Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1025 Little Siatt~

Although Azera doesn't know what happened in ancient times, the rich hell ore resources in the Canyon of the Dead are the most powerful evidence to support its predecessor.

There was once a hell army that opened a rift in the underworld with the intention of invading Arad, but Kreize, the hero of the heavenly ocean, bravely resisted these terrible legions.

"Then, why did Sirocco do this?" Azerla frowned slightly, still not understanding.

Because in that powerful spiritual world, everything is supplied by Sirocco. If the people inside find a way to break the situation, it will be a devastating blow to Sirocco.

The original battle was more like two arrogant existences, waiting to see who could convince the other first so that they could "be at peace", but now the situation is slowly turning into a crisis.

Sirocco's stubbornness and unyieldingness were slightly beyond expectations.

"Well~" Naiyali put her hands on her hips and asked, "Bibi, where are you the strongest?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

Bibi seemed to have just come back from her distracted state, but she still didn't understand that even if she was wearing a tight little leather skirt, when she sat cross-legged, as long as she wasn't face to face at close range, her underwear wouldn't be visible at all.

Besides, Ye Lin was on the altar at that time, and he was nestled in the corner of the real place, which was a relatively late position.


She had heard from Becky that powerful spatial ability users could refract light multiple times and use it to hide something, or to peer into extremely distant and hidden places to obtain information.

But Ye Lin is obviously the most powerful adventurer, and he doesn't change his face when facing powerful apostles. He shouldn't do such unscrupulous things, right?

"I said ~" Naiyali flicked Bibi's head with her fingers and asked: "Where do you think you are the strongest?"


Bibi nodded her chin and recalled that her strength was getting stronger day by day. She was definitely not stronger than herself in the demon world.

Just now I vaguely heard the word "dream", and suddenly my mind suddenly brightened: "In the dream, in the heart, I am invincible."

"Yeah, Becky also understands this. In the comics, Becky is the most powerful!"

She waved her little fist a few times. During her lonely and boring days at the observation tower, she wrote stories and drew comics. The content was that she was brave and invincible, defeated the evil big black dragon, and protected her grandfather.

"Bingo, that's right!"

Although she is not much bigger than Becky in body and height, Naiyali, who likes to act like a sister, took out a piece of Becky's favorite chocolate as a reward and said: "I guess it should be Shilok's long struggle and pain. Here, because she missed Zhuyalopa too much and often dreamed and recalled it, she inadvertently created a dream dimension. In her dream, she was of course the most powerful!"

"Is this... the pinnacle apostle?" Aizela's face turned pale, and her heart started to rise again after she had just calmed down for a while.

"That's not entirely true." Celia shook her head slightly and analyzed: "Shilok's power has not yet been fully restored. She cannot easily kill Yelin and the others. Otherwise, her dreamland will be invincible with one blow. It should be Because this accidental dream will give Sirocco a home field advantage? He will also be able to use various means that are beyond the comprehension of reality!"

"Yeah! That's it!"

This sentence was said by the cheerful Seaman. She basically didn't understand what he said just now, but it didn't stop her from nodding in agreement proudly.

How exciting it is to participate in the apostle war~!

She has always written poems about other people's stories and spread them throughout the continent of Arad. Now she has a wonderful opportunity to write herself into poems!

The great bard Seaman Stella, although not very effective in combat, heroically participated in the encirclement and suppression of Shilok on the west coast as a strategist.

And at the critical moment, he put forward important guidance and laid the foundation for a great victory in the war!



Nile Lott used the petite tentacles on both sides of his head to give Seaman a fleshy blow, and said in a childish voice: "Why don't you go sing to boost morale?"

"Ah~! Can you read minds?" Seaman folded his arms and pretended to be frightened for a moment.

"No, your expression is too proud and you can tell it at a glance."

"La la~ Then I'll go sing? That's not bad. He-Man boosts morale, and the morale of the soldiers is high, and the victory is won... wu wu..."

Celia directly covered Heman's mouth. Even though this girl was cute, smart, talented, and had a nice voice, when she sang, it was like playing a crooked willow leaf flute with all kinds of changes.


Shilok's dream world is not dark, but rather has plenty of light. It's a bit like the time when dusk is approaching in the afternoon, when half of the sun's face is still exposed. It's almost dark, but things are still clear to see.

Ye Lin was suddenly enveloped in this world, and he was a little confused, but fortunately, he had good mental strength, and he immediately realized that this was the intersection of spirit and reality, and Shilok could use his home field advantage to launch all kinds of incredible attacks.

"It seems that we were separated from them?"

He looked around and saw that the world was no longer what it looked like around the west coast. Instead, there were many strange and colorful plants, and the terrain was extremely steep.

A huge unknown giant grass, with only four staggered leaves on the stem, but each leaf is as big as a basketball court, and the veins are clear and delicate than a spider web.

But just as Ye Lin passed by, the giant grass suddenly turned into a spider and rushed towards him. However, with a single strike of his sword, the spider shattered into a shadow.

Compared with how to break out of this world, it is more important to find the team members first.

However, due to the terrain, his line of sight was quite obstructed. He wanted to fly up to take a look, but an invisible pressure hit him a few meters above the ground, forcing him to land helplessly.

"Faitiao! Mo Mei!...Xiaoyu..."

The most primitive way to find someone is, of course, to shout at the top of your lungs, and waves of echoes echo in this dream world where the border is unknown.

A few minutes later, Ye Lin stood there and twitched his lips. There was no response, and his patience was a bit low.

When he clenched his palm tightly, a faint crack appeared, but because he was not sure whether breaking the dream with brute force would be harmful to Siatt and the others, he could only give up temporarily.

But after thinking about it, he pricked the skin of his fingertips. Sure enough, when the blood emerged, he quickly disappeared from this world, and there was the sound of a greedy pursed lips.

Wuxuan healed the wound quickly, and Yelin gained enough confidence and said loudly: "I should be your target, right? I'm right here! Come and have a quiet talk?"

Still no one responded, only the rustling of plant leaves blown by the wind.


There seemed to be a creature covered in scales crawling behind him, ready to attack. Ye Lin shrugged helplessly, secretly saying he was bored.

A blade appeared on his fingertips, and he used it as a hidden weapon to attack, but out of curiosity to see what Shilok was up to, he subconsciously turned around.

Then he was stunned on the spot.


Siatt's weapon, the gorgeous Oath Sword Rewardin, was making rustling sounds on the rough ground, and the person dragging the giant sword was not Siatt, but a mysterious little girl.

The other person looks like a little girl who is only about seven or eight years old, with a fair and cute little face, and shoulder-length gray hair, which is very neat and clean.

Her skin was so tender that it looked like it could be broken by a blow, and her pink and jade carvings were exquisite and delicate. Her big, watery eyes looked at him with a hint of resentment, and a trace of inexplicable pity and grievance.

Wearing a cute little princess dress, with a pair of delicate arms under the lantern sleeves, she was trying hard to drag the Rewardin giant sword, which was taller than herself and very heavy. It seemed quite difficult.

"Huh? Who are you?" Ye Lin was a little dumbfounded, and a strange and unbelievable guess suddenly appeared in his heart.

"I~ don't know how it became like this!" With a very childish and delicate voice, the little girl put down Rewardin angrily, rested for a while with her hands on her hips, kicked the sword with her embroidered shoes, and Rewardin It was very flattering.

After a short rest, the little girl grabbed Lei Woding, grabbed the hilt of the sword, gritted her tiny teeth, and swung it in a circle in the air. However, because the giant sword was still too heavy, she couldn't stop it when it finally landed. It hit the ground with a clang.

And she herself sat back with an "ouch" and fell to the ground with her hands folded in front of her, bulging with anger, looking helpless and pitiful.


A dry mountain ridge in the distance suddenly exploded, and the rubble rolled and rumbled in the direction of Lei Woding's swing.

"Here! That's it~"

The little girl spread her hands helplessly, pouting, very dissatisfied, and said tenderly: "My strength has not changed, but my age and body have changed like this, and my strength has decreased a lot."



Ye Lin slapped his forehead fiercely. The place where dreams and reality meet is filled with great weirdness and uncertainty. Time has lost its meaning here, and everything is possible in dreams.

He walked two steps over, then squatted down. Feeling that something was wrong, he simply knelt on the ground, touched little Siatt's head, and sighed:

"What should I do? My fiancée has become a little girl. If I get married now, I will definitely go to jail. Then I will wait until you grow up before marrying me. hurts...this world is the intersection of dreams. In this state, you should be Shilok The influence of invisible power will not last forever!"

Finally he took his hand back from Little Siatt's mouth. On the back of his hand, there were two rows of fine teeth.

After a while, Ye Lin couldn't help but want to touch her again: "It turns out, this is what the eldest lady looked like when she was a child. She is so cute and hurts~"

"If you touch my head again, I'll chop you off!"

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