The Celestial Behemoth flew so high that it didn't look very big from the ground on the west coast.

But when Lin Feng got closer and closer to it in the airship, he realized that it was much larger than expected.

To say that it is a small island is an insult to it, and it can be called a continent.

Just on its back, there are endless mountains, a large jungle of lush forests.

The remains of an ancient city are not conspicuous at all on its back.

Lin Feng visually estimated that its length had reached hundreds of thousands of meters.

He finally understood Ophelia's concern, if this cargo really crashed into the ocean of the Arad continent, it would definitely cause a monstrous tsunami, which would be a catastrophe for the coastal area.

The airship, operated by several skilled pilots, stopped precisely on the periphery of the temple that Ophelia said.

Lin Feng stepped off the airship.

He looked around with his eyes.

I found a huge temple in front of me, surrounded by a clearing, and my location should be an empty square outside the temple.

It is not empty, in the middle of the square, there is a statue of the goddess.

Lin Feng speculates that she may be the goddess of the GBL Order.

Otherwise her statue would not have sat here.

Ophelia also stepped off the airship, and she explained the situation to Lin Feng.

As Lin Feng saw and guessed, in front of it was the GBL temple, which belonged to the periphery of the temple, and the statue of the goddess in the square was Venus, the beauty god of the GBL religion.

Just as Ophelia explained.

A large number of small octopuses appeared around the square, and GBL believers who had been mentally controlled.

They spotted the arrival of Lin Feng and poured into the square.

"Catch a few little octopuses and leave, this time the goal is just to get samples, there is no need to entangle with them."

Lin Feng said and unleashed a sword slash to slash the swarming mutant GBL cultists.

Then with a quick eye, he caught three small octopuses with a net that had been prepared long ago.

The small octopus is a human who has suffered a spiritual attack from Lotus, and it is only the size of a fist, and it can easily catch three in a net.

Successfully obtaining samples, Lin Feng and Ophelia returned to the airship, allowing the workers to fly away from the beast in the airship.

The airship headed back to the West Coast.

On the way back from the airship, Lin Feng couldn't help but ask Ophelia:

"The strength of these little octopuses is not strong, and if the GBL cultivators hide outside the temple to avoid Lotus' spiritual attack, they can easily leave the Heavenly Curtain Behemoth in an airship. But the GBL cultists were completely annihilated, I can't figure this out. ”

After arriving at the periphery of the temple, Lin Feng found that it was not difficult to escape from the Celestial Behemoth, and that the GBL would not be the only one left alive by Ophelia.

Ophelia heard Lin Feng's inquiry.

I couldn't help but sigh.

Looking in the direction of the giant beast of the sky with sad eyes, he said calmly: "They have long regarded it as home, and the family is in trouble, who is willing to leave?"

"If I hadn't been able to leave the giant octopus alone, if I hadn't been looking for support, I... I'm afraid I'm not going to leave there!"

At this point, she was already in tears.

Ophelia was right, she really didn't want to leave there, but at the last minute, Marcel, the judge of the GBL Sect, used his divine power and threw her to the continent of Arad

Let her go in search of adventurers who can eradicate the giant octopus.

After listening to Ophelia's words, Lin Feng learned the reason for the total destruction of the GL congregation.

It was a spirit of defending the homeland rather than die.

It's silly, but it's very admirable.

Lin Feng stopped talking, just touched Ophelia's head and comforted her: "Don't worry, I will relieve them of their pain as soon as possible!"

Ophelia turned her head and buried her head in Lin Feng's clothes, in order not to let her tears fall.

Because she knew that now was not the time to cry, she had to be strong, kill the huge octopus, avenge them, and free them.


The airship returned to the west coast.

Lin Feng took Ophelia to Huttonmar with the sample and found Kelly.

After Kelly got the sample, she took the sample into her research room, analyzed the sample with the research instrument, and quickly obtained the results.

After the results, she confirmed some details with Ophelia.

Finally came to a conclusion.

Kelly concluded that Lotus's mental attack was indeed transmitted through brain waves, and the jamming transmitter could perfectly stop this transmission, and with the interference transmitter, it was completely immune to Lotus's mental attack.

Of course, this is for the current state of Lotus, if Lotus returns to his peak strength, the spiritual attack will become extremely powerful, and it will be difficult to interfere with the transmitter at that time.

So, it's not enough to get a jamming transmitter enough to stop being afraid of Lotus.

If you want to eradicate Lotus, you have to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Take advantage of its disease and kill it.

After Lin Feng and Ophelia got the jamming transmitter, they rushed back to the west coast.

Got on the airship and returned to the Heavenly Behemoth.

Once again, they came to the periphery of the temple.

At this time, the periphery of the temple, because they had come not long ago, attracted a large number of monsters waiting here.

In addition to the mutant little octopus, there are also mutant GBL cultists, as well as Yasha who smells from the jungle of tree spirits, and so on.

Among them, there are two most powerful.

They are the archbishop and the high priest of the GBL Church.

With Ophelia's explanation and careful reminder, Lin Feng learned their identities.

I also know their terrifying strength.

Lin Feng is not surprised.

Because in the game, these two people are the lords on the periphery of the temple.

Since it is a lord, its strength will definitely not be weak.

Lin Feng asked the workers piloting the airship not to let the airship land and levitate in the air to maintain a safe distance.

He jumped off the airship and went alone to fight the monsters that filled the outer square of the temple.

When Lin Feng jumped off the airship, Ophelia lay on the edge of the airship, looking at him intently with worried eyes, her eyes moving with him, and her heart was silently praying for him.

Lin Feng jumped off the airship, and numerous monsters rushed towards him.

This situation is exactly what Lin Feng wants.

The denser the monsters gathered, the less trouble he would have.

The +17 Blazing Heaven Sword was held in his hand, and his body was suddenly full of golden light.

One blow fused with the Asura evil light slash, and the golden light sword energy swept through the square on the periphery of the temple.

Suddenly, the square was completely calm.

All the monsters' bodies shattered one after another the moment the golden light sword qi swept by.

They die not in pain, but with a smile on their faces.

Because, they are freed, freed from the erosion of Lotus' spiritual attack!

At the moment of death, the eyes that looked at Lin Feng were full of gratitude.

Lin Feng slashed all the monsters in the square, and Ophelia, who was sitting on the airship, saw this scene, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and put down the stone hanging in his heart.

She knew she was looking for the right person!

The women of the West Coast are saying that the West Coast has recently arrived an extremely strong adventurer, who is skilled in swordsmanship, fierce in attack, personable and handsome.

At this moment, Ophelia really saw it.

The rumors are not false!

Even boasted lightly!

The square was emptied of monsters, the airship landed in the square, and Ophelia walked down as an airship.

Lin Feng knows that Ophelia in GBL mainly studies the esoteric knowledge contained in ancient ruins, which belongs to cultural research, not a group of weak forces and strength.

And the monsters in the temple will be more powerful, and they are extremely dangerous for weak chickens like her.

For her safety, Lin Feng advised her not to go in, but to draw a map and give it to herself.

Ophelia heard Lin Feng's advice and knew that Lin Feng was thinking about her own safety, and her heart suddenly felt warm.

But she had to go in.

So she said to Lin Feng:

"I'll go in with you.

Because there is an extremely powerful treasure in the GBL Goddess Temple, only I can open it, and I want to help you obtain this treasure.

This way, you'll be able to deal better with the giant octopus!

Moreover, the terrain inside the temple is extremely complicated, and it is difficult to describe it in detail on the map, so it is more secure for me to show you the way

Lin Feng felt she really had a reason to fly.

He simply agreed to her request.

Just do your best to protect her, if there is any accident, it is her life.

She has the right to choose her own destiny.

After Lin Feng explained to the workers driving the airship, he took Ophelia in the direction of the GBU temple.

After Lin Feng and Ophelia left.

The workers of the airship flew away from the giant beast.

They drove airships, levitating near the giant beasts, and from time to time used binoculars to check the situation in the square.

Once they find Lin Feng returning, they will drive the airship to pick him up.

This is how to avoid the airship being occupied by monsters.

The airship Lin Feng bought was the most expensive.

The power is the best, the fuel is sufficient, the wind resistance is strong, as long as it is not a strong storm, there is no problem in levitating in the air for more than ten hours.

Lin Feng took Ophelia for many minutes, and his foot power had already penetrated ten kilometers

On the way, I encountered many mutated octopuses and GBL cultists, but there were not many of them, and they were killed by Lin Feng's sword one by one.

Right at this moment.

In front of them, a dense jungle appeared.

A strange sound came from the jungle, and a terrifying aura emitted.

Ophelia looked at the jungle ahead, a sad look on her face.

She explained to Lin Feng that this was not a jungle, but a dojo of the GBL Sect.

A few months ago, in order to collect water in the sky, the giant octopus used psychic attacks to control the GBL cultists to plant a large amount of vegetation here.

Under the influence of its spiritual ability, these plants grew very rapidly, and in just a few days, they grew to such a dense state in front of them!

Ophelia pointed to a few huge vines inserted into the dirt in front of her and said, "Look at those huge vines, they have grown enough to reach the second spine and replenish the water of the giant octopus." Once in the jungle, be sure to destroy them!"

Ophelia continued: "The rapid growth of the jungle has led to a large number of plants mutating into essences, and there must already be many tree spirits in the jungle at this time.

Be careful, they're no different from a tree when they're not moving, don't be fooled by their camouflaged appearance!"

Lin Feng heard Ophelia's reminder and nodded slightly.

He knew Ophelia was right.

Tree Spirit Jungle ahead!

In the tour

In the play, he knew that this map existed.

Those tree spirits, as Ophelia said, are no different from a large tree when they are not moving, but once they get closer, they will sneak up on you and entangle you tightly.

Many careless adventurers died under their disguise.

Of course, in addition to tree spirits, those flowers and plants on the ground should also pay great attention, they will bite you coldly, some are highly toxic, and even explode!

For most people, the jungle of tree spirits is tricky.

But for Lin Feng, there's no difficulty there.

Anyway, just raze all the places there, regardless of whether it is disguised or not, in the face of powerful force, there is no strategy to speak of.

"Let's go! Follow me!" Lin Feng said calmly.

Then he took Ophelia and walked into the jungle of tree spirits.

"Little golden dragon, it's time for you to go up and destroy this jungle!"

Stepping into the jungle, Lin Feng said, patting his pet bag.

At this time, it is most appropriate to let the little golden dragon make a move.

Its skill range is large and lethal, and it can destroy all the jungles in front of it with a dragon breath.

The little golden dragon flew out of the pet bag.

It looked excited.

It loves to unleash skills the most.

Because in this way, the stomach can get hungry quickly.

When you are hungry, you can eat.

Dry rice is the happiest thing for it at the moment.

The little golden dragon heard Lin Feng's instructions.

Fly forward.

A huge range of flames continued to erupt from the mouth, flying and burning at the same time.

Suddenly, the jungle in front of him, under its dragon breath flames, turned into ashes.

Whether it is a tree spirit, a normal tree, a huge vine that transports water to Lotus, or an ordinary vine, it is all in the dragon's breath

It turned to ashes.

Ophelia's eyes widened, looking at the little golden dragon flying and spraying in front of her, and her heart was shocked.

What kind of immortal existence is this little guy!

I have such abilities.

The tree spirit jungle that killed countless members of GBL was actually solved by one of its fires!

After the little golden dragon was upgraded, the scope and power of the dragon breath became much greater, and in a few minutes, it burned the entire huge jungle of tree spirits.

Burning down the grove of tree spirits, it flew back to Lin Feng to show off his efforts.

Lin Feng smiled and touched its head, letting it rest assured to eat the small crystals!

Only then did it fly back happily back to the pet bag.

That proud expression and arrogant movements are like a child who scores 100 points on the test and is rewarded with candy.

Ophelia was stunned, she felt that this golden little guy, in addition to being powerful, was also very human, and most importantly, a cute batch!

'Calm, calm, it's time to go!'

Lin Feng touched Ophelia's head, bringing her back from her surprise.

Then he took her into the burnt jungle of tree spirits.

Right at this moment.

The earth shook suddenly.

A rumbling sound sounded, and it seemed that thousands of troops and horses were galloping ahead.

Lin Feng thought of something.

Quickly pulled Ophery and hid on the edge of the jungle of tree spirits.


The rumbling sound is getting closer and closer, and the tremor of the earth is getting stronger and stronger.

In front of Lin Feng, three octopus legs so huge that they could not reach the sky quickly streaked over.

Swept past them and finally moved away from them.

When Ophelia saw this scene, she was secretly afraid in her heart.

Fortunately, Lin Feng was responsive, I thought.

If you don't dodge in time when the huge octopus legs are rowed, and you are hit by them, even the stone will shatter in an instant!

Lin Feng looked at the huge octopus legs in the distance, and there was no surprise.

Because this is the case with the map of the giant beast in the game.

When swiping the map, Lotus' huge octopus legs will often cross the map, and if he can't dodge, it will be a large tube of blood.

The reason for this, Lin Feng guessed that Lotus had been sealed for too long, and his strength had recovered a little, so he wanted to move his muscles and bones, allowing his long legs to be at will

The body of the heavenly curtain beast swiped.

The octopus long legs have disappeared far away.

Lin Feng and Ophelia continued on their way.

After walking for a few minutes, they came to a dark place.

The darkness here is boundless, and there is a sound like a demon's scream, like a dark purgatory!

Ophelia explained that the giant octopus's body was so large that it drove GBL to build buildings on its body to block the sun, and the sunlight here was completely blocked

, that's why it's dark here.

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

This is Purgatory, and like the map in the game, he is not surprised by this.

"Go inside, follow me closely!"

Lin Feng, who was full of golden light, entered the pitch-black purgatory, as if a god from heaven had entered hell.

Suddenly, purgatory was no longer purgatory, because the place had been illuminated by his golden light.

The monsters within purgatory are also liberated.

Under the golden light sword qi, all the monsters that were tortured like demons by the spiritual attacks of Lotus in purgatory were liberated!

Lin Feng wielded the +17 Blazing Heavenly Sword and slaughtered in (Qian Zhao) Purgatory.

He didn't even see who the lord here was, because under his sword, those monsters died too quickly, and he couldn't tell who was who.


With Ophelia, he left purgatory and ascended the stairs to see the light ahead.

Here, is the wide and flat platform that is about to ascend the first meal vertebra of the Heavenly Curtain Behemoth.

Lotus's body did not block the sunlight here, which was the opposite of purgatory, very bright.

Ophelia looked up at the sunlight and couldn't help but sigh: "What a rare light, I hope it will always be such a light here!"

"Well, let's call this the polar day!" Lin Feng said.

The so-called polar day, that is, the sun never sets, and the sky is always bright, which just meets Ophelia's hopes.

The arrival of Lin Feng and the two quickly attracted the attention of the monsters here, and they came towards them.

But their strength was too weak, and they were all killed by Lin Feng.

Suddenly, a small black airship flew towards Lin Feng.


Two barrels stretched out from the airship, and suddenly fired at them.

It is the lord of this place, EX Dor!

It belongs to a kind of flying machine, which was originally a tool placed here by GBL believers to climb the spine of the giant beast, but I didn't expect it to mutate and change under the influence of Lotus' spirit

It became a monster that attacked people at the sight of them.

Lin Feng nimbly dodged the rain of bullets, leaving Ophelia to hide under a boulder.

Then he quickly ran under EX Dornier and released a move of Death Tombstone.

A large number of powerful giant sword-like death tombstones were smashed down, smashing EX DORNIER in mid-air to smash.

EX DORNIER is dead!

Lin Feng saw behind it that there were a large number of airships of the same shape, but they were all white and motionless.

Ophelia walked over to Lin Feng.

Explain to Lin Feng that it's all Dornier without mutations.

The spine of the Heavenly Curtain Behemoth is too high, and it is too difficult to get there.

In order to save time on getting there, the GBL cultists created DORNIER to ride them to the spine of the Heavenly Behemoth.

With Ophelia's explanation, Lin Feng understood where Dornier came from.

He asked, "Wait until we go to the first spine of the Heavenly Curtain Beast, do we also want to ride them?"

Ophelia shook her head and said, "We don't ride them, we go to the first spine through the passage of the Goddess Temple, and we just take that treasure at the Goddess Temple!"

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