Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,045 Double happiness!


Shilok's voice impatiently pursued the answer, his beautiful and noble face, and his dark red willow eyebrows slightly furrowed at this moment, seeming to express his inner displeasure and doubts.

They matched each other so perfectly, as if they were made in heaven, so why would he still hesitate?

The finger that broke through his flesh moved forward a little further, almost touching his powerfully beating heart.

Ye Lin almost couldn't help but retreat and run away. Shilok had a strong desire for monopoly and a yandere. He didn't know whether the other party was longing for Wuxuan's origin, or was preparing to stab his heart with one finger if he shook his head and refused.

Suddenly, Sirocco "disappeared" in front of his eyes. She turned into a mysterious shiny black sphere. When it bloomed again a moment later, Celia, wearing a pure green dress and a vibrant single ponytail, suddenly appeared in front of him. She has a delicate and elegant temperament and whispers softly: "Be with me forever, okay?"


Just when Ye Lin's eyes widened, "Celia" changed again. The dashing and heroic Siatt said in a neat but slightly awkward voice: "Ahem, let's try dating?"

The sweet and cheerful Mo Mei, the gentle and virtuous curator, the arrogant and tough-tongued Gu Yu, and the cute and warm Mai Lu...

Not only are their appearance completely the same, but their personalities and subtle expressions are also very similar, almost exactly the same.

If two identical "Celias" stood in front of him and just spoke some ordinary words, he might not be able to tell who was who at a glance.

Just when Sirocco stayed in Mavis's state, he quickly grabbed the other party's shoulders, shook his head slightly with regret, and sighed: "You are you, everyone is unique, Mavis is, The same goes for Sirocco, you can become Mavis and have her personality and appearance, but you are not her after all, and the same goes for the opposite."

The first chapter of "Creation of Gods" records that the attributes of a dedicated god are those who can transform into any form.

After hearing his advice, Sirocco finally stopped and continued to change, adopting Mavis's cold posture, with some gray hair draped in front of her shoulders.

She raised her head and took out her finger, which was stained with bright red blood beads. She gently placed it on her pale lips and pursed her lips. When the two colors met, it was particularly poignant.

"you are lying!"

"Mavis's" eyes had a bit of smoky makeup, and there was a touch of coldness in the corner of her mouth. Her red eyes seemed to see through his thoughts, and she mocked: "When I was transforming into Celia, your heart was clearly there. Tell me with joy that you will be twice as happy!”


Her fingers were completely inserted, as if as punishment for lying, she pierced his heart.

Ye Lin's heart felt cold and sweat broke out on his forehead. Sirok's fingers were actually in the flesh and blood, dividing into countless dense veins as thin as blood vessels, traveling around his body.

What's more, he is still greedily close to his heart, where Wuxuan's origin lies.

"I once risked death to gain Wuxuan's recognition of rejecting the aura of death. It is like my special eye of darkness. If you want to get it, you have to eat my heart and then chew my soul. "

Then, he shook "Mavis'" shoulders hard, and said in a sincere and serious tone: "Shirok, do you like me or Wuxuan?"

The veins and roots spreading in the flesh and blood carefully wrapped around his heart, like a layer of nerves, carefully transmitting everything it detected back.

Shilok was a little disappointed. She originally thought about whether she could touch the source, but the temptation of external forces would have great side effects on Ye Lin, and she didn't want to do that.

It is tantamount to repaying kindness with hatred, breaking the harmony between the two.

It seems that the only way is to let him take the initiative to contribute or squeeze it out!

"like it all."

The Queen's emotional intelligence seems to be improving rapidly.

"Mavis" has once again transformed into the queen of Sirocco, with crown-like red hair, graceful figure, majesty and coolness.

She can no longer continue to ink or anything. She has completed the flowering stage. She only needs to obtain some of Wuxuan's origin to proceed to the third step of evolution, which is the final fruit.

She can't wait!

Shilok behaved frivolously and casually hugged the "little kid" in front of him, put his arms around his head, and buried him between Justice, which was almost as big as his head.

Due to the huge difference in body shape, at first glance, one would have thought she was a cold and elegant lady, lovingly hugging her not-yet-grown-up son.

Ye Lin is naturally full of "humiliation", but this cannot be compensated by strength. Her Majesty the Queen should be able to make her body smaller, but she doesn't seem to be happy.

"I am in your thoughts." Shilok stroked his head gently, as if pampering a pet puppy: "I read a strong desire to possess."

"Can you read minds?"

The tip of my nose smelled a wisp of absolutely natural floral fragrance. It was refreshing, but it also faintly aroused the blood vessels and made me confused.

Courtship behaviors are common in the biological world, from chirping to dancing, from bright feathers to bloody fights, and flowers release more alluring fragrance and sweetness.

"Within this giant bud, I am absolute and I know exactly what you want, me."

She could feel Ye Lin's strong mental fluctuations, whether it was the double happiness or the desire for possession that was now erupting like a volcano.

The queen's appearance is noble, and her long dress is like a black night sky, dotted with thousands of bright and different stars, and is composed entirely of pure energy.

After she lowered her head for a kiss, the energy covering her body slowly dissipated. The giant melon was full of luster and elasticity. She knew that Ye Lin liked to eat this and often refused to let go.


Ye Lin was a little stunned. He just absorbed it out of habit and never had any expectations. It was more of a sense of psychological satisfaction, but now there was something clear and real between his teeth.

In a conceptual sense, this is the juice of fruits, the nectar of flowers, or water.

If you think carefully about Shilok's current state, he is fully blooming and will bear fruit immediately. If converted into human beings, he is almost about to give birth to a child.

However, the existence she "gives birth to" is herself.

The small red fruit was aching, and Sirok finally frowned deeply. Sure enough, it was the same as the memory he had gained through empathy. This guy was extremely articulate.

The longing for food was answered for the first time, my thirst was quenched beautifully, and I drank until I was half full.

On the cold and silent land of the planet, a black-red flower bud was budding in the crater of a volcano, and a tall and vigorous tree suddenly grew beside it, with mysterious runes flowing from its leaves.

The moment it appeared, the barren and withered land suddenly had a strange spirituality.

The proud and noble queen, with hair as round as a crown and as fleshy as a melon. If it weren't for the fact that Sirocco's headband is also made of energy and dissipates little by little as soon as it is taken off, the sacred hair-tying ceremony will definitely embellish the crown with something different. Style.

Shilok lazily lay half sideways on a huge petal. She had shared the same soul and memories with Ye Lin, so everything was familiar to her.

Although she had a drunken look on her cheeks, she looked at the "petite" Ye Lin with the eyes of "watching small animals playing". She worked hard for a long time on her straight legs and undulating fat before slowly correcting her attack. posture.

There was a hint of tenderness in Shilok's eyes, and he did not shake his head to reject him. They were a natural match for each other, and in the vast universe, there might not be a better pairing than the two of them.

However, her eyes, lying lazily on her side with one hand supporting her cheek, not only not nervous at all but watching his hard work with interest, instantly made Ye Lin feel angry.

There was a "pop~" sound, and before Shilok could get angry about the attack on his fat body, he underwent an extremely profound "nucleic acid test".

For the first time, a slight twist appeared on his noble and elegant face.

He used all his offensive skills, and after completely correcting Sirocco's lazy posture, he keenly grasped the two weaknesses, and withstood the oncoming pressure from all corners, he specifically attacked one of the weaknesses.

Although Sirocco's body is much taller, it is not three or four times as exaggerated after all. The tight wallet has limited changes and has a reachable limit.

"Your Majesty, this is my supreme tribute to you!"

The power of Wuxuan in the beginning will be accompanied by a large amount of nutrients flowing in at the same time, which will become the Shilock of plant life, the last push for the evolutionary level.

He was exhausted, but he was very satisfied that he had accomplished such a great thing!


Shilok, who was dripping with water, was still lazy. She held her chin and shook her head slightly with dissatisfied eyes. The scent of flowers on her body became stronger and more exciting. Her black and red lips parted slightly with regret: "No, this little energy is not enough." ~"

In an instant, Ye Lin's face turned slightly pale, and a drop of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. He might not have to work hard and die today.

"I...but your majesty, can you change your appearance? I can be more energetic and energetic."

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