Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1016 There are also shadows under the light!

In the abyss of boundless darkness, invisible hands were pressing on the top of the head. Ethra's soul, which had unfortunately fallen to the bottom, could not see any light when it raised its head and struggled.

He was a prophet who was fanatically worshiped by his followers, but now he was just a dull puppet, a barely useful scrap.

A shocking conspiracy and battle was taking place between Shilok, Ye Lin, and a certain mysterious existence, and he himself was just a chess piece being played around at will.

"New order, ha~"

Hello everyone, our official account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day. As long as you follow it, you can receive the last benefit at the end of the year. Please seize the opportunity. Official account [Book Friends Base Camp]

There was a vicissitudes of life, and I didn't know if he was mocking himself or someone else.


With the City in the Sky as the center point, the entire kilometer radius is under strict security and no one is allowed to enter at will!

The soldiers of the Principality in silver-white armor, under the command of Count Cornaro, were patrolling the west coast in an orderly manner, and they all looked solemn and awe-inspiring.

There is more than one port on the west coast, but for those closest to the City in the Sky, ships are only allowed to enter and not leave.

The priests brought by TEDA all had their fists glowing blue and their eyes as sharp as falcons, which stung people's faces.

As long as traces of the pretender are found, a thunderous strike will be struck immediately. In special moments, no mercy will be taken lightly.

The Great Cathedral of Remedia and Count Cornallo, the representative of the principality, temporarily set up a headquarters on the west coast. It is located outside the mountains and overlooks the miraculous building Sky City.

Count Cornalo took a deep breath of tobacco leaves, the smoke was lingering, and the unique smell of tobacco could keep him emotionally calm:

"Master Priest, this matter must not be leaked. Otherwise, given the huge population on the west coast, once it causes panic..."

"Just call me Gladys. In fact, they have almost guessed it. They just trust us." The Miyoshi student pursed his lips and smiled gently.

The people are not fools or blind. It is easy to connect to that kind of terrible thing when the clergy are dispatched on a large scale.

There are many strongholds of violent hunting teams in the principality. The priest Teda and Xinzang, who came with support from Xu Zu, as well as several high-ranking priests, have led the teams and have gone to clean up other gathering places.

On the empire side, the news received from the Second Level Remedia Chapel was that the Holy Orders United Empire had been dispatched, and the leading figures were the eldest princess Celia and Lucille.

The sun is shining brightly on the west coast today, and it shines warmly on people. Oubeis, who has been staring at the city in the sky at the door, raised his bare hands as if he wanted to hold up the sun's luster, and then asked curiously:

"Glantis, in this situation, how do you say the words you often say? I think it is very suitable."

At first, Glentis was a little suspicious, but the sunlight reflected Obers's body and dragged a shadow on the ground. Suddenly her heart lit up and she hurriedly said: "There are also shadows under the light. Is evil always present around us? "

"Haha, okay, what the priest said is extremely subtle!" The earl clapped his hands and laughed. This sentence is almost perfectly applicable to the current scene.

The seemingly peaceful mainland has actually been undercurrent for a long time. If it weren't for Her Majesty the Queen's orders, he would have no idea that the pretender was so close!

The sky is bright, the sun is blazing at noon, and a pedestrian hurriedly wrapped in a robe on the street may be a disgraceful pretender.

Although according to the intelligence, the specific time of the outbreak should be tomorrow, and strong people will come to deal with it, everyone feels like a stone is weighing down their hearts, and it is difficult to cheer up.

"Everyone seems to be in a low mood, right? Where's Yuena?" Ye Lin knocked on the door frame, breaking the boring and powerless atmosphere in the command room.

Obeis held his cheek with one hand and waved his little hand as a greeting. The three good students smiled and nodded gently.

The count had already smoked twice at the door. Seeing how cheerful he was, he couldn't help but tremble in his wrists.

I heard that the enemy is a very terrifying existence, and the soldiers of the principality and the sect of clergy are only responsible for picking up the scattered remnants.

"She went to survey the terrain. She should be back soon." Oubeis may have been out in the sun for a long time, and his words sounded lazily.

"Ye Lin, what's going on there?" Galantis couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

"Well, everything is ready, all we need is the east wind. Resurrecting that guy requires a huge amount of energy!"

Although there are still many adventurers who do not know Shilok's "apostle" identity, no one who has experienced an adventure knows the great battle of the Wailing Cave.

Now, I actually have the opportunity to witness that invisible being again. Although it is boring, I am quite looking forward to it.

"Energy?" Obers muttered. This is a very broad term, but the most familiar one is probably magic power.

Could it be that there should be piles of ramie flowers and leaves and magic recovery potion there?

Then the Alchemy Association that emptied Norton was probably no more powerful than one of the apostle's toes.

"While I have time, let me tell you a story~" Ye Lin moved a stool and sat next to Obeis. He secretly held his soft and white hands under the table, earning a look.

"In the demon world, that is, higher up in the heaven, there is a special substance called the Eye of Darkness. It looks like a liquid, but it is not. It can provide the carrier with nearly infinite magic power..."

Obes has never been to the Demon Realm, nor has the Three Good Students, not to mention Count Cornaro, who has never even been to the Heaven Realm.

After briefly telling the story and characteristics of the Eye of Darkness, Ye Lin pointed to the sky and said with a proud smile: "I will definitely not do such a thankless thing, spending money in vain, so in the devil world, there will be people who pay for this. Pen energy, send down a lot of eyes of darkness!"

"Who gave it to you? Are you so big-faced?" A suspicious voice made Ye Lin twitch the corner of his mouth. Yuena, who had a quiet and beautiful appearance and a holy temperament like an angel and kind-hearted person, was not ambiguous at all when she argued with him.

She just came back from the outside. Tomorrow, Remedia will set up a barrier to try to contain any fluctuations and evil forces that may arise in the Sky City.

Yuena has been to the Demon Realm, so she understands very well that Ye Lin is actually a stranger in the Demon Realm, and his relationship is at most an alliance with the "Second Promise".

The Eye of Darkness is a thing of the Kaxiu Sect, and it is extremely precious in the demon world. The familiar cadres Da Keer and Dinas are still in Hutton Mar.

"I said Held would send it to me, do you believe it?" Ye Lin's smile at this time was a little weird.

Feeling a little tired after running around for a while, Yuena shook her head while getting tea for herself: "If you don't believe it, she would like to chop you into pieces carefully."

"Then let's make a bet. Tomorrow, a hundred-ton Terra Stone, the Eye of Darkness, and the corpses of the Kaxiu sect's cadres will be sent down by Held."

Yuena was a little confused for a moment. What does this mean? Does he think Held opened a welfare home?

And that woman is selfish and not a good person.

A high-quality Terra Stone the size of a fist can replace a month's rations. Even if the Terra Stone is heavy, it can weigh two to three kilograms, but if it is a hundred tons, even a first-class organization will feel pain if it is suddenly taken out.

The trust of her long-term partner gave Yuena the intuition that this guy was not lying, but intellectually speaking, she felt it was nonsense.

"If you don't have these things tomorrow, just ask me three things and I will definitely do it for you!" Ye Lin patted his chest, seemingly confident of winning.

Originally Yuena was too lazy to make a bet with this guy, but once she heard this, she really became interested.

Rubbing shoulders and legs is a trivial matter. It would be interesting to let him do 10,000 push-ups on the spot without using magic or potions~

"Of course!" Ye Lin snapped his fingers, quickly leaned next to Yuena, and whispered: "Can I call Xiaoyu, and let's exercise together to stay healthy..."

Step on it!

The lightweight plate armor and special metal boots stepped directly on his feet. Yuena's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold expression appeared on her pretty face.

Of course she didn't say yes, nor did she say no.

Xiaoyu is still in Hedunmar, and will arrive with Siatt and the others tomorrow.

Time slowly fell into the night, and it was a day that made the residents of the West Coast uneasy. It seemed that something had happened, but it also seemed that it had not happened.

There are more people in the command room at night than during the day.

The person in charge of the commander-in-chief of the west coast is Gladys. She took out the document in her arms, slowly unfolded it, and said in a solemn tone: "Today, with the joint efforts of the principality and Remedia, a total of fifty-three pretenders were eliminated. More than 350 other believers have been arrested. As for the situation in the Delos Empire, the situation is unknown. The Small Holy Church and the Remedian Church have not yet sent information."

Fifty-three people were killed in the principality. At first glance, the number did not seem to be many, but due to the characteristics of the pretenders, if these fifty-three people were allowed to spread into the city, the number of victims would at least triple.

If the cult didn't discover it in time, it would be ten times more likely.

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