The underworld, where the dead return, belongs to two different worlds from the human world.

Opening the gates of the underworld and letting people in there, and ensuring human safety, even if it is the Grim Reaper, can be done at great cost.

If Lin Feng said he wanted to go to the underworld or do something else, Death would refuse his request without thinking about it.

But Lin Feng said that he was going to capture the evil god Rashio, which made the Grim Reaper very excited.

Even at great cost, Death will send Lin Feng into the underworld.

Because death hates Rashius.

Horassiu was once a subordinate of the God of Death, and was the seventh ghost god, one of the nine ghost gods under the God of Death.

Known as the evil god, it is called the terrible Raxiu of the evil god.

It is also the most powerful existence among the nine ghost gods under the God of Death.

However, he defected.

It all started three hundred years ago.

Three hundred years ago, there was a person who was known as the most powerful swordsman in the history of the Arad Continent, the most powerful existence of the virtual ancestor, and the originator of the ghost swordsman Devil Cry.

Once a single person wiped out the 5 million army of Borodin, the king of war.

He is the Great Priest of the Void Ancestor, Jige.

At that time, there were two men in the continent of Arad who were called gods.

One is Sodros, and the other is the priest Gig.

After the death of the priest Jiger, he entered the underworld.

Wherever he went, this man was destined to be a god-like being.

After entering the underworld, he used the power he possessed to summon ghosts and gods during his lifetime to summon seven powerful ghosts and gods to serve him in the underworld.

At that time, the evil god Fearra changed from the god of death to the command of Gigg, and became one of the seven ghost gods under Giger.

One mountain does not tolerate two tigers.

The priest Jige was going to be the king of the underworld, and the god of death was the lord of the underworld at that time.

There will be a battle between the two.

The priest Gig led his seven ghost gods to defeat the god of death and drive the god of death out of the underworld.

Defeated by death, he escaped from the underworld with his treasure, the Tower of Death, and finally came to the canyon of the dead.

The God of Death attributed his defeat to the rebellion of his seven ghost gods.

Among them, the most resentful is the most powerful existence of the seven ghost gods, the terrible Laxiu of the evil god.

The strength of Horaxio is too strong, just one Horaxio, it is enough to give him a headache.

Death believes that if it were not for Horassius' defection to Gigg, he would not have been defeated by Gigg.

So, when Lin Feng mentioned that he wanted to capture the evil god Rashio, the Grim Reaper was shocked and excited.

If it weren't for his own face, he would have liked to agree with Lin Feng's proposal with both hands.

He was in the Canyon of the Dead, relying on the Tower of Death to cultivate, and his strength had long exceeded that of the past.

He has always wanted to return to the underworld and regain his glory and status.10

But because he has been comfortable for a long time, he can't raise the strength to toss anymore, and the idea has never been implemented.

Lin Feng's proposal made him, who was more and more salty, rekindle his desire to fight and arouse his enthusiasm back then!

Thinking of Rashio, Death couldn't help gritting his teeth, waving his scythe, and roaring in a hoarse voice:

"Despicable Horaxio, it's time to pay for your choice!"

Lin Feng looked at the excitement of the God of Death, and couldn't help but interrupt him and said: "Brother Death, don't get excited, it's me who wants to capture Rashio, not you!"

The God of Death looked at Lin Feng and said, "Young man, this god promised your request, opened the door of the underworld for you, escorted you in and out of the underworld, there is a tower of death, you don't have to worry about your own safety." After seeing Horaxio, he beat him up hard to the god!!!"

Lin Feng expressed incomprehension about the anger of death.

I guess that it may have been that Horaxio robbed his wife, otherwise he would not be so angry.

Lin Feng no longer thinks much about the grudge between the Grim Reaper and Horasio, anyway, the Grim Reaper promised to escort him in and out of the underworld, what does the grudge between them have to do with himself.

"Let's go, I'm ready!" He said to the Grim Reaper.

The Grim Reaper nodded, and then emitted endless black qi all over his body, waving the scythe in his hand and chanting a mysterious spell that Lin Feng could not understand.

Not for long.

The black qi on the scythe and the black qi on his body intertwined and fused with each other.

Then, a huge black air vortex condensed in mid-air.

The black vortex continued to rotate, faster and faster, and finally formed a black door.

"That... It's the Nether Gate!" Death said excitedly.

He hadn't opened this door in hundreds of years!

This time the opening made him very excited.

Lin Feng looked at the Nether Gate and could feel a very powerful ghost aura overflowing from inside the door.

Make sure that this door is indeed the door to the underworld, otherwise there would not be such a strong ghost aura!

Lin Feng nodded at the Grim Reaper and signaled that he could enter the Nether Gate at any time.

Death is not a dragger either, wielding the huge scythe in his hand, his body finally left the place he hadn't left for hundreds of years, and flew towards the Nether Gate.

While flying, he beckoned to Lin Feng and said, "Come on! Escape into the Netherworld with the Gods!"

After speaking, he escaped into the gate of the Netherworld.

Lin Feng jumped and also jumped into the Nether Gate.

Suddenly, the rotating Nether Gate gradually calmed down, and finally turned into black energy again and dissipated into the air.

After entering the Nether Gate, Lin Feng landed on a boat traveling through the water.

Death rowed on the bow of the boat and sang songs from the underworld.

The song was bleak, it was a requiem.

If this song is accompanied by the singing of the sun, the cliff can become the brightest point in the funeral.

Lin Feng listened to the song of the Grim Reaper and felt that it was a bit of a waste, so he wanted the Grim Reaper not to sing.

When he walked to the bow of the ship, stood in front of the Grim Reaper, and saw the face under the cloak of the Grim Reaper, he was surprised!

Under the cloak of death, it is no longer a skull, but a very beautiful face.

This face looks even more pure white under the black cloak.

"Are you the Grim Reaper?" Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Exactly!" Death said.

Seeing Lin Feng's surprise, Death asked Lin Feng to take a look at his body.

Lin Feng looked at his body and found that he had become a bunch of skeletons!

He was stunned in place!

Under his own clothes, it turned out to be a skeleton.

Death explained, "This is the world of the dead. Here, the dead live, the living die!"

Lin Feng understood the meaning of the death myth.

In the underworld.

Those who have died are living people here.

And the living are here, which is equivalent to the dead people.

It's completely upside down with the yang!

Lin Feng felt that this place was too weird and did not want to maintain the appearance of a skeleton all the time, so he urged the Grim Reaper to quickly take him to find Rashio.

When you're done, hurry back!

The God of Death explained: "This is called the Swamp of the Dead, and it is the place where the Evil God's Terror Rashu lives, and he will appear soon!"

Hearing Death's explanation, Lin Feng looked outward.

Sure enough, what greeted me was a swamp that could not be seen in sight.

There were a large number of corpses floating on the swamp.

Everywhere is filled with green ghost fire aura.

Purple biogas comes out.

Within the rich purple qi, a miserable cry was heard.

The environment here is unusually terrifying.

Death leisurely holds the boat and lets the ship swim in the swamp of the undead.

While paddling the boat, black gas continued to emerge from his body, and the black gas merged into the swamp under the boat.

He told Lin Feng that the black gas was a bait, and the evil god Rashu would appear when he smelled the black breath.

Lin Feng calmed down and leaned on the side of the boat to look at the rare sight in front of him!

He felt that seeing more of this kind of scene could exercise his mood and courage.

Because of such a terrifying scene, after getting used to it, I no longer fear other scenes.

Not for long.

The swamp, which was originally calm, suddenly became turbulent.

The boat of death was overturned into the air.

However, under the control of death, the boat floated in mid-air and stabilized.

Lin Feng stood up and looked at the swamp that was making a move.

A huge head was seen peeking out of the swamp.

The head of this behemoth was bubbling with purple air, its eyes were looking at everything around it, and its eyes were full of greed.

Soon, it found the boat.

Saw the Grim Reaper on the boat.

The greedy eyes were full of shock.

"More than three hundred years, you are finally back, the former king!" The behemoth surfaced and stared at death with huge eyes and said.

The God of Death said calmly: "Come back to see your old friend, see this god, are you afraid?"

The behemoth sneered:

"Afraid? Do you dare to make a move against me? If you make a move against me, you will be detected by that being, you will not be able to leave the underworld again, the current underworld is not what it used to be, and the strength of that existence is far from what you imagined, do you want to try?"

The God of Death smiled and said: "Old friend, you misunderstood, it's not me looking for you today, it's him looking for you!"

Death said, then looked at Lin Feng.

And said to Lin Feng: "This ugly monster is the evil god of terrible Rasho, he is right, I really can't make a move, it depends on you to beat him up!"

Lin Feng looked at the behemoth on the swamp.

It's a bit familiar.

It is the monster released by the soul regicide release awakening skill.

The appearance is what I imagined.

But the body shape is... It's a bit beyond imagination.

The Evil God Terror Raxiu hovered on the swamp that could not be seen at a glance, and his body could not see how long it was, and a single head was thousands of meters large.

This size surprised Lin Feng.

Unexpectedly, the Evil God Terrible Rashiu, which looks only one screen size in the game, is so huge!

Lin Feng looked at Lin Feng, and at the same time as Lin Feng, Lin Feng.

Horassius burst out laughing and asked Death, "This is the helper you found?" Are you trying to laugh at the old man?"

Death shook his head and explained, "This is not my helper, he is your hunter!"

Horassius was not angry and rejoicing, as if he had heard a big joke, and said with a smile: "Hahaha just rely on him?"

The God of Death looked at Scarah, shook his head in disappointment, and sighed: "Horaxio, you are still as arrogant as you were then!"

Lin Feng is a person who doesn't talk much.

He won't be like the Grim Reaper, who has been fighting with Horassius.

After determining that the behemoth in front of you is the terrible Raxiu of the evil god, let's fight!

From the conversation between the God of Death and Horassius, it is not difficult to see that the strength of the Grim Reaper is stronger than that of Horassius.

But fearful of being discovered by that terrifying being in the underworld, he couldn't make a move against Horasio.

Lin Feng knew that although the Grim Reaper could not make a move, he could easily protect his own safety.

Compare an existence that already has a godhead, and speak less than that.

Therefore, Lin Feng can fight Horassius with impunity.

While Horassius was still sneering, Lin Feng jumped in front of his head with his lightsaber.

Top up all BUFFs.

Right at this moment.

The sky of the entire swamp suddenly darkened, and soon it entered the night.

Countless eyes appeared in this night sky.

Lin Feng turned into a blood-colored skeleton.

The whole body is full of blood.

The eyes spewed red flames.

A huge blood sword hovered to his left.

On the right is flying his pet little golden dragon.

The lightsaber in his hand flashed with dazzling golden light and fire.

In a leap, Lin Feng incarnated into the state of the Hellblood Demon God and the Great Dark Sky at the same time.

Immediately after, he unleashed a move of Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship Storm Style!

A huge blood-colored sword array was arranged on the huge head of Horaxio.

The awakening skills of the three professions were simultaneously unleashed by him in a matter of seconds.

Use the body of the Hellblood Demon God to dominate the Great Dark Sky and release the Extreme Ghost Sword Array!

Horassius couldn't laugh anymore.

He stared at Lin Feng with frightened eyes.

At this time, in his eyes, Lin Feng was no longer a weak chicken of level 48, but a god of war, and his aura was already comparable to that of a level 80 powerhouse!

Lin Feng jumped into the air and replaced him with a true splitter.

Then, like a blood-colored streamer, it shuttled through the 24 sword shadows of the sword array.

In a few breaths, he slashed at Rashiu's head tens of thousands of times.

The True Crack Creator has a percentage blood cutting effect, and it is most effective against behemoths with terrifying defensive power such as Horaxio.

Combined with the high frequency of attacks, as long as they are hit, they are enough to chop off Horassiu's head.

The truth is as Lin Feng predicted.

During the slash, Horaxio let out a terrified scream, and flesh and blood flew from his head.

The huge head was chopped to pieces.

However, I have to say that the defense power of Horaxio is extremely strong.

Even though his head had been shattered into countless pieces, his body was still able to move quickly.

After freeing himself from the shackles of the sword formation, his body quickly dived into the weight of the swamp.

Lin Feng put away his sword and fell back into the boat, staring motionless at the swamp, waiting for Horassius to reappear.

He knew that Horassius would appear, because the Grim Reaper said that Horassius was competitive and greedy by nature, and could not be willing to suffer the grievance of having his head cut to pieces.


Horassius reappeared.

His huge body surfaced again.

He used the endless power of ghosts and gods in the underworld to recondense his head.

This time, when he appeared, his eyes were full of anger, and he roared at Lin Feng, venting his 637 anger.

By the time he returned to the water to recondense his head, Lin Feng's skills had been restored.

Without saying a word, Lin Feng jumped on his head again, and he was violently charged at him again.

Horassius is not stupid either, and it is impossible to let Lin Feng's attack not fight back.

He flicked his huge tail and flung towards Lin Feng, while releasing a powerful and terrifying ghost power to erode Lin Feng, and his mouth grew as huge as an abyss, swallowing towards Lin Feng.


Under Lin Feng's dark fluctuation eyes, any move was seen by him.

Horassiu's movements seemed extremely slow to him, and he easily dodged it.

In Lin Feng, he unleashed the power of the ghost god of Kazan to protect his body, plus a powerful defense [Horasio's ghost power erosion attack is difficult to use.

Horasus couldn't help Lin Feng.

Lin Feng chopped its head off again.

The pain of his head being shattered made Horassius scream terribly, and then he fled back to the swamp again.

He reappeared.

Once again, Lin Feng's head was chopped off.

Reproduce and cut again!

His head appeared again and again, and Lin Feng chopped its head again and again.

At the time of the eighteenth cut.

Horassiu finally didn't dare to show up!

Because he knows that if he shows up, he is looking for it!

After Horassius did not dare to appear, Lin Feng looked at the Grim Reaper.

The God of Death said calmly: "Don't worry, he can't escape!"

After saying that, the God of Death waved the scythe in his hand, so that the scythe continued to emit black gas, and the black gas escaped into the swamp.

Suddenly, the water of the swamp was separated by black gas, and the hiding place of Horasus was revealed.

Behind him, he looked at Lin Feng with frightened eyes.

He was finally afraid.

Because he realized that Lin Feng was a ruthless man!

Not only did he slash him wildly without saying a word, but he also chased and cut when he hid!

Cut for so long, without blinking an eye.

He had never seen such a crazy person!

Obviously, there is no blood feud.

Lin Feng jumped into the separated water and slashed at Horassiu's head again, shattering his head again.

Horassius's huge body escaped into the water again.

But soon with the help of death, Lin Feng found it again.

This time, Horaxio's frightened look was full of helplessness.

Being cut off once and again is not a good feeling at all!

"What the hell do you want to do?" Horrified asked Lin Feng.

He never knew what Lin Feng was up to.

Lin Feng looked at him calmly, did not answer his question, but asked rhetorically: "Have you obeyed?"

Leaving tears of shame, he nodded and said, "Obey!"

He never thought that his great evil god would be slashed with a sword by a young man of level 48.

But he had to obey because Lin Feng's sword could indeed chop his head to pieces.

And not once, but many times!

He didn't know who Lin Feng really was, and he was able to have such means.

Obviously, his own defense power is so terrifying!

"I obeyed!" He said with a sad face.

"Well, just obey, it's not a big deal to find you. Obey me, obey my commands, and I will spare you!" Lin Feng stepped on Horassiu's head and thrust his sword into Horasio's head


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