Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1021 Have you paid your electricity bill?

"The great savior!"

"Creator of the New Order!"

"Lord God..."

From the moment Shilok was resurrected, the believers fell into a state of crying, loudly singing her praises, the supreme, omniscient and omnipotent apostle.

Now that you have been born from chaos and nothingness, please give us justice, peace, and a new order in this world, and everything will run according to your will.

"Noisy! How dare you interfere!"

The newly resurrected apostle was obviously in a bad mood, and his words carried a chilling air, shattering dozens of believers. Without exception, they were all pretenders.

From those people, she detected a very faint aura of other apostles.

How could the proud Queen Zhuyalopa tolerate the approach of other apostles.

"And you, get out!"

A flash of lightning flashed from her fingertips, piercing into a corner of the underground space. In Ye Lin's confused eyes, Naiyali's little hand held up a protective shell like a mental shield.

It's okay that Naiyali is here, but why are Heman, Bibi, and Becky also in there?

At the same time, there was a petite girl with her feet off the ground, half suspended in the air. There were two things like octopus tentacles on both sides of her head. She was helping to tear open a bag of potato chips and stuff them into her mouth.

It seems to be the friend Naiyali mentioned, Nile Lot.

"You guys..."

Ye Lin slapped his forehead, not knowing what to say and feeling helpless.

However, a certain apostle was obviously not so patient. She raised her arm and surrounded it with purple-black energy, which exploded in a spiral shape and hit Nyari's energy shield, causing ripples.

"Wait a minute, Her Majesty the Queen, you may not be able to offend the people there..."

Yelin hurriedly wanted to be a peacemaker, and Shilok seemed to want to clear the place and settle accounts one by one, but the guy there was really not easy for her to mess with.

He didn't care whether Shilok listened or not, pointed at Naiyali and said: "The great evil god of different dimensions has recovered about 90% of her strength. Although she is not an apostle, she is not inferior to you at her peak."

The implication is that she does not apply to the law that "apostles cannot harm each other".

"That girl has long flaxen hair, slightly curly hair, a small black leather skirt, and holy white underwear. She has the summoning method of the conqueror Casillas."

Bibi, who was sitting cross-legged, blushed and quickly covered her little leather skirt. This kind of tight skirt that barely reached the thighs was not suitable for wearing safety pants.

Although Shilok was very unhappy with Ye Lin, her expression changed a bit when she mentioned the Conqueror. That lunatic had defeated her in one move.

"Also, that girl with the big slingshot on her back and big glasses on her head, do you know who her grandfather is?"

Ye Lin came closer mysteriously, tilted his palm to cover his mouth, and whispered: "Her grandfather is the king of Hyperion, that is, Luke, the maker. By the way, you have been in the center of the earth for more than a thousand years. Don’t you know how much electricity you have charged Luke? You still owe others the electricity bill, right?”

If Sirocco wanted to hurt Becky, it would be unjustifiable in both emotional and rational terms.

"That old man, huh..." Shilok seemed disdainful. She obviously didn't know anything about the King of Hyperon in his heyday.

"Tsk tsk, queen, let me tell you, that old man almost toppled the center of the earth's orbit with one shot. He is the king of a planet just like you! But like you, he also needs light..."

When the pain point was suddenly mentioned, Sirocco's long hair, which was finally stable, danced like a demon again, unable to hide his anger.

"Also, that little girl with twin ponytails and a different-colored bow is even more powerful. Behind her is one of the most powerful, handsome, and dashing gentlemen in this continent, which is... ahem, I'm here."

He-Man's teacher is Alice, who is also well-known in the demon world, but we can't say now because Sirocco probably knows that Alice is a Held puppet.


An energy ball with a flashing light on its surface hit Ye Lin directly. Mo Mei's mental energy shield trembled a few times, and an undetectable crack appeared on the surface.

"So strong~" Mo Mei muttered.

"Shirok..." Azerla sighed softly and took a step forward.

"It's you~"

Sirocco, who had always been emotionally unstable, unexpectedly showed a smile. She had communicated with Azera in her remaining consciousness a long time ago.

What is certain is that Aizela is on her side and knows Held's plan. She likes Aizela's aura very much.

"Lord Sirocco, what are your plans for the future?" Azera still had a little expectation at this time.

"I need more energy! The energy is hidden under the earth, in the Eaton Industrial Zone in the sky..."

Shilok has devoured many magic spearmen, as well as the information and memories brought to her by prophets, so her understanding of the continent of Arad is more professional than that of ordinary residents.

Ye Lin categorically shook his head and refused: "No! If you want to go back to the devil world, I can send you away now, and we will settle it down in the future."

"What qualifications do you have to command me! Ridiculous!" Shilok was angry again. If she returned in her current posture, there was no way she could be that woman's opponent.

The end will definitely be to be exiled to the dark and boundless world again, and she will be accompanied only by eternal loneliness.

Energy, she needs to obtain an energy that is warm enough and filling her body enough to return to its peak state.

Just like taking root in Chuyalopa, greedily absorbing every resource.

"Then... let's fight?"

Pulling the leader behind him, he pointed his long sword at an angle, and the overwhelming cold sword intent was like a hoe removing the roots of weeds, intimidating Sirocco from all directions and every corner.

Apostles who are not beaten will not be obedient and have a long memory.

"You dare to take away my lonely burial object, damn it!"

Just fight. As an apostle, one of the ultimate life forms in the universe, how can you retreat and be afraid with just a few words?

"Trial Blade? Oh, it's just because of us that you were enshrined on the altar. You are so complacent that you are just a knife being used. You, like us, are both intruders and monsters. "

Shilok spoke sarcastically, but secretly she had been trying to take root in Arad, but the situation was still the same as before, with strong strength and willpower hindering her.

"And..." She turned her eyes and stared at the quiet, delicate and dignified Celia, and couldn't help laughing:

"Do you know how hard it was for Held to find you? She is a pretender, and she can't wait to destroy the real Teardrop. In this way, the fake one becomes real, and you become the fake one. Got it!"

"It won't be as she wishes." Celia shook her head. Although her strength had not yet recovered, her delicate little face was full of confidence.

She originally thought that meeting Sirok would awaken something, but that didn't seem to be the case. She just felt that there was an indescribable sense of connection between her and Sirok.

How should and how can I awaken the power of the apostle?

"Let's fight. If you don't vent your resentment for many years, we can't have a quiet talk." Ye Lin shrugged and signaled a gesture to the team behind him, preparing to start a fight.

Now Shilok is half crazy and half quiet, and is extremely eager to obtain energy. The danger has reached its peak and is about to explode. If she is not given a welcome ceremony from Arad, the danger will always exist.


Shilok muttered this word, and the tone in his mouth was almost distorted. Yes, resentment!

Moving to the Screaming Cave, the darkness and coldness froze every invisible inch, and her soul seemed to be pricked by needles. How could she not feel resentful.

The pride of the ultimate life form caused her to underestimate the aboriginal people of this world. Her bright red arms were like the god of death strangling her throat and cutting off her invisible body. How could she not feel resentful.

After a long wait and recovery, seven souls were parasitized, and the seeds spread out in large tracts, it was finally possible to regain the ability to regroup the body.

This great process is constantly interfered with by outsiders, and there is also the shadow of that woman. How could she not be full of resentment?

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