Open the Otherworldly Gate and summon the device of Gaiboga's Fist, and the energy is quickly exhausted.

After throwing a punch, Gaipoga's mechanical arm quickly retracted, and the Otherworldly Gate was closed.

Lin Feng successfully used his sword to block Gaiboga's fist.

Tens of thousands of soldiers of the imperial capital army behind him were all saved by him.

The collision between Fang Cai Gaiboga's fist and the magic sword shocked the hypergravity magnetic field transmitter.

Tens of thousands of soldiers of the imperial capital were able to get rid of the shackles of the supergravity magnetic field.

After Gaiboga's Fist retracted from the Otherworld, they came back from the shock and looked at Lin Feng with a little more awe and gratitude.

Because they knew that if Lin Feng didn't block Gaiboga's fist, they would be completely destroyed under Gaiboga's fist.

It was Lin Feng who saved them.

The supreme commander of the Imperial Capital Army took a deep breath and shouted loudly, "Thank you, Lord for saving your life!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers of the imperial capital army shouted in unison.

The sound was deafening.

Then, the commander shouted: "Kill!"

With the lessons learned, they would not give the remnants of Callert another chance.

It is bound to fight hard to kill Mount Hart and wipe out all the remnants of the Kallert troops who fled to Mount Hart in one fell swoop!

Under the command of the commander, tens of thousands of soldiers rushed up the mountain.

Suddenly, artillery fire burst into the sky, the flames were everywhere, and the sound of explosions was incessant.

Lin Feng dispersed his body and released the magic sword, Enolise, leaving Enolis suspended beside him, while he stood calmly in place.

He looked at his hand holding the sword, which turned purple and black because of the bursting of blood vessels, and was still trembling slightly.

At this time, beneath his seemingly calm surface, his heart was terrified.

I thought to myself.

It turns out that "one five three" This is the power comparable to the apostles!

It's really terrifying!

When he was in full condition, he was able to block that punch of Gai Boga.

The arm holding the sword suffered some injuries as a result.

If Gaboga or the other apostles were standing here, they would definitely not be their opponents.

The power of the apostles is indeed terrible!

Of course, it is also because he is currently too weak, and his strength must continue to improve!

Lin Feng exhaled, his gaze becoming more determined.

He is not a person who is easily discouraged, but strong when he encounters strength.

After seeing the horror of the power comparable to the apostles, he used this to spur himself on and work harder to become stronger!


After the Fist of Gaiboga was killed by Lin Feng, the Calert Organization's plan to annihilate Lin Feng and the Imperial Capital Army was shattered.

They had no other plans, because they were so confident in the Fist of Gaiboga that they could not have imagined that the Fist of Gaiboga would be resisted.

At this time, they were already in complete rout.

After the imperial capital army attacked the mountain and bombarded them, they annihilated all of them without a single remaining.


The Kallert organization attacked the god capital Ghent, igniting a months-long war in the Anteberu gorge, which ended with the defeat of the Kallert organization with the addition of Lin Feng.

Right at this moment.

Lin Feng heard a voice in his head.

"Congratulations on the successful clearance of Anteberu Gorge!"

"Completed the first pass of the Anteberu Gorge, with an additional bonus of 50 million experience!

"Completed the first pass of the Anteberu Gorge, and rewarded an additional 50 million gold coins!"

"Completed the first pass of the Anteberu Gorge, and rewarded an additional 20,000 Abyss Demon Challenge Books!"

A copy of the Anteberu Gorge, already cleared!

The rewards for clearing customs arrive quickly.

Immediately after, a prompt appeared in Lin Feng's mind:

[Gold + 500 billion! ] 】

【Abyss Demon Challenge Book +20000!】

[Experience +50 million! ] 】

[Congratulations on the upgrade! ] 】

[Congratulations on the upgrade! ] 】

[Congratulations on the upgrade! ] 】

[Congratulations on the upgrade! ] 】

[Experience required to upgrade: 284,000/15 million! ] 】

After hearing the sound, Lin Feng felt an escalating sensation in his body, and he became a little stronger.

His level rose four levels in a row, from level 53 to level 57.

The first pass reward was also received.

Looking at the mountains of gold coins and more than 20,000 challenge books in the storage bag, Lin Feng had a satisfied smile on his face, and his injured hand didn't hurt so much.

The reward is so rich, this trip did not come in vain!

In addition to these rewards, Ann owes herself a favor.

The Empress is in charge of the Heavenly Realm, and her power is not small.

The role she owes a favor at a critical moment may be even more valuable than these rewards.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng still said that as long as his strength allows, this kind of good thing will come a lot!

After eliminating the remnants of Callert's troops, the imperial capital army quickly descended the mountain.

In the hands of the Supreme Commander, holding a blueprint, he handed it to Lin Feng.

And said: "I asked the mechanic in the army, this is the design of the device to summon the fist of Gaiboga, and you deserve the trophy!"

The design of the device that summons the Fist of Gaiboga is a priceless treasure for any force in the celestial realm.

The royal family of Ghent also has it.

But because it wasn't developed by a mechanic, it will be different.

They must have desperately wanted this blueprint, which had been researched by the mechanics of Carrett's organization.

But this commander still did not hide it and give it to the empress to invite credit, but immediately handed it over to Lin Feng as soon as he got off the mountain.

It can be seen that he is still relatively straightforward and knowledgeable.

He believes that Lin Feng took the main credit for quelling the rebellion organized by Callert, and Lin Feng also blocked the fist of Gaipoga for the imperial capital army, and this blueprint should be Lin Feng's trophy.

Receiving gifts, collecting treasures, collecting loot [Lin Feng's favorite].

The design of the device for summoning the Fist of Gaiboga handed over by the commander was naturally collected by Meizizi.

Regardless of whether he uses it or not, he usually takes it down first when he sends it to the door.

What's more, Lin Feng really needs to use this design drawing, and naturally it is impossible to refuse.

After successfully blocking Gaiboga's punch.

He clearly felt the strength of Gaipoga.

Gaiboga is worthy of being a robot created by the seven gods of war in the celestial realm that claims to be able to defeat Kabal.


He had a bold idea in mind.

That is to go to the other world where Ba Carl sealed Gaipoga, take Gaipoga and let Gaipoga use it for himself.

Having a robot like Gaipoga whose strength is comparable to that of an apostle can definitely take your strength to the next level, whether it is used against enemies or as a bodyguard, it is an excellent choice.

Even if you are so strong that you don't need it in the future, you can send it to protect your family!

So, Gaiboga, he is imperative.

If you want to go to the otherworld where Gaipoga is located, you must first open the door of the otherworld.

And the device that summons Gaiboga's Fist can open the door of the otherworld where Gaipoga is located.

Therefore, this one device is crucial for obtaining the lid.

Although he still doesn't know how to make the device, use the device, and don't know how to enter the otherworld through the door of the other world opened by the device, this does not prevent him from receiving the design drawing first

If you don't know it, you can find a powerful mechanic to help.

I don't know now, there will always be a way in the future.

Ghent, the capital of the gods.

On top of that tall, largest and most luxurious palace.

The Empress stood on the edge of the carved fence and looked in the direction of the Antebellu Gorge.

She saw that the fighting over there had subsided.

The face that had been sad before, finally showed a happy smile.

She deduced that Lin Feng had successfully recaptured the supply line, and after the supply was restored, the imperial capital army was victorious!

At this time, the palace maid Marlene Kichka came up and reported to her:

"Your Royal Highness, good news, good news from the front, the imperial capital army has achieved a great victory, and has annihilated all the rebels of the Kallert organization in the Anteberu Gorge!"

"According to the reported soldiers, all this is the merit of your Royal Highness, your wise decision, and the invitation of that powerful swordsman, who single-handedly defeated the entire Kallert army and saved the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers of the imperial capital army on Mount Hart!"

Listen to Marlene Kishka's report.

The empress's heart trembled, and she thought in shock:

"He single-handedly defeated the entire army of Katele? And saved the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers?"

"I didn't expect that it was just a plan to let him help recapture the supply line, but he directly ended the war!"

"It seems that I still underestimated his strength!"

"What would such a powerful person look at in the Heavenly Realm as a reward? Could it really be me?"

"How do I choose? Yes or no?"

She began to think about it again.

Marlene Kichka saw the Empress in a daze, and couldn't help reminding: "Her Royal Highness... Lin Feng and the army of the imperial capital are now on their way back to the imperial city, aren't you ready to meet their triumph?"


The Empress came to her senses.

He continued: "Naturally, I want to greet them, order them to go down, set up a celebration banquet in the palace, and wash the dust and wind for them!"

"Let me go!"

After speaking, the empress stepped down from the top of the palace.0

Accompanied by Marlene Kichka.

The empress went to her dormitory, where the maid bathed her, then changed into a carefully selected red ceremony, put on a golden crown, and finally went to the palace hall to wait for the return of Lin Feng and the imperial capital army.

When choosing a dress, she stood in front of the mirror, changed dozens of different styles of dresses, and kept asking Marlene Kirchka which one looked best.

This confused Marlene Kichka.

For a long time, the empress did not care about her clothes, basically which one the maid chooses, she will wear which one.

Because no matter which one she wears, it will look very solemn and beautiful.

After all, when your appearance is hard enough, clothing does not matter.

This time, however, she had to pick a thousand choices.

In the end, the decision was made after the three maids and Marlene Kichka agreed that this was the most beautiful.

This operation made Marlene Kischka very incomprehensible, and finally thought that she might be in a good mood because of the victory in the war, so she wanted to dress better!

Apparently, Marlene Kichka guessed wrong.

The queen's idea is simple, she just wants Lin Feng to see her most beautiful side.

As for the reason, the empress herself is not clear.

Not for long.

Lin Feng and the imperial capital army entered Ghent.

The people of the whole city were welcoming them in the middle of the tunnel.

The garrison in the city, standing on the wall, kept chanting Lin Feng's name.

It was Lin Feng who allowed them to defend Ghent under the onslaught of the enemy.

Lin Feng's name and deeds, in just half a day, from their mouths, have already spread throughout the streets of Ghent.

When the members of the garrison chanted Lin Feng's name, the people of the city heard the legendary name and chanted it as well.

Zeddin Schneider, the captain of the garrison, stood on a two-story building on the side of the street, leaning against the pillars.

Ever since Lin Feng entered the city, her eyes have been staring at Lin Feng.

Even when her subordinates called her name several times, she did not hear her.

Lin Feng looked at the people of Ghent so enthusiastically, with an awkward but polite smile on his face, and waved hello to everyone.

The handsomeness he exuded from his gestures once again aroused the cheers of female fans in Ghent.

The triumphant procession soon reached the palace.

In front of the palace gate, Lin Feng stopped, and after thinking about it, he decided not to go in.

Because this trip to the Heavenly Realm, all the things that should be done have been done, and the rewards that should be received have also been obtained.

In a hurry to upgrade, there is no need to continue to stay in the Celestial Realm.

If you enter the palace, it will inevitably be another celebration banquet.

That's how much time to waste.

If it is serious, it will be surrounded by palace maids and fans, and it will be even more inseparable.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

There is no need to cause yourself so much trouble for a meal.

It's better to leave it at 0.3.

Anyway, he is not a person of the heavenly realm, and he does not need to restore his life to the empress after the victory of the war.

Lin Feng decided to leave, and no one could keep him.

He bid farewell to the supreme commander of the imperial capital army and turned around to the port of Ghent.

The supreme commander was also quite helpless about this, and after retaining him to no avail, he sent someone to send him there.

The empress and the other are in the main hall of the palace.

Most of the imperial capital army remained outside the palace, and eighteen commanders entered the palace and returned to the empress.

As they entered the main hall of the palace.

The queen perked up, sat upright, and searched for Lin Feng's figure among them.

Finding that Lin Feng was not there, her face couldn't help but show a hint of disappointment.

Finally, under the inquiry.

She learned that Lin Feng did not come because he was in a hurry, and now he is estimated to have left the Celestial Realm, and suddenly his spirit slumped and became listless.

After enduring the disappointment and letting the commanders take their seats for the banquet, she left the main hall and returned to her dormitory, where she was in a daze for a while and did not know what to think, then changed into another ordinary dress and returned to the main hall.

During the celebration banquet.

On the advice of the Minister.

The empress rewarded the soldiers who participated in the war for their meritorious deeds.

Commanders and soldiers, large and small, were rewarded with their well-deserved rewards.

And Lin Feng, the reinforcement who decided the victory or defeat of the war, has not been awarded because his military merit is too high.

After some discussion.

In the end, it was decided to present Lin Feng with the medal of 'Protector of the Kingdom' and let him enjoy royal privileges in the celestial realm as a reward for calming down the war.

The Empress asked Marlene Kichka to deliver the medal to Lin Feng.

and told Marlene Kichka, after meeting Lin Feng.

Be sure to tell Lin Feng that the Celestial Realm welcomes him at any time, especially Ziguan!

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