Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,028 The Unintentional Creator

"Look at these roots...!" Ye Lin waved and shouted.

The root veins of Sirocco that had been cut off by a sword before had purple-black juice oozing out from the cut section, and strong steam was rising from the high temperature.

But after he tried to bring down a small area of ​​frost, it quickly withered and dried up like a sugar cane that had been chewed dry of its sweet liquid. The change was so fast that it was unexpected.

Shilok possessed almost all of Zhuyalopa's "heat" with his domineering attitude, but his resistance to cold was indeed a bit too fragile.

They seemed to have become the natives of Zhuyalopa, traveling backwards, longing for Shilok's energy and discarded waste.

Of course, you will inevitably encounter various obstacles and attacks along the way.

Sometimes roots burst out from the ground, blocking out the sky and imprisoning people like cages. Sometimes the earth collapses, mountains crack, and meteorites fall from the sky. But more often than not, special monsters are born from the combination of Sirok's breath and evil thoughts.

Xiaoyu pinched the talisman in her hand and drew a "door". The phantom of the dragon running through it once again annihilated a food-destroying Gusidi.

This kind of random and hungry monster that devours everything may mean that Sauron who fell here has been deprived of the "hungry" attribute fragment by Shilok.

Sirocco's strength has grown again!

Xiao Momei lay on the car window with the glass dropped, watching the scenery outside quickly regressing, muttering to herself: "Is this really Shilok's dream?"

Although it has been a hurried journey, there are some things to enjoy along the way, such as some dangerous but strange plant monsters.

But from her human perspective, there is no comparison at all between Zhuyalopa and the picturesque Arad.

At least this journey was quite disappointing.

It’s understandable that Held misses Gu Terra, because Azera also said that it was indeed a colorful and beautiful world.

But Zhuyalopa is obviously broken and boring, is it worth Shilok's obsession with it?

The great apostle, one of the ultimate life forms in the universe, actually misses this kind of place where ordinary people cannot survive and despise it.

Should we laugh loudly at their ignorance and embrace waste as treasure, or should we pity their pity for not having tasted true happiness?

"Boss, I don't understand. When Shilok took root here, was there no life left in Zhuyalopa? At first, I thought she sucked the entire planet dry, thus wiping out countless lives."

"Well, no, the original Zhuyalopa was still in a relatively primitive state. The land was dry and barren, with powerful energy volcanoes and earthquakes erupting from time to time. The air was as hot as sulfur and pungent. It was a pure primitive planet. .”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Lin slowly stepped on the brakes again, looking at the cliff hundreds of meters rising suddenly in front of him. A silver-white waterfall flew down, and the waves splashed for nearly a hundred meters. With a roar, the earth seemed to be shaking. Trembling slightly.

Some twisted and winding roots protrude from the side of the cliff, and then take root in the earth again.

"Then, when Shilok devoured energy, she unintentionally changed the climate environment. She melted the heavy ice on the other side of the planet. This planet had water, a blood-like river, and the birth of life. Fundamentally, in a sense, she is the creator of Chuyalopa."

As it gets closer and closer to Sirocco's body, the river water in the "sewer" has become much clearer. It is no longer dirty and turbid, and there are no corpses. It also loses some of the stuffy smell.

It is already very close to its main body!

Although Sirocco is a seed that devours energy and is never satisfied, due to various coincidences of fate, the birth of life on this planet is due to her arrival and the influence of invisible forces.

If Shilok hadn't come, and time had continued to flow for thousands of years, Zhuyalopa might have had a chance to melt the ice and give birth to life.

But that was tens of thousands of years later, so this planet could only be said to have blossomed all its potential in advance because of Sirocco, so it became glorious for a while.

He pressed his palms on the rough ground for a moment, and an earth-yellow stone pillar quickly stood up from under their feet, sending them directly to the top of the cliff.

The scene above is even more bizarre. In the front that doesn't seem too far away, there are large and rich red-pink clouds floating in the sky. They are more brilliant than the sunset, revealing fine golden light.

The tip of my nose smelled a strange aroma, vaguely present.

The "sewer" is not clear now, but it is clean, but the water in it is not normal water. It seems to be slightly viscous due to Sirocco's energy.

Ye Lin glanced at the clouds in the distance and joked to the two girls:

"If you fish it out in the river with your hands, you might have a chance to fish out some powerful apostle energy fragments, such as the petals and leaves that fell off Shilok. They are absolutely top-quality materials."

"No, it's disgusting~ Just make up for it yourself."

Xiao Momei muttered and yawned, and reluctantly opened her sleepy eyes. Her body became smaller and her physical strength became weaker, and she could not support the long journey.

As for what the boss proposed, if the starting point was in this clean river section, she would be quite interested in fishing, but after seeing the layers of corpses in the lower reaches, she only felt a sense of disgust. cold.

"Director, I'm sleepy too."

Little Siatt rubbed her eyes, feeling as if they were stuck with glue and couldn't open her eyes. She unconsciously held the curator's wrist, and kept dozing off with her head lowered and lowered.

A tent was set up on the spot, with soft blankets and cotton pads on the ground. Two sleeping little girls were huddled in the corner, breathing evenly and gently, and their delicate faces were glowing with the unique pink color of children.

Yuena and Xiaoyu also yawned profusely and squinted their eyes to take a break, because they fought continuously all the way without stopping, and their bodies were not made of iron.

However, the curator is mentally better, because she behaved a bit weirdly in many previous battles and never helped once, so she conserves her physical strength more.

The curator was lying on his side, holding his head up with one hand, holding back a strange smile in his eyes, looking at the two sleeping little girls.

It's a pity that I don't have a camera with me, otherwise I would have taken a photo of it and ridiculed it as a piece of black history, and then brought it back to Sister Ludmila to see.

Her pair of beautiful round legs were put together casually, and the hem of her uniform was inevitably slightly open, revealing a section of her fair calf.

She is plump and plump, but her waist is graceful and slender. When lying on her side, her body curves are amazingly undulating, with every frown, and her temperament is full of charming mature charm.

The neck is as white as snow, and a deep squeeze is like the sweetness of fine wine, stirring up the most uneasy restlessness in my heart.

Ye Lin sniffed his nose, one of the most primitive desires was to eat meat.

He carefully stepped over Resting Yuena, pinched the pair of perfect fat flesh, and whispered: "I want to pay..."

The plump and mature body suddenly tensed up, and a question quickly flashed in the "curator's" head, what other private charges does Isadulla have?

She had only heard of Yuena's Order of Priests, who sometimes charged a small fee when they healed, rescued, and accompanied people on adventures.

Before the curator could react, he took hold of a frost-like white wrist and half-tugged it outward.

The new tent was quickly set up, and the curator, who was watching the entire process, was consciously curious and wanted to see what the private charges were, was it a soft knee pillow or a gentle massage?

Gently embracing the beauty of the mature curves and the plump and moist alluring crimson color, the curator's beautiful purple eyes instantly widened in disbelief, the curved eyelashes trembled like delicate reeds in the wind, and the body was as stiff as a piece of wood.

She suddenly panicked, and her weak palms tried to push his chest, but the shyness of half-rejection and half-welcoming added a different kind of charm.

After wiping a large amount of fat on his flesh, the curator felt pain. His defenses were suddenly wide open and he was being chased around. He could not make any sound.

Things were beyond her expectation. After the separation, she quickly wiped off a crystalline thread with the back of her hand. Her cheeks were as red as blood.

He grabbed the curator's gentle right hand and slowly pulled it down. Then both of them trembled.

There was a faint red mark on each of the stiff shoulders. This heavy and full meaning of burden was far beyond the understanding of the third princess.

The shackles of justice fall to the cotton blanket, and are reflected in the face like overwhelming snow, dotted with plum blossoms blooming in the cold weather.

Based on the concept that it needs to be shaken before drinking, when he helped Zheng Zheng, he was like a senior pastry chef taking care of kneading his dough.

One bite is satisfying, and a sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

"No..." The curator's voice sounded a bit weak and pleading. He bent forward in shame and frustration, and his hairband almost sunk into his fat body.

"The money is in the quiver, it has to be distributed."


The sound is crisp and loud, pleasant to the ear, and the meat is white and red, making it a good piece of fat.

It's like the power of Sirok piercing the Drupa planet, squeezing open layers of dense matter to obtain the needed heat energy and abundant water sources.

Holding Justice in hand, the attack speed was prioritized. Unfortunately, Xiao Momei fell asleep and could not increase her attack speed.

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