Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1003 The origin of the


Louis, whose soul was torn apart, his forehead covered with sweat, lay on his back on the beach, breathing violently and feeling panic.

After Paris almost died, she finally let go of her worries and chose to follow Ye Lin to the heaven, where she was deprived of her soul by another apostle.

Louis was feeling guilty and blaming himself. If he had made up his mind earlier, Paris wouldn't have suffered this kind of pain. If not, why would he go back to Hutton Mar?

"Don't worry, Paris is fine, it's your strength~"

Ye Lin frowned. Louise was the first-generation "Poison King" and the creator of the Ten Thousand Poison Heart-Eating Art, but her current strength was even worse than that of Mandarin.

Mandarin has fallen to the level of the peak awakened person. Although he has not yet touched the threshold of the Emperor Nian realm, he is still considered a well-known strong man.

Lewis, on the other hand, is only at the level of an ordinary awakened person. Although he is quite good among adventurers as a whole, he always feels that it is a bit too miserable.

"Actually, I'm very satisfied." Louis grasped the sand on the beach unconsciously with his palms, and accidentally turned out a beautiful shell.

"I have been interested in poisons since I was a child. I once saw a dog eat a spider and die soon after foaming at the mouth. I hugged the dog's limp body and not only did I not feel afraid, but I felt excited!"

She tilted her head, looked at the mysterious man beside her, but dared to challenge the apostle, and asked: "Why do you think an ignorant little human girl would take the evil path of poison?"

Without his guessing, Louis said by himself: "Because, this is the power of Sirocco."

As Louis told her apologetically, Yelin suddenly understood that it was not that she was really reluctant to part with the power that Sirocco brought, but that almost everything she had was given by Sirocco!

Her physique's special resistance to poison actually comes from Sirocco's power. She is not born special. Once she is deprived of this power, she thinks she will become nothing.

Losing half of it is acceptable, but taking it all away would make anyone hesitate.

Therefore, even though Paris persuaded her many times, she still hesitated and found it difficult to make up her mind, fearing that she would become a gangster with no strength, not enough to eat, and being bullied.

It was only today that the accident between Sirocco and Paris prompted her to shed tears of remorse and offer to deprive her soul.

Sure enough, her ability to control poisons has dropped significantly. Normal snake venom and cat monster venom can still be used, but the ones Paris collected have almost become contraband.

The two of them lay down and sat together, facing the slightly cold and salty wind on the coast, and chatted for a long time about Paris, the apostle, and the identity of Sirocco, etc.

Louis has no plans or plans for the future for the time being. Only when Paris gets better will she be in the mood to think about other things.

Bellemare, Irvine Line

It has not rained for a while, but I heard that the rain in Xuzu's place is moist and the crops are luxuriant.

The Elvin Line of Defense is extremely rich in forestry resources and various valuable creatures. Although it is located on the border of the principality, its popularity is quite prosperous.

A middle-aged farmer with a strong physique and a patterned towel wrapped around his head is carefully using a hoe to eradicate weeds in the field.

There has been no rainfall for a long time, and the growth of crops is not optimistic. If there is no change after a period of time, you may have to consider carrying water to splash the fields. Obviously, this is a laborious task.

The farmer was busy from morning to afternoon. He didn't eat in the middle of the day and seemed to be hungry. It wasn't until the last weed was uprooted that he took out a kettle to quench his thirst in the field.

Suddenly, a woman in a black dress appeared on the field path. She had beautiful red hair, which was incompatible with the soil in the field. Her figure was graceful, her temperament was noble and cold, and she was as beautiful as fire.

She looked at this busy man and realized that although the earth contained majestic energy, it was so abominable that she could not absorb any of it.

There was something wonderful that sealed the energy she longed for.

The farmer seemed to feel something. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the woman, but there was nothing there. Only the weeds he had hoed would dry up and die in the sun.

The predicted moment is far from coming, but the "god" he believes in has been forced into a desperate situation.

So, is the "sense of destiny" that one feels when gaining power true or false?


What really puzzled him was Azerla's attitude. Why would the woman who shared the same goals with him, who said she wanted to protect the apostles, be hostile to some apostles?

He understands that the development process of the organization involves some radical methods, but greatness is often accompanied by sacrifice and a little martyrdom, which is worth understanding.

The farmer picked up his hoe and was about to return to his wooden house, but it happened that not far from the edge of the field, on a spacious road, a young man carrying a spear walked over.

"Hey, old man, do you know where this is? Why haven't I seen anyone for more than ten miles?"

What the man said was not polite, but the farmer didn't take it seriously and replied calmly: "The Alvin Line of Defense was a line of defense established by the ancient elves to resist human invasion, but it has been abandoned."

"Hey, it's the Principality of Belmare. By the way, can I ask for a drink of water? Also, is there a market or something nearby?"

The man rubbed his slightly numb legs as he spoke, because he didn't have much money in his pocket. He came all the way from the Delos Empire.

I heard that near the defense line, there are often caravans heading to the major cities in the principality. If you are lucky, you might be able to catch a ride.

The farmer who didn't say anything just nodded slightly, carried the hoe, and walked towards his wooden house not far away.

A bowl of clear and sweet spring water moistened the man's thirsty throat, and he learned that if he walked a little further, he would reach the Grand Forest.

There is no need to worry about finding anyone there. Those with some strength can also hunt down some goblin cat monsters. Their hand bones and claws have always been best-sellers among alchemists.

"Were you also summoned?" The farmer, holding a cigarette rod in the corner of his mouth and stuffing some cheap tobacco, asked for no reason.

The man carrying the magic gun's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately became vigilant. He was indeed feeling a call from somewhere, so he followed the sound to Belmare.

It was an urgent desire and temptation. The magic gun seemed to be humming low, impatient for that feeling of calling.

I heard that the hunters of the empire also feel the same way about Leviathan, a desire to hunt, devour, and become stronger.

"Oh, many people have already asked me for directions. They are all like you, carrying a cursed magic gun."


The tip of the gun was raised, and the old tea table went straight to the farmer's door. The name "cursed magic gun" was definitely not something that an ordinary farmer could understand.

However, the flying tea table was directly fixed in the air by an invisible force, and then slowly lowered.

The farmer stood up and walked slowly past him without causing any energy fluctuations. He pointed in one direction and said, "Look, they are all there."

The sight he saw made the man's eyes burn with fire, and he felt so cold that his scalp was about to explode.

Magic gun!

Nearly a hundred magic spears of different shapes but completely black were inserted diagonally into a large open space behind the house, like a mature sugar cane forest.

"Lord Sirocco, the seeds you spread out at the beginning have been slowly recovered. Unfortunately, the larger one, Leviathan, was blocked by the Trial Blade."

In the sugar cane forest, there is a new "sugar cane".

"Hey, old man, how to get to the nearest town? The ghostly Bellemare, why are there trees everywhere? Are they all living in the trees like monkeys?"

The burly Demon Spearman kept grumbling and drank heavily of thirst-quenching wine.

The farmer pointed in a direction and wanted to repeat his old trick, swallowing this "seed" of Sirocco and accumulating stronger apostle power.

However, the oncoming fierce fighting spirit instantly blew up the wooden hut where he lived.

Gerald, the immortal war god who had a brief friendship with Ye Lin, waved his heavy halberd and sneered: "Oh, he is obviously just a farmer in the field, and the power on him is not small, but compared to what that man gave me You are still far from despair!"

Esla slowly raised her head, staring intently at the fierce figure in front of her, whose body contained terrifying energy.

Some of the seeds sown have grown to incredible levels.

The First World War was turbulent, and the entire Elvin defense line was alarmed. Large tracts of trees were lying in a mess, or completely shattered, like crushed wheat.

Gerald was still somewhat defeated by this strongest fragment, and was about to be defeated, but in the end, another magic gunner used superb and mysterious spear skills to break the siege, and the two legendary realms joined forces to finally injure him. capture the opponent and let him escape,

"Adventurers Alliance, Shiku."

Shaking hands with Gerald and looking at the direction of Esla's escape, Shiku held the gun and still wondered what the mysterious feeling of calling was all about.

"Huh, I always feel like something big is about to happen, but Belmare isn't the Sword God's territory. He probably won't just sit idly by."

As the strong liquor disinfected the wound, Gerald subconsciously stared in the direction of the west coast and clenched his hands.

Perhaps this is the key to unlocking the secret of the magic gun!

Take a look at the timeline.

First of all, when Louis and Paris saved each other's lives, an important factor was the bloodthirsty cat demon.

The bloodthirsty cat demon is the product of Bill Mark, and Bill Mark was born long after the incident in the Wailing Cave.

So at that time, Louise was already possessed by Sirocco, but she might not know it.

Louise has been interested in poisons since she was a child, but humans are still humans after all, so her initial superior resistance to poisons should have been given by Sirocco's power.

(In the storybook, Louise started collecting poisons when she was a child. Norton asked her to wear a gas mask, but Louise said that she had refined thousands of poisons)

So, it can basically be said that in addition to the magic gunner, the awakening profession of Poison King (not counting Street Fighter) was also indirectly born from Sirocco.

In addition, Louis used to be a qigong master and knows a little bit about reading qi. It seems like there is some Easter egg between Street Fighter and qigong master? It's just that Street Fighter can't use Nian Qi or he can take more damage.

It probably stems from the struggle between Louis and Paris and Aska.

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