Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1051: Lessons from the First Princess

Aversion to cold~

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Cyrus couldn't help but shudder and felt so sick. She had never spoken so gently before.

Not to mention the affectionate title of "sister", on weekdays, even her childhood best friend Isabella was still used to calling her "Her Royal Highness".

The Third Princess corrected her many times, but she just couldn't change it.

The Third Princess, who was swimming like a fish in the swimming pool, snickered lowly. It was really difficult for Cyrus, who came from a military family and was accustomed to having a cool face, to deliberately put on a gentle smile.

But it's fun.

When she was a child, the third princess had a good relationship with her eldest sister. She even regarded her as her idol. She felt that her eldest sister was very powerful and knew many things.

Unlike me, I only know how to play around and practice boxing and kicking all day long.

But later, she felt that her eldest sister seemed to be a different person.

It doesn't mean that she has exchanged souls like mine. The eldest sister is still the same eldest sister, gentle and meticulous, and rich in knowledge, but she doesn't like to laugh.

Celia's eyes swept over the tea table without leaving any trace. There was a fruit plate, drinks and two covered documents on it, which suddenly made her heart beat violently and her thoughts were running wild.

When did Isabella’s tea table have paper other than napkins?

If the other party also intends to interfere in political affairs, it will not be good news for her.

Although the aristocracy of the empire felt that the third princess was playful and neglectful of knowledge, she was not comparable to her two sisters and the eldest prince.

But Celia knew very well that Catherine was just playful, but her mind was smarter and more flexible than anyone else.

But what Celia didn't know was that the two documents on the table had nothing to do with political affairs. One was the design drawing of new equipment, and the other was version 2.0 of the swimming pool renovation.

After chatting "cordially" for a few words, the eldest princess excused herself from the long journey and wanted to take a break.

This just took advantage of the wishes of the "Third Princess" and asked "Sellers" to lead Her Royal Highness to her residence to rest.

It was a natural order and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

The real third princess secretly rolled her eyes. When this best friend was actually evil, it was obvious that she was seeking revenge on herself in a small way.

After walking out of the swimming pool, "Cyrus" put on a long bath towel and led the way to rest.

Celia followed, her eyes glancing slightly, filled with regret.

If I also had such a perfect figure with bulging front and back, wouldn't it be more advantageous to ascend to the throne?

But unfortunately, the imperial princesses, including the second princess Nosadia, are all "so-so".

After politely thanking Cyrus, the eldest princess closed the door and window, brewed a pot of tea and tasted it slowly. She knew that as long as that person received the letter, he would definitely be able to come in without anyone noticing.

Surprisingly, the tea was pretty good.

Half a quarter of an hour later, there was suddenly an extra person on the seat in front of her.

"What are you doing in Hetton Mar?"

"We have been separated for so many days, and I miss her a lot." The eldest princess smiled gracefully and made tea with her bare hands, elegant and skillful.

Royal etiquette is a compulsory course for every prince and princess. She always gets perfect marks in Countess Alpha's etiquette class and is absolutely flawless.

"Want to see me, or do you want to see the throne?"

Ye Lin revealed the other person's thoughts with one word, which made Celia's smiling expression a little stiff, but she quickly nodded calmly.

Ambition for the throne is like a hungry wolf smelling meat.

She had two purposes for her trip. One was to discuss something with Ye Lin, and the other was that she had a feeling of envy, mixed with jealousy, towards the queen of the principality.

She wanted to see with her own eyes what kind of magic power Skadi, who was not an orthodox royal but was originally just the daughter of a wealthy businessman, could make the people of Belmare surrender.

Even if it doesn't work, you can cover up your jealousy and learn from Skadi's daily words and deeds.

After all, she will also be the queen in the future!

"I'm here because I want to confirm something with you personally."

"you say."

The eldest princess's eyes were calm, but the hands on the knees of her long skirt under the table were quietly clenched, and there was a suppressed high-spirited tone in her voice: "Is there any sign of the second appearance of the Dark Holy War?"

Going back in time, it was not long ago when the empire encircled and suppressed the stronghold of the violent hunting group.

Thanks to Ye Lin's intelligence, she had a unique role in this operation, bringing a rain of joy to Lyon, who was suffering from headaches and irritability, and was therefore highly praised. Everyone in the empire praised her achievements.

However, what she cared about was not this, but the discovery of several ancient stone tablets in the bottomless tunnel in the Chester area. The vague records on them made her feel horrified and hopeful.

"In the vague darkness, there are horns on his head, like those forged in a bellows! He is staring at you with the eyes of a poisonous snake. He looks like an evil ghost from hell!"

Celia whispered the words recorded on these stone tablets. The stone tablets were later polished and broken into pieces, and no one except a few of her close associates knew their contents.

If these words were not enough to make Ye Lin guess something, Celia's solemn reading next made his eyes freeze.

"The earth is flowing with black blood. Those lying in the cold place, those who cannot hear the holy voice of God, are even jealous of their neighbors and blood relatives. All people on the black land regard each other as mortal enemies!"

It was just some unknown words recorded on the stone tablet, and it was not an evil curse. After reciting it, Celia seemed to have spent a lot of energy, her face turned pale, she could not stand firmly while holding the table, and she sat on his lap. The fat is elastic and warm.

"Although I'm stupid and don't understand everything, I still recognize the last sentence."

Slender fingers caressed his handsome face, his eyes were full of deep fascination, and he took the initiative to lower his head for a light kiss.

After a while, the eldest princess's breathing was still even. She gently pressed her long skirt under her knees. Even though she was kneeling and obeying, she looked as graceful as preparing to play an elegant game of chess.

Her palms were soft and warm, with no calluses at all. She rubbed them carefully and gently, just like touching a piece of precious jade. At the same time, she said intentionally or unintentionally: "My sister, Catherine, is still leisurely basking in the sun outside. Did you see it when you came?"

She said it very cleverly. You are my sister's fiancé, but you have a close personal relationship with me, my sister, without telling her. Wouldn't she feel strange?

"She is her, and you are you. Are you more valuable only by comparing yourself with others?" Ye Lin scolded lightly.

"Celia knows her mistake."

She gently bent down and admitted her mistake gracefully. She was very happy that Ye Lin could regard herself as a completely independent person, so she pursed her red lips and said with an elegant smile: "Then are we just acquaintances?"

Gently pressing her head down was the best response to the question.

She worked very hard, with rich meanings, and absorbed lessons and experiences at the same time. If anyone looked out of the window, they would only see Ye Lin's slightly frozen back.

Using his five fingers to comb, he gently combed the eldest princess's loose hair. He naturally guessed at the first moment that the words on the stone tablet she recited should be about Ozma.

The Apostle of Chaos, the culprit who started the Hundred-Year Dark Holy War.

In the past, the Peruvian Empire, which was so powerful that it unified the continent, suddenly collapsed and fell apart overnight. There were many reasons.

The first is that the emperor is fatuous, the second is that the century-old holy war has emptied the country's power, the third is that he attempted to divert domestic conflicts, but failed miserably when he attacked Xu Zu.

Celia's hint is that if Ozma comes back again and stirs up dark turmoil on the continent, will the now powerful Delos Empire follow in the footsteps of Pelus.

The deeper meaning is whether I, Celia, can take advantage of the chaos to establish my authority and ascend to the throne.

Of course, before that, you must first embrace the "legs" of the strongest adventurer.


The eldest princess tasted the tea thoroughly, rinsed her mouth with tea, then wiped the corners of her mouth gracefully with a hair tie, and looked at him questioningly.

"That is indeed the black land, but the situation is more complicated than you think. I can't find its coordinates now, but it will indeed appear in the future, and for you, it is indeed a legitimate opportunity."

"I am honored to receive your recognition."

One step closer to becoming the queen!

Although the wooden floor was cool and pleasant, it still hurt my back a little because it was not padded, and my knees also hurt.

The official comic, Delos Empire Story, hints in the first chapter that although the third princess loves to play, she is really smart.

In addition, in the comics, I suspect it’s the artist’s selfishness, but Princess Justice is much bigger than in the game~

The recent status has been stretched and empty, -(:3 ⌒)-

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