is stronger than the next, which is conducive to the development of the continent of Arad.

"You're right, in theory, it is possible to do this, but you need to have a device that can direct energy!" Norton answered Lin Feng's question.

Lin Feng heard Norton's answer.

I am very happy.

This method is indeed feasible.

In this way, releasing powerful skills above level 25 can be released again after waiting for a dozen or tens of seconds just like in the game, without waiting for two or three hours!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

Norton looked at the smile on Lin Feng's face and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

He felt that this was a happy smile on the teacher's face when the teacher was taking the student's correct answer.

Lin Feng was that teacher.

And he was that student.

Lin Feng said happily:

"Grandpa Norton, please start producing equipment that allows colorless crystals to help unleash skills, I need such equipment. What kind of equipment you need to buy, what kind of workers you need, I will pay for it!"

Norton immediately understood.

Lin Feng's purpose in looking for him is to find an OEM!

He's an OEM!

He has always been original, and the props and intellectual property rights produced are his.

Unexpectedly, when he came to Lin Feng, he became an OEM.

After all, the idea of using colorless small crystals was all proposed by Lin Feng!

Grandpa Norton wanted to cry, but he felt that he was a lot older, and it was ugly to cry in front of young people, so he endured it.

Norton said aggrievedly:

"The principle of the device is not complicated, just like the crystal contract device I gave you.

The difference is only that the crystal contract directs the energy of small crystals to the weapon.

The colorless small crystal release skill device is to guide the energy to the human handle.

The principle is the same, as long as the difference between the human body and the energy received by the weapon is dealt with subtly.

I have equipment in my lab, if you need it, I'll start working on it now and make one for you right away!"

Lin Feng was taken aback.

Is it so sloppy?

There will be no side effects!

In fact, if he knew Norton's IQ well, he wouldn't be worried.

Norton is known as the smartest existence in the continent of Arad, the greatest alchemist, and there is nothing he can't get out.

After Norton finished speaking, he wiped his tears of grievance into the underground research institute and began to get busy.

Lin Feng sat in his shop, sipping tea to calm himself down, patiently waiting for Norton's research to finish.

About an hour later.

Norton returned to the store from the underground institute with a ring and a cauldron.

He handed the ring and the cauldron to Lin Feng.

And explained: "The ring is the same as the ring of the crystal contract. It can hold small crystals, and then absorb the energy of the small crystals and channel them into the human body, providing energy for the release of powerful skills.

"What about this cauldron?" Lin Feng looked at the cauldron handed by Norton and asked curiously.

The role of the ring can be imagined, but the role of this cauldron is a little unimaginable.

Norton explains:

"There is a tiny teleportation magic array inside the ring, and there is also a tiny teleportation magic array in the cauldron, and their two magic arrays are connected.

Because the release of powerful skills requires a very large amount of energy, one or even two colorless small crystals may not be able to support, so in order to avoid the trouble of frequently placing colorless small crystals on the ring

, You have to use this cauldron!

You put this cauldron into a storage bag, put the small crystals in the cauldron, and when the small crystals in the ring are consumed, the cauldron will pass through the magic array connected to the small crystals,

Automatically add the small crystals in the pot to the ring.

Of course, if you dislike the pot is too big, you can change a small one, but you have to pay more attention to the consumption of small crystals in the pot, after all, the small pot can hold less. ”

Lin Feng listened to Norton's explanation and froze in place.

The old man is too smart!

Using the teleportation magic array, you can think of a way to replenish small crystals to the ring.

Moreover, in addition to his fantastic ideas, he can also realize his ideas perfectly, which requires how strong hands-on ability to do it!

The arrangement of the teleportation magic array alone is not something that ordinary people can arrange.

The old man not only arranged it, but also arranged it in such a small space as a ring, which already involves the operation of the microscopic world! Terrifyingly clever technology!

Norton saw Lin Feng's dumbfounded expression.

Mistakenly thought that Lin Feng was calm and calm.

I couldn't help but sigh.

I thought to myself: Alas! It seems that the principle of the device has been conceived by him a long time ago, so he is just testing me!

Unexpectedly, in terms of invention, I Norton was not inferior to others for half his life, but finally lost to a young man in his later years.

If I could, I'd rather not know him!

Lin Feng took a deep breath and came back to his senses.

Seeing Norton in deep thought, he couldn't help but ask, "Grandpa Norton, what's wrong with you?"

Norton retracted his thoughts, shook his head, and said, "It's okay, I want to be quiet!" When you leave, help me close the door!"

After speaking, he lay down on the Taishi chair, closed his eyes, and looked like he was going to sleep.

He actually didn't want to see Lin Feng again.

Because he will be hit hard.

Lin Feng snorted and put away the device.

He put the ring in his hand, put the cauldron into the storage bag, and put all the colorless small crystals in the storage bag behind the cauldron.

He felt that the number of colorless small crystals was not enough, so by the way, on Norton's decomposition machine, he decomposed more than a dozen pieces of white and blue equipment that burst out of Sky City.

More than three hundred colorless crystals were obtained, and then it was done.

More than 300 colorless small crystals, plus more than 1,000 given by Norton before, are enough to use for a period of time, and then come and decompose when it is not enough!

"Grandpa Norton, aren't you going to share the technology of the decomposer? So that everyone can become a decomposer like you!" Before leaving, Lin Feng asked suspiciously.0

In this way, when he needs small crystals, he does not need to run here on purpose.

Moreover, in the game, adventurers can choose subclasses, and the decomposer is one of them.

Lin Feng's voice just fell.

Norton, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly sat up in place.

Looking at Lin Feng in surprise.

The heart roared:

Yesterday I thought about preparing to teach the technology of the decomposer.

After all, when you are old, you can teach it so that after death, this technique will not be lost.

Moreover, after the decomposition machine is more, there will be more and more small crystals, which is conducive to the acceptance of small crystals.

I have liked small crystals for half my life, and I hope that they can shine on the continent of Arad.

But before you start doing it, Lin Feng, this guy actually brought it up?

Does this guy really have the power to be a prophet?

How do I feel that my thoughts are being monitored by him?

Lin Feng looked at Norton's surprised eyes innocently, wondering why the old man looked at himself so surprised? Did you say something wrong?

"I just mentioned it casually, don't take it to heart, and go! You always pay attention to your body!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said goodbye to Norton.

Norton is weird today... He muttered as he left.

After Lin Feng left.

Norton closed the door.

Entered his underground research institute and began to make small crystal release skill devices.

In order for the small crystal to be accepted by everyone in the Arad Continent, he wanted to spread this set of devices.

Of course, as a great inventor, known as the smartest man in the continent of Arad, he has his own pride.

He was reluctant to claim that the device was developed himself.

After all, in his opinion, the production process of this set of devices is only OEM, focusing on the idea of small crystals in terms of skill release.

So, he plans to claim that Lin Feng invented the device!

Of course, Norton's idea Lin Feng didn't know.

If he knew, it would have felt amazing.

It turns out that the ability to consume colorless small crystals to release is conceived by yourself?

Those berserker warriors on the earth who are afraid of wasting colorless small crystals and are unwilling to open double knives, if they know, will they scold themselves to death?

At this time.

After Lin Feng left Norton, he drove the carriage in the direction of the west coast.

Right at this moment.

A voice suddenly appeared in his head.

"Attention, attention, in half an hour, the Arad Continent is about to close! Please adventurers leave in time!"

It turned out that the Arad continent was about to close.

Lin Feng heard the voice.

I reviewed what I had done today.

The time is indeed almost up.

It was too late to rush to the West Coast by this time.

He reversed the direction of the carriage and went to Granisen, next to Huttonmar.

I plan to use the remaining time to try the effect of the small crystal release skill device.

See if this set of device tube does not work, how effective it is.

Just find a place that won't destroy public property, it doesn't matter if it's Gran's Forest or Sky City.

Granzhisen was closer, so he went to Granzhisen.

The carriage soon reached the outer border of the Granziersen.

There are more and more adventurers here.

It's as lively as a wet market.

The level of the adventurers from Blue Star has also increased a lot compared to yesterday.

Lin Feng saw that many people had reached level 8 or even level 9.

"Collect the challenge book, Tong Ju is not deceived, unlimited collection, bring the price!" Chen Xiaoya set up a small stall and shouted there.

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw her.

This sand sculpture, collect a challenge book and let people bring a price!

Lin Feng looked at it for a moment and didn't go to say hello to her.

Because at this time, a large number of people were already surrounding Lin Feng.

The lightsaber in his hand was too dazzling.

It has attracted the attention of all 3.1 people.

He has to hurry into the dungeon and cause unnecessary trouble.

"Is this the legendary God Haolin Boss? Sure enough, it's as handsome as the legend!"

"It's already level 20, the big guy is the big guy!"

"The first time I saw a real person, I didn't believe how powerful he was before, but now I am completely convinced!"

"God Lin, don't be in a hurry to go, add a friend, my prestige is..."

After Lin Feng entered the dungeon, the outer border of Granzhisen set off a frenzy of discussion!

The map Lin Feng entered was Blaze Graka, a map he had ordered casually, and anyway, Gran's Forest was the same for him.

After entering the map.

Lin Feng directly unleashed the slash.

The lightsabers became even brighter, and a bright light like a meteor flashed in the eyes of the Minotaurs, and then they disappeared under the bright light.

Before they die, they are not afraid, but surprised, because they have never seen such a light.

Lin Feng released the knife after the slash.

He could clearly feel that there was a continuous surge of energy in the finger with the small crystal releasing skill ring, which was transmitted to a certain part of his body.

After waiting for more than thirty seconds, he found that he could release the knife and slash again!

At this moment, he was surprised and had indescribable joy at the same time.

Because, his idea came true!

The device worked perfectly.

Consuming colorless small crystals can really assist in the release of skills!

In joy, Lin Feng went to the next map.

Unleashed the Berserker's crystal skill, the Soul Thirsty Demon Slash.

Soon, after more than forty seconds, the Soul Thirsty Demon Slash could be released again!

He then unleashed Devil May Cry Death Tombstone and Asura's Explosive Flame Wave Sword.

It's all true!

It originally took two or three hours to recover, but with the help of colorless small crystals, it only took tens of seconds!

Finally, Lin Feng entered the lord's room.

He didn't rush to kill the lord.

Instead, I thought about tomorrow GSD going to put my skills to the test.

In the lord's room, he released all the skills one by one to confirm that he was proficient in releasing all the skills in order to prepare for the GSD teacher's exam.

Blazing Pinosiu, the lord of Blazing Graka, hid in the corner of the room, looking at the various sword qi rays and killing intent and blood qi coming from Lin Feng's direction, and was trembling with fright!

It wasn't until a few minutes before the continent of Arad closed that Lin Feng slashed the lord with his sword light and left the dungeon.

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